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Thread: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

  1. #1

    Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    We're on track to fight the next election.

  2. #2

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    Very pleased with this, it was vital for the country that Corbyn won.

    Speaking as a Tory.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebird since 1948 View Post
    Very pleased with this, it was vital for the country that Corbyn won.

    Speaking as a Tory.

  4. #4

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

  5. #5

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    He's not clapping at all but praying that he's still got some sort of career in politics.

  6. #6

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

  7. #7
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Melmac, Aldente Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    I'm glad Jezza got it, the politics going on behind the scenes have been disgusting, the problem being that, the politics of Jezza is a 70's thing and i cannot see them appealing to the the modern secret tory voting labour pretenders of today. Will be interesting to see how he moves the party forward from here, I dislike the blairite version of Labour, but it seems, its only the tory lite policies of Blair, that appeal to the mass public.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    The Working Class,
    can kiss my ar*e,
    I've got the Leader's job at last.
    You can tell Owen,
    He's on the dole,
    He can stick the Red Flag up his hole.
    The Tories now,
    Will be a hit,
    'Cos Labour's in the deepest sh*t.


  9. #9

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    Going to be amusing reading all the angst amongst the so-called commentariat. Anti-Corbyn fanatics like John McTernan, Dan Hodges, John Rentoul and Nick Cohen will surely spontaneously combust.

  10. #10

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    As someone who is not of the right nor the left, I consider the political landscape incredibly depressing at the moment.

  11. #11

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gabalphaville View Post
    Going to be amusing reading all the angst amongst the so-called commentariat. Anti-Corbyn fanatics like John McTernan, Dan Hodges, John Rentoul and Nick Cohen will surely spontaneously combust.
    Hodges has already started. Needless to say he's not on my Christmas list, nor am I on his.


  12. #12

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    This is Corbyn's big chance to eliminate the plastic Tory Blairites, restore Clause 4, commit to public ownership of of essential services (electricity, gas, water and trains), return workers' rights, criminalise zero hour contracts, actually prosecute all businesses who fail to pay the minimum wage, splatter corporate tax dodging, abolish the Bank of England, end fractional reserve banking (for full reserve banking), introduce a land tax as a means to distribute wealth more evenly, use future QE to build a million affordable homes instead of handing it to the top 0.1% and promise to decommission Britain's weapons of mass destruction.

  13. #13

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    This is Corbyn's big chance to eliminate the plastic Tory Blairites, restore Clause 4, commit to public ownership of of essential services (electricity, gas, water and trains), return workers' rights, criminalise zero hour contracts, actually prosecute all businesses who fail to pay the minimum wage, splatter corporate tax dodging, abolish the Bank of England, end fractional reserve banking (for full reserve banking), introduce a land tax as a means to distribute wealth more evenly, use future QE to build a million affordable homes instead of handing it to the top 0.1% and promise to decommission Britain's weapons of mass destruction.

  14. #14

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    I believe Lib Dems and Greens allow their members to have a real say on the policies they try to deliver and this will see Labour join those. It seems it's only the Tories now (possibly also UKIP) that has policies created by a small group of MP's with support from rich financial backers only.

    We live in a time where the Tory government tried to swell the house of lords with Tory supporters, tried to limit the power of the lords when that didn't work and is now looking at reducing the elected house while continuing to expand the unelected house. We live in a time where we can have a non-representative house of commons, while the unelected PM's cabinet is even less representative of the country. A time where many people don't vote and when they do are forced to vote for a party they probably don't believe in if they want their decision to matter at all.

    It doesn't work to have to have a political party so removed from the ordinary members and government from the country. I believe Corbyn wants to create a government that cares for as many people as possible and is ensuring the labour party takes into consideration what the members see as the way forward.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    He will walk it

  16. #16

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    Not to do a Dai Splott, and take other opinions online, other peoples knowledge and claim it as my own.

    But I read this about Jeremy Corbyn today. I'd say it is a pretty perfect summary:

    Out of interest do you think that Corbyn

    a) Could actually win a general election and
    b) Would be any good as PM?

    Anyway, I know he's a principled stand up kind of guy who says what he thinks and champions the downtrodden' etc etc but is that the point? Depressing I know but general elections are generally won from the centre, by appealing to the most people, by being popular. Is that right? I don't know, but it is democracy. To get the chance to actually do anything in public life you must first win a majority in the system we have. I just can't see JC ever doing that. To the average man in the street he's an untidy socialist wacko, an untidy socialist wacko that is the poster boy for a lot of other socialists, many of whom are not wacko and not all of which are untidy obviously but most of which are deluded.

