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Thread: Brexit to Blame again

  1. #1
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Melmac, Aldente Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy

    Brexit to Blame again

    Retail Sales Up
    Employment levels up
    FTSE climbing

  2. #2

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    What a time to be alive

    Now we are just waiting for our European brothers and sisters to follow our lead. Let's get back to trading with each other, and forget about all this superstate/open borders/single army nonsense

  3. #3

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    What a time to be alive

    Now we are just waiting for our European brothers and sisters to follow our lead. Let's get back to trading with each other, and forget about all this superstate/open borders/single army nonsense
    As much as I hate to rain on anyone's parade, we are still in the EU

  4. #4

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    As much as I hate to rain on anyone's parade, we are still in the EU
    " as much as you hate to rain on anyones parade" yeh right

  5. #5
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Retail Sales Up
    Employment levels up
    FTSE climbing
    But, seeing as Brexit hasn't happened yet, and nobody in Gov't/Whitehall seems to know where to begin, perhaps it has been assumed that it may possibly never happen.

  6. #6

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    As much as I hate to rain on anyone's parade, we are still in the EU
    Yeah, and we'll probably never leave!

  7. #7

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Isnt the ftse up predominately because the pound is so low?

  8. #8

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Watching This Week last night, the consensus was that France / Germany wanted the EU army so to stop relying on NATO and the USA part of NATO for military 'projects'.
    And we will have to rely on the EU since our ships will be without missiles. Also rumours of the police and army unifying into one body.

  9. #9

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    I heard rumours that they're introducing a compulsory language called eurosperanto. All schools for all member countries will teach in it, and kids will get just one hour per week in their mother tongue. It should be in force by 2022.

    I think it's an absolute disgrace. Glad we're out.

  10. #10
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Melmac, Aldente Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    As much as I hate to rain on anyone's parade, we are still in the EU

    Are you still keeping project fear alive?

  11. #11

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    And we will have to rely on the EU since our ships will be without missiles. Also rumours of the police and army unifying into one body.

  12. #12

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by Packerman View Post
    Cue the Chinese navy joke, but at least their ships have missiles!

  13. #13

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post

    Are you still keeping project fear alive?

    Not at all. Just pointing out that it is a bit disingenuous to suggest that some positive economic results are due to us leaving the EU when we are still in it. The full impact, be it positive or negative, will not be fully realised until we are out.

  14. #14
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Ah good ol' Bwitish 'Umble Poi !
    Naaahn ov yer filfy forrrin muck.

  15. #15
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Melmac, Aldente Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. View Post
    Ah good ol' Bwitish 'Umble Poi !
    Naaahn ov yer filfy forrrin muck.

  16. #16
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Au contraire! (Triple face palm smiley)

  17. #17

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Watching This Week last night, the consensus was that France / Germany wanted the EU army so to stop relying on NATO and the USA part of NATO for military 'projects'.

    Price rises may come into affect because of 2 factors - Trump going on a spending spree with increase inflation (hence price rises) , the cost of buying goods from abroad for the manufacture of products in the UK will lead to price rises due to the level of sterling.

    Most economists arent concerned too much about that though. Trump it seems wants the UK to ensure Brexit is a success - with trade agreements asap. A trade agreement with the UK wont impact on jobs in the rust belt states.

    Cautious baby steps etc
    Trump is a US self sustain protectionist, all the US corporates that have set up here to dodge the US tax code will fuk off home if he gets his wish, trumpet will be a colossal fuk up for us.
    Last edited by Pilkers; 19-11-16 at 20:15.

  18. #18

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilkers View Post
    Trump is a US self sustain protectionist, all the US corporates that have set up here to dodge the US tax code will fuk off home if he gets his wish, trumpet will be a colossal fuk up for us.
    Maybe if we followed suit, all of our business would come home too? Globalism only really works for those at the very top.

  19. #19

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilkers View Post
    Trump is a US self sustain protectionist, all the US corporates that have set up here to dodge the US tax code will fuk off home if he gets his wish, trumpet will be a colossal fuk up for us.
    be a worse fuk up for the Irish

  20. #20

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by Packerman View Post
    be a worse fuk up for the Irish

  21. #21

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by Packerman View Post
    be a worse fuk up for the Irish
    It's about time they started doing some real stuff, instead of shifting numbers around on spreadsheets, and shafting everybody else in exchange for a small slice of the pie.

  22. #22

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's about time they started doing some real stuff, instead of shifting numbers around on spreadsheets, and shafting everybody else in exchange for a small slice of the pie.
    A high value economy that collects more revenue than it spends... Bust begging bowl britannia could learn something.

  23. #23

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilkers View Post
    A high value economy that collects more revenue than it spends... Bust begging bowl britannia could learn something.
    Did you miss the UK bailing Ireland out just a few years ago?

  24. #24

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    Did you miss the UK bailing Ireland out just a few years ago?
    One has to look after the cousins back home :-D

  25. #25

    Re: Brexit to Blame again

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    And we will have to rely on the EU since our ships will be without missiles. Also rumours of the police and army unifying into one body.
    Quote Originally Posted by Packerman View Post
    A European police/military unit has already been setup, and they have being doing training exercises in Germany of all places.

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