Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
Jeremy Corbyn has spent the past 9 months speaking at media events, at PMQ's and to public organised events all over the country, and before this he did so with three or four fellow Labour MP's trying to be elected as Labour leader. This has created a vast amount of experiences on top of decades of being a Labour politician which makes him one of the most established and recognisable MP's in the party with a definite selling point. It therefore seems a little odd for Angela Eagle (as impressive an MP as she may be) calling him out as incapable of leading while coming across as awkward and weak in front of TV cameras during her big moment.

Regarding the Labour leadership, over the weekend people were retweeting David Cameron's warning that Ed Milliband as PM would lead to chaos

It's alright though, we have "pro-remain" May and her attack on civil liberties heading the ship now.

So who will lead and win the next election for Labour ?