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Thread: Pound pounded down, again

  1. #1

    Pound pounded down, again

    Currently the pound's down today 1.87% versus the US dollar to stand at 1.21 and minus 1.05% against the euro at 1.10. Remarks made by a BoE Monetary Policy Committee member today put sterling under pressure.


  2. #2

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    There are airports giving less than a euro to a pound. I appreciate that these places rip you off anyway, but the fact that it's within their range is incredible. Who cares tho, we have our 'sovereignty' though..........

  3. #3

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    The variations at UK airports yesterday was startling. Highest was 1.06 euros to the pound, lowest was 88 cents. Mind, those punters prepared to take the latter must be idiots and deserve to be f'd over.

  4. #4

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    Pound hammering hammered out. Back up today.

    Expect alot of fluctuations, and dont read into it all too much. Its the markets who despise risk, seeing risk come and go.

    Longer term matters, medium term the recent fall will start to hit some prices. But should be limited to 1-4%, an amount easily soaked up by business.

  5. #5

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    Pound down, pound down to Poundland and get one of those one pound vibrators before they are all gone. You know that's she really needs. Then you can stay in the pub all night.

  6. #6

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    Pound hammering hammered out. Back up today.

    Expect alot of fluctuations, and dont read into it all too much. Its the markets who despise risk, seeing risk come and go.

    Longer term matters, medium term the recent fall will start to hit some prices. But should be limited to 1-4%, an amount easily soaked up by business.
    Easy for you to say, what about my holiday next month.

  7. #7

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    Make sure you dig out those left over coins from your last holiday, worth a bloody fortune now.

    Make sure you get the best deal, you could cancel the fall if you compare airport to online. $0.88 at some airports, or $1.09 online. 25% difference, compared to a 13% fall. Bigger difference there than the fall itself. Shopping around you could still end up with more foreign currency than pre-brexit.

  8. #8
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    Pound down, pound down to Poundland and get one of those one pound vibrators before they are all gone. You know that's she really needs. Then you can stay in the pub all night.
    it should be called 80pland now ,happy days , isn't going swimmingly well in Brexit world , and still immigration continues .

  9. #9

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    it should be called 80pland now ,happy days , isn't going swimmingly well in Brexit world , and still immigration continues .
    It's great for business

  10. #10

  11. #11

  12. #12

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    We'll see. Nothing is set in stone as nothing has been decided.

    Every tom dick and harry will be out to get "assurances"

    Subsidies. Grant relief. etc. etc. etc.

    Or other government handouts.

    Banks saying they're closing branches and moving staff due to brexit It is just an excuse.

  13. #13

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    May certainly seemed more interested in immigration than the single market speaking at the Tory conference last week. Of course, she may have just been playing to her audience of blue rinsed octogenarians.

    Personally I don't think Nissan are making excuses. If we end up with tariffs, no major manufacturer in their right mind would make cars here for export to the EU

  14. #14
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    it should be called 80pland now ,happy days , isn't going swimmingly well in Brexit world , and still immigration continues .
    It's only of interest to those who have a few quid, 80p pound means nothing to those who have very little, and cannot afford holidays abroad.

  15. #15

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    It's only of interest to those who have a few quid, 80p pound means nothing to those who have very little, and cannot afford holidays abroad.
    It'll mean something to them when all the imported items are sky rocketing in price.

  16. #16
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    It'll mean something to them when all the imported items are sky rocketing in price.
    When you got very little cash to buy goods never mind imported goods, it'll mean next to nothing, just look at the demographic of the out vote, it was two fingers up to those with two cars, foreign holidays, index linked pensions and so on, you only had to see the sulkers on this board, the remain camp were those in the i'm alright jack club, it's easy to pretend to care for others when you're doing OK.

  17. #17

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    When you got very little cash to buy goods never mind imported goods, it'll mean next to nothing, just look at the demographic of the out vote, it was two fingers up to those with two cars, foreign holidays, index linked pensions and so on, you only had to see the sulkers on this board, the remain camp were those in the i'm alright jack club, it's easy to pretend to care for others when you're doing OK.
    by the looks of things, it's gonna be effecting your weekly shop too. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37637954. This is the thin end of the wedge.

