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Thread: Government lose Brexit case

  1. #1

    Government lose Brexit case

    Not sure what the implications are here?

    I guess it will still go through, albeit delayed and with wee Jimmie Krankie and the bearded wonder having their say...

  2. #2

    Re: Government lose Brexit case

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    Not sure what the implications are here?

    I guess it will still go through, albeit delayed and with wee Jimmie Krankie and the bearded wonder having their say...
    I wonder if they'll get over it?

  3. #3

    Re: Government lose Brexit case

    Quote Originally Posted by itkman View Post
    I wonder if they'll get over it?
    Do you reckon Farage would've if last year's vote had gone the other way?

  4. #4

    Re: Government lose Brexit case

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    Not sure what the implications are here?

    I guess it will still go through, albeit delayed and with wee Jimmie Krankie and the bearded wonder having their say...
    I saw the other day on RT Sturgeon is twiddling her thumbs hoping the Tories say no to the referendum request.

    Mainly because they are peddling the myth that the entirety of Scotland is pro EU. Opinion of the Euro is equally poor in scotland as in other areas on europe. Oil prices have plummeted and still the UK government sends them huge amounts of money for access. If they left that'll be gone.

    That they are willing to exit a Union with the UK which takes up the vast majority of their exports to join the EU.

    If she had a referendum now, she would lose. Which would mean her resigning. She hopes the Tories don't give it to her so they have a grievance and can continue to bang on about the nasty English.

    On the above I don't think it really matters. May promised them a vote on the other end of the negotiations. So they'll debate it now then vote to approve it. If not then it will be farcical.

  5. #5

    Re: Government lose Brexit case

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    Do you reckon Farage would've if last year's vote had gone the other way?
    You mean the man who said the fight would go on if the vote was 52 to 48 in favour of remain?

  6. #6

    Re: Government lose Brexit case

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    You mean the man who said the fight would go on if the vote was 52 to 48 in favour of remain?
    Absolutely. This man bangs on about how "the people have spoken" and dismissing the "remoaners" yet I suspect he'd be whining like a stuck pig if he's lost. He won and he's still whining.

  7. #7

    Re: Government lose Brexit case

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    The decision today was about whether Parliament should debate / decide Article 50 ? - it wasnt about whether there would be a second referendum. So it's not really the same thing whether Farrage would have had the same decision if all this went the other way. Farrage is not the Govt.

    Labour wont oppose the triggering of Article 50, neither will the Tories, and it will apparently be put through in one day motion (whatever that is).

    However it could get interesting if the House of Lords oppose it. They can send bills back 3 times (I think) before the unwritten rules mean they will always pass it. If they do however reject it agin again and again and again etc - then May will call a general election.

    As it stands the Tories would probably win it with a large majority - unless the lib dems / labour unite to form a one off Remain Party and cancel article 50 all together (should they win) seeing as large parts of Labour seats voted leave - I doubt this will happen.

    House of Cards II
    72 or so MP's plan on voting to not trigger it apparently.

    Either those with Remain constituencies, or welshmen like Chris bryant who could make love to a cow in public and would still be voted in due to being labour.

  8. #8

    Re: Government lose Brexit case

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    The decision today was about whether Parliament should debate / decide Article 50 ? - it wasnt about whether there would be a second referendum. So it's not really the same thing whether Farrage would have had the same decision if all this went the other way. Farrage is not the Govt.

    Labour wont oppose the triggering of Article 50, neither will the Tories, and it will apparently be put through in one day motion (whatever that is).

    However it could get interesting if the House of Lords oppose it. They can send bills back 3 times (I think) before the unwritten rules mean they will always pass it. If they do however reject it agin again and again and again etc - then May will call a general election.

    As it stands the Tories would probably win it with a large majority - unless the lib dems / labour unite to form a one off Remain Party and cancel article 50 all together (should they win) seeing as large parts of Labour seats voted leave - I doubt this will happen.

    House of Cards II
    I wasn't being very clear, I meant that (imho) if Farage had lost the Brexit vote, I don't imagine for one second that he'd have gone quietly into the night.

    My evidence for this view is that ever since he won, he's been moaning that we haven't already triggered article 50.

    This whole court case merely re-enforces the view that the government simply hadn't thought this through, no plan for brexit, no thought about the legal/constitutional implications, no contingency plan for challenges etc.

    Surely someone somewhere should've checked whether the vote was legally binding, whether parliament was required to vote on it so that there could be a seamless implementation of whatever the proletariat decided in their infinite wisdom.

