They fear a last-gasp massively damaging Wikileak. They don't dispute that all previous ones, hundreds of thousands, have been true. They won't discuss the details of any which provided evidence of her outright lies, double standards and criminal behaviour. Instead they ignore the details because the Russian government is responsible for them, they say. It's a ridiculous defence, made more so as they can never provide anything tangible to back that claim.

They probably dread something relating to her and her husband's prediliction for preteen girls. But then again, there's loads of clues in the public arena already: their flights on Epstein's private plane, their visits to his private island and his address book with their contact numbers in it. Epstein had 21 different numbers for Bill Clinton and his aides.

Don't forget the British angle which is old news. Prince Andrew's trips to that island, and him forced into breaking contact with Epstein and the kinky daughter of Robert Maxwell.