  18. #18

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    It'll mean something to them when all the imported items are sky rocketing in price.
    Well, some minutes ago I found myself nodding in agreement with your posts in the Ched Evans thread, and now this, which I also agree with. Am I also becoming a blaggardly apologist?

    Yes, inflation hits the poorest hardest, particularly relating to essentials such as food and energy costs.

  19. #19

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    All countries want weaker currencies. The policy is variously described as currency wars/race to the bottom/beggar thy neighbour. The truth is they are all debt-laden shite with nothing backing them but people's misplaced faith and confidence along with governments' legal tender laws which are enforced by their hired mercenaries in police and army uniforms and long-hooted snoopers in tax offices. It's the same the world over.

  20. #20
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    Quote Originally Posted by tommy31 View Post
    by the looks of things, it's gonna be effecting your weekly shop too. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37637954. This is the thin end of the wedge.
    The bottom line Tommy is that, the pound has always gone up and down as has the stock markets, the get rich quick merchants are currently manipulating the currency for their quick buck, Soros and his mates will be having a field day, he broke the £ once before without having Brexit to blame, the majority voted to exit, the consequences will have to be suffered or gained depending on how it goes, the poorer ares voted to exit, politicians should be looking at their performances in ignoring the poor for years and years, they were given a bloody nose and I suspect that the people who gave it to them couldn't give a friar tuck about anything the Biased Broadcasting Corporation prints politicians shouldn't fall into the trap of telling voters they did the wrong thing, they should apologize for creating the divide that a majority said, I have next to nothing to lose, i don't care of the outcome but i'm going to take this opportunity to stick my two fingers up to you, whilst i might not agree with the outcome, I can certainly understand why they voted in the way they did, why shouldn't they have had some of the euro spoils, the thin end of nothing is still nothing.

  21. #21

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Well, some minutes ago I found myself nodding in agreement with your posts in the Ched Evans thread, and now this, which I also agree with. Am I also becoming a blaggardly apologist?

    Yes, inflation hits the poorest hardest, particularly relating to essentials such as food and energy costs.
    It's called growing up mate, most people just do it a bit earlier in life.

    You'll be going to BBQs next.

  22. #22

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    the remain camp were those in the i'm alright jack club, it's easy to pretend to care for others when you're doing OK.
    What a load of bollocks.

  23. #23

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    It's called growing up mate, most people just do it a bit earlier in life.

    You'll be going to BBQs next.
    Typical BBQers are just about bearable, BBQ hosts should be kicked off edges of cliffs.

    I bet the farm earlier on investing in Warnock rather than the team (£500 at 5-1 for a top half finish). I had planned on doing £100 at 40-1 for a top six finish at bet365 but they would only allow me a miserable tenner on it. Grr.

  24. #24

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Typical BBQers are just about bearable, BBQ hosts should be kicked off edges of cliffs.

    I bet the farm earlier on investing in Warnock rather than the team (£500 at 5-1 for a top half finish). I had planned on doing £100 at 40-1 for a top six finish at bet365 but they would only allow me a miserable tenner on it. Grr.
    You got 5-1 for a top half finish? Where did you get that?

    I fancy that myself.

  25. #25

    Re: Pound pounded down, again

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    The bottom line Tommy is that, the pound has always gone up and down as has the stock markets, the get rich quick merchants are currently manipulating the currency for their quick buck, Soros and his mates will be having a field day, he broke the £ once before without having Brexit to blame, the majority voted to exit, the consequences will have to be suffered or gained depending on how it goes, the poorer ares voted to exit, politicians should be looking at their performances in ignoring the poor for years and years, they were given a bloody nose and I suspect that the people who gave it to them couldn't give a friar tuck about anything the Biased Broadcasting Corporation prints politicians shouldn't fall into the trap of telling voters they did the wrong thing, they should apologize for creating the divide that a majority said, I have next to nothing to lose, i don't care of the outcome but i'm going to take this opportunity to stick my two fingers up to you, whilst i might not agree with the outcome, I can certainly understand why they voted in the way they did, why shouldn't they have had some of the euro spoils, the thin end of nothing is still nothing.
    The pound going to a 130 odd year low is down to a 'fluctuation'? right.
    not gonna bother with the rest of your post because it's not relevant to what I wrote

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