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Thread: Happy Brexit Day

  1. #1

    Happy Brexit Day

    One of those days to get shelter and waits until it all blows over.

    In similar news Carwyn Jones admits Labour cannot manage the economy. What an admission by the man. Wales will struggle to survive after Brexit. Well its about time we let someone take charge who can take control.

    Happy Brexit Day to you all!

  2. #2
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    way out west

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    One of those days to get shelter and waits until it all blows over.

    In similar news Carwyn Jones admits Labour cannot manage the economy. What an admission by the man. Wales will struggle to survive after Brexit. Well its about time we let someone take charge who can take control.

    Happy Brexit Day to you all!

    Have you got a link to that? I'd be interested to know if that is what he actually said and if so, in what context.
    All I can find online so far is this:


    "The current First Minister Carwyn Jones, who was on the Remain side last year, said he stood "ready to work constructively with the UK government to secure a deal which protects Welsh businesses, our economy and the future prosperity of Wales".
    "If, as negotiations progress, we believe our priorities are not being championed or our representation falls below a level we find acceptable, we will not remain silent," he said.
    Mr Jones added: "As a leader of a country which voted to leave the EU, we are wholly focused on securing Wales' future

  3. #3

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. View Post
    Have you got a link to that? I'd be interested to know if that is what he actually said and if so, in what context.
    All I can find online so far is this:


    "The current First Minister Carwyn Jones, who was on the Remain side last year, said he stood "ready to work constructively with the UK government to secure a deal which protects Welsh businesses, our economy and the future prosperity of Wales".
    "If, as negotiations progress, we believe our priorities are not being championed or our representation falls below a level we find acceptable, we will not remain silent," he said.
    Mr Jones added: "As a leader of a country which voted to leave the EU, we are wholly focused on securing Wales' future
    Paraphrasing a news report, which appears to be paraphrasing his rant in assembly.

    This is about all I can find on it.


    Seems to be saying Wales are ****ed with Brexit. My view is it is his job to make sure Brexit is an opportunity. Carwyn seems determined to play the battered wife role, and bring us down with his rhetoric

  4. #4
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    Paraphrasing a news report, which appears to be paraphrasing his rant in assembly.

    This is about all I can find on it.


    Seems to be saying Wales are ****ed with Brexit. My view is it is his job to make sure Brexit is an opportunity. Carwyn seems determined to play the battered wife role, and bring us down with his rhetoric
    What is the 'battered wife role'?

  5. #5

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    Paraphrasing a news report, which appears to be paraphrasing his rant in assembly.

    This is about all I can find on it.


    Seems to be saying Wales are ****ed with Brexit. My view is it is his job to make sure Brexit is an opportunity. Carwyn seems determined to play the battered wife role, and bring us down with his rhetoric
    Wales does a good enough job of that as it is

  6. #6

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    It took an age to get to sleep last night. With Theresa's letter on its way to the continent I could barely contain my excitement. Despite getting little kip and being somewhat bleary-eyed, I sprang from beneath the duvet to skip downstairs. All morning I couldn't stop myself from merrily humming and whistling patriotic ditties. Is anyone else feeling equally optimistic?

    I suspect Mrs Steve R is. Something tells me her unwieldly Dyson DC40, which weighs a ton, felt as light as a feather when she zoomed round the lounge with her Tony Bennett CD playing at high volume.

    Below is one of Tone's most popular songs. Without Googling, which blockbuster film has it become synonymous with?

  7. #7

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Don't worry, Wales will be far better off out of the EU. The tories will look after us. They always do.

  8. #8

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    Paraphrasing a news report, which appears to be paraphrasing his rant in assembly.

    This is about all I can find on it.


    Seems to be saying Wales are ****ed with Brexit. My view is it is his job to make sure Brexit is an opportunity. Carwyn seems determined to play the battered wife role, and bring us down with his rhetoric
    So if Brexit works, it will all be down to the Westminster Government and if it doesn't, it'll be the WAG's fault?

  9. #9

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Happy brexit day?

    I thought today was the start of the process which in approx 2 years leads to brexit day?

  10. #10

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    It took an age to get to sleep last night. With Theresa's letter on its way to the continent I could barely contain my excitement. Despite getting little kip and being somewhat bleary-eyed, I sprang from beneath the duvet to skip downstairs. All morning I couldn't stop myself from merrily humming and whistling patriotic ditties. Is anyone else feeling equally optimistic?

    I suspect Mrs Steve R is. Something tells me her unwieldly Dyson DC40, which weighs a ton, felt as light as a feather when she zoomed round the lounge with her Tony Bennett CD playing at high volume.

    Below is one of Tone's most popular songs. Without Googling, which blockbuster film has it become synonymous with?

    Goodfellas - A true masterpiece

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Well he does have a point Wales unlike a lot of wealthy English regions will suffer from key funding ,we knew that when we made the leap to no , we knew we were a net receiving of funds .

    We had a great chance to punch the right wing on the nose, if we had joined with Scotland and voted to stay , pity Labour didn't position that argumenemt , instead of the strange lack luster effort to convicne its voters to remain

  12. #12
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Well he does have a point Wales unlike a lot of wealthy English regions will suffer from key funding ,we knew that when we made the leap to no , we knew we were a net receiving of funds .

    We had a great chance to punch the right wing on the nose, if we had joined with Scotland and voted to stay , pity Labour didn't position that argumenemt , instead of the strange lack luster effort to convicne its voters to

    Other than a viaduct in abersomewhere and a posh new building in the bay, where has all the previous key funding gone?

  13. #13

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    All these complete uneducated plebs who voted for brexit in the valleys will be so sorry that they didn't look at all of the facts. Fekin labour voting idiots.

  14. #14

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    There is a positive case to put forward for Brexit but if part of the problem was that The EU put restrictions on what UK politicians