    Truth is that the average man in the street, if he isn't doing what The Sun tells him to, thinks the redistribution of wealth is completely fair right up until it's his wealth that needs to be redistributed. He might care for the NHS in the same way that he thought we should keep the old red phone boxes but he has no real interest in the mechanics or the cost or whether it can all be done differently. He might agree that houses should be built but he doesn't want them at the top of his road. He wants a train he can sit on to turn up on time, get him where he wants to go and pay a fair price for the ticket, he couldn't care less who owns the company etc etc, you get the idea.

    Bless Jeremy and his old school socialism. The hard core will love him but they'll never get him into Number 10.

    Personally I think anyone who thinks that a set of people that thinks Venezuela is a successful way to run a country is voting selfishly.

    It'll be good for a bit though.

    John mc bloody Donnell.

    Absolute garbage.
    Last edited by LordKenwyne; 26-09-16 at 18:11.

  17. #17

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    Quote Originally Posted by شهرستان کاردیف View Post
    Not to do a Dai Splott, and take other opinions online, other peoples knowledge and claim it as my own.

    But I read this about Jeremy Corbyn today. I'd say it is a pretty perfect summary:

    Out of interest do you think that Corbyn

    a) Could actually win a general election and
    b) Would be any good as PM?

    Anyway, I know he's a principled stand up kind of guy who says what he thinks and champions the downtrodden' etc etc but is that the point? Depressing I know but general elections are generally won from the centre, by appealing to the most people, by being popular. Is that right? I don't know, but it is democracy. To get the chance to actually do anything in public life you must first win a majority in the system we have. I just can't see JC ever doing that. To the average man in the street he's an untidy socialist wacko, an untidy socialist wacko that is the poster boy for a lot of other socialists, many of whom are not wacko and not all of which are untidy obviously but most of which are deluded.

    Truth is that the average man in the street, if he isn't doing what The Sun tells him to, thinks the redistribution of wealth is completely fair right up until it's his wealth that needs to be redistributed. He might care for the NHS in the same way that he thought we should keep the old red phone boxes but he has no real interest in the mechanics or the cost or whether it can all be done differently. He might agree that houses should be built but he doesn't want them at the top of his road. He wants a train he can sit on to turn up on time, get him where he wants to go and pay a fair price for the ticket, he couldn't care less who owns the company etc etc, you get the idea.

    Bless Jeremy and his old school socialism. The hard core will love him but they'll never get him into Number 10.

    Personally I think anyone who thinks that a set of people that thinks Venezuela is a successful way to run a country is voting selfishly.

    It'll be good for a bit though.

    John mc bloody Donnell.

    Absolute garbage.
    Can you please find someone who can translate your latest coded message and explain it?

  18. #18

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    Quote Originally Posted by Splott David View Post
    Can you please find someone who can translate your latest coded message and explain it?
    You can keep trying to claim what I say is inarticulate and gibberish. But it isn't.

    I know everyones brain goes to mush in old age but come on. It isn't hard to understand.

    Someone else wrote the bit in bold.

  19. #19

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    Quote Originally Posted by شهرستان کاردیف View Post
    Not to do a Dai Splott, and take other opinions online, other peoples knowledge and claim it as my own.

    But I read this about Jeremy Corbyn today. I'd say it is a pretty perfect summary:

    Out of interest do you think that Corbyn

    a) Could actually win a general election and
    b) Would be any good as PM?

    Anyway, I know he's a principled stand up kind of guy who says what he thinks and champions the downtrodden' etc etc but is that the point? Depressing I know but general elections are generally won from the centre, by appealing to the most people, by being popular. Is that right? I don't know, but it is democracy. To get the chance to actually do anything in public life you must first win a majority in the system we have. I just can't see JC ever doing that. To the average man in the street he's an untidy socialist wacko, an untidy socialist wacko that is the poster boy for a lot of other socialists, many of whom are not wacko and not all of which are untidy obviously but most of which are deluded.

    Truth is that the average man in the street, if he isn't doing what The Sun tells him to, thinks the redistribution of wealth is completely fair right up until it's his wealth that needs to be redistributed. He might care for the NHS in the same way that he thought we should keep the old red phone boxes but he has no real interest in the mechanics or the cost or whether it can all be done differently. He might agree that houses should be built but he doesn't want them at the top of his road. He wants a train he can sit on to turn up on time, get him where he wants to go and pay a fair price for the ticket, he couldn't care less who owns the company etc etc, you get the idea.

