Quote Originally Posted by PerryJason View Post
It's like voluntary or involuntary redundancy. Worst thing you could ever do for your physical and especially your mental health and wellbeing. Retire and become a burden on the state? - NEVER EVER RETIRE!!!!!
I retired 2 years ago, and I can honestly say that I haven't regretted one minute. I left school at 15 and have been lucky enough to have never been without a job. I have a company pension, and I feel I'm quite comfortable, being able to run a nice car, take a holiday when I want, and it's great not to be on the clock. And I am NOT a burden on the state. I'm not getting my state pension yet, but when I do, it's my entitlement, NOT a hand out. Finishing work freed up a place for a younger man to fill, so really, I've done the state a favour.