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Thread: Pension age going up to 70?

  1. #1

    Pension age going up to 70?

  2. #2

    Re: Pension age going up to 70?

    It is the biggest con going. Paying for something for your whole working life that they can alter whenever they like.

  3. #3
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
    Melmac, Aldente Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy

    Re: Pension age going up to 70?

    Brexit to blame obviously.

  4. #4

    Re: Pension age going up to 70?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    It is the biggest con going. Paying for something for your whole working life that they can alter whenever they like.
    An inevitable consequence of people living longer and the demographic bulge.
    It's amazing to think that average life expectancy for a male in 1960 was just 68.
    You may be skint at that age but at least you may be alive, I suppose.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Pension age going up to 70?

    The trouble exits with overs 65 remaining in work blocking youth employment and claiming a double whammy wage and pensions ,in some case a triple whammy wages , company pension and state pension , madness,they do pay more tax though ,nice life though if you can get it.

    Bugger all to do with Brexit that pain awaits us .

  6. #6

    Re: Pension age going up to 70?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    It is the biggest con going. Paying for something for your whole working life that they can alter whenever they like.
    Biggest con for who? Those working now that have to pay for 30 years of people sitting on their arse. Or those that only had to pay for 10 years of someone sitting on their arse, but get to sit on their arse for 30, just 5 years later?

    Oh and there is now twice as many people to pay for. So we have to pay for them for longer and more.

    Just smoke do drugs and be fat, wont have to worry about retirement then.... You wont make it.
    Last edited by Barry Dragon; 29-11-16 at 14:17.

  7. #7

    Re: Pension age going up to 70?

    As has been mentioned earlier, the problem is the pensions that are around today were based on the assumption that people would live for a handful of years after retiring.
    Now the average person is living around 20 years and some even more. Some for considerably longer than they actually worked for.
    As a result, over their working lives, this generation didn't pay enough in taxes for this unforseen increase or for the massive increase in medical costs that comes with it.
    Additionally they hold so much voter power due to better turnout and just big numbers generally that politicians won't reduce the pensions.

  8. #8

    Re: Pension age going up to 70?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    An inevitable consequence of people living longer and the demographic bulge.
    It's amazing to think that average life expectancy for a male in 1960 was just 68.
    You may be skint at that age but at least you may be alive, I suppose.
    But do people realise how completely ****ed we are projected to be in 30 years time. I think there is a good chance that when people look back at this period of history, they will condemn a few generations as being hideously selfish and wilfully blind to the problems they were causing through their own personal greed. I can't blame individuals, society shaped them but there is a lot of grandstanding about this ("I am voting XYZ for my kids futures") but no evidence of any action.

  9. #9

    Re: Pension age going up to 70?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    As has been mentioned earlier, the problem is the pensions that are around today were based on the assumption that people would live for a handful of years after retiring.
    Now the average person is living around 20 years and some even more. Some for considerably longer than they actually worked for.
    As a result, over their working lives, this generation didn't pay enough in taxes for this unforseen increase or for the massive increase in medical costs that comes with it.
    Additionally they hold so much voter power due to better turnout and just big numbers generally that politicians won't reduce the pensions.
    Current system is massively unfair on people who have a high chance of dropping dead before 75, presumably medical research will enable more accurate insight into ones personal chance of illness/disease and therefore make it crystal clear who is getting ****ed over.

    Frankly when I look at the state of most people who are 85+ I hope I am long gone by then.

  10. #10

    Re: Pension age going up to 70?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    But do people realise how completely ****ed we are projected to be in 30 years time. I think there is a good chance that when people look back at this period of history, they will condemn a few generations as being hideously selfish and wilfully blind to the problems they were causing through their own personal greed. I can't blame individuals, society shaped them but there is a lot of grandstanding about this ("I am voting XYZ for my kids futures") but no evidence of any action.
    Some of us have been very selfish. Bouts of unemployment during recessions, negative equity, private pensions and endowment policies not yielding anywhere near what they were supposed to - and forcing some people to work longer.

  11. #11

    Re: Pension age going up to 70?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    As has been mentioned earlier, the problem is the pensions that are around today were based on the assumption that people would live for a handful of years after retiring.
    Now the average person is living around 20 years and some even more. Some for considerably longer than they actually worked for.
    As a result, over their working lives, this generation didn't pay enough in taxes for this unforseen increase or for the massive increase in medical costs that comes with it.
    Additionally they hold so much voter power due to better turnout and just big numbers generally that politicians won't reduce the pensions.

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