  9. #9

    Re: Government lose Brexit case

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    If we had voted Leave - then Farrage (or anyone else) would have no legal avenues open to them to appeal the decision in law. This decision was only about process.

    I agree though - a remain decision would have kept Farrage in a job for life in Brussels. I think he would have walked away though rather than carry on the campaign, especially in light of what happen in the US.

    All Cameron had to was to put in a line in the motion passed by Parliament to allow us a vote that said Article 50 should be triggered within x months and that the result would not need parliament approval - but Cameron was convinced it was a no brainer he'd win - oopsie.
    That's not what he said though



    In fact, he was saying anything less than a two thirds majority and there would be "unfinished business" - his behavior since Leave's 52/48 victory betrays him as a complete and utter hypocrite, even by the standards of politicians.

    Agree with your final paragraph completely though - I don't think time is going to show Cameron in a good light and it won't do if there is any justice.

  10. #10

    Re: Government lose Brexit case

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    If we had voted Leave - then Farrage (or anyone else) would have no legal avenues open to them to appeal the decision in law. This decision was only about process.

    I agree though - a remain decision would have kept Farrage in a job for life in Brussels. I think he would have walked away though rather than carry on the campaign, especially in light of what happen in the US.

    All Cameron had to was to put in a line in the motion passed by Parliament to allow us a vote that said Article 50 should be triggered within x months and that the result would not need parliament approval - but Cameron was convinced it was a no brainer he'd win - oopsie.
    Every government failure seems to get pinned on Cameron now.

  11. #11

    Re: Government lose Brexit case

    No way would Farage have slunk off with a narrow defeat. Or any defeat.

    For a start, he'd have had no celebrity status in the US.

  12. #12

    Re: Government lose Brexit case

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Every government failure seems to get pinned on Cameron now.
    Hindsight. Don't remember anyone asking for this kind of thing back when the referendum was going through Parliament.

  13. #13

    Re: Government lose Brexit case

    If you support Brexit it was a reasonably good verdict. Yes Article 50 will require a parliamentary vote. But the numbers suggest that this will go through easily enough. But the verdict has stopped the regional governments preventing it.

    I agree with the LordKenwyne though - I think Jimmy must be hoping she isn't given the chance of a second independence vote. Oil revenues through the floor, having to enter the Euro zone if Scotland applies for membership and, potentially, trade barriers with their biggest trading partner. Good luck with that.

  14. #14

    Re: Government lose Brexit case

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    That's not what he said though



    In fact, he was saying anything less than a two thirds majority and there would be "unfinished business" - his behavior since Leave's 52/48 victory betrays him as a complete and utter hypocrite, even by the standards of politicians.

    Agree with your final paragraph completely though - I don't think time is going to show Cameron in a good light and it won't do if there is any justice.
    Blair's legacy was the Iraq carnage and the resulting power vacuum that allowed IS to gain leverage in the region. Cameron's will be Brexit and the political and constitutional chaos that followed - possibly for decades.

    That said, although I was a Remainer (albeit not a terribly enthusiastic one..) attempts by some MPs to block/halt the Brexit process are, in effect, attempts to subvert democracy. Such attempts could have horrific unintended consequences leading to the rapid rise of difficult to contain ugly neofascism in the UK.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Government lose Brexit case

    Quote Originally Posted by itkman View Post
    I wonder if they'll get over it?
    I think they will be okay with it , just has to be placed in front of Parliament as legislation, devolved assemblies don't get a say , just MP'S voting on the legislation .

    The courts dont decide on the next steps , politicians do , as it has been ruled that they only have to present the case , so get ready for infighting from within the Labour ranks . SNP's wanting to leave again , again , again and again. UKIP with no voting power waiting to go, Welsh Government with no real say, Plaid with their non speaking welsh leader pretending to care for Wales , whilst it ignores the vast amount of voters who wanted out anyway.

    They will put together a piece of legislation difficult to unpick, knowing a huge amount of folk want out , those Labour MP's Labour with seats in the North of England, Wales and in marginals have very little choice than back an exit paln and quickly .

    The government will watch them all scrap it out, if it drags on, government just blame the others for not listening to the will of the people, and suggesting how could the opposition form a government, if i was Theresa May I would take short break and pop back later, to see if the dishes are done .

  16. #16

    Re: Government lose Brexit case

    I voted remain and still stand by that.
    However I will be glad once iwe are out, it's inevitable now and the thought of that odious Toad Farage claiming the moral high ground of process is unduly delayed is horrific.
    Once I hear bad news I like to get on with it and make do.

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