    Bless Jeremy and his old school socialism. The hard core will love him but they'll never get him into Number 10.

    Personally I think anyone who thinks that a set of people that thinks Venezuela is a successful way to run a country is voting selfishly.

    It'll be good for a bit though.

    John mc bloody Donnell.

    Absolute garbage.
    None of that is about Jeremy Corbyn. Not really even one line. If you consider that insightful then you need help.

    Unfortunately, however, that passage probably is quite reflective of the prevailing opinion within the UK right now. Personally, I would rather politics went like this: Politician A says 'Here are my policies', then people can choose whether to vote for him or not. This well-trodden idea that politics is about winning with lies and then trying to last out the 5 years without being found out is why the average person in the UK is 'disillusioned with politics'.

    The politicians who say 'You can't change anything unless you are in government' are the ones we will all be denouncing as liars in 10 years. Talk about turkey's voting for Christmas.

  20. #20

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    None of that is about Jeremy Corbyn. Not really even one line. If you consider that insightful then you need help.

    Unfortunately, however, that passage probably is quite reflective of the prevailing opinion within the UK right now. Personally, I would rather politics went like this: Politician A says 'Here are my policies', then people can choose whether to vote for him or not. This well-trodden idea that politics is about winning with lies and then trying to last out the 5 years without being found out is why the average person in the UK is 'disillusioned with politics'.

    The politicians who say 'You can't change anything unless you are in government' are the ones we will all be denouncing as liars in 10 years. Talk about turkey's voting for Christmas.
    One line that questions the fundamental problem with Corbyn.

    His ideology is one that is not implementable in the modern world according to history.

    As proven by the many failures of socialism.

    Until he provides reason as to why it would succeed in Britain then he should be nothing other than a voice on opposition. Britain that is heavily reliant on financial services and business exports and outside investment into the UK.

    He could well change things outside of government. I hope he does. Things like minimum wage.

    But socialism. He is having a laugh.

  21. #21

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    None of that is about Jeremy Corbyn. Not really even one line. If you consider that insightful then you need help.

    Unfortunately, however, that passage probably is quite reflective of the prevailing opinion within the UK right now. Personally, I would rather politics went like this: Politician A says 'Here are my policies', then people can choose whether to vote for him or not. This well-trodden idea that politics is about winning with lies and then trying to last out the 5 years without being found out is why the average person in the UK is 'disillusioned with politics'.

    The politicians who say 'You can't change anything unless you are in government' are the ones we will all be denouncing as liars in 10 years. Talk about turkey's voting for Christmas.
    I thought it was just me trying to decode his latest post. His posts remind me of the old Morecambe and Wise sketch with Andre Previn, all the letters of the alphabet are in use, just not necessarily in the right order.


  22. #22

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    Quote Originally Posted by Splott David View Post
    I thought it was just me trying to decode his latest post. His posts remind me of the old Morecambe and Wise sketch with Andre Previn, all the letters of the alphabet are in use, just not necessarily in the right order.

    You have brought a lot to this thread again.

    A few shit tweets no one cares about.

    Someone tries to start a discussion then you claim it is not understandable. As if you write professionally

    How about you explain how socialism would work in the UK.

  23. #23

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    Quote Originally Posted by شهرستان کاردیف View Post
    You have brought a lot to this thread again.

    A few shit tweets no one cares about.

    Someone tries to start a discussion then you claim it is not understandable. As if you write professionally
    Give it up please I've no inclination to play online scrabble with your posts.

  24. #24

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    Quote Originally Posted by Splott David View Post
    Give it up please I've no inclination to play online scrabble with your posts.
    Explain how socialism would work in UK. And how you would implement it. And give examples of when it has worked in the past.

    Instead of running off like a fanny every time you can't answer something.

  25. #25

    Re: Corbyn wins by a landslide.

    Quote Originally Posted by شهرستان کاردیف View Post
    Explain how socialism would work in UK. And how you would implement it. And give examples of when it has worked in the past.

    Instead of running off like a fanny every time you can't answer something.
    What's the point? It will just lead to yet another post of yours which I will have to try and decipher. It's like wading through treacle. I would much rather that you just go and bother someone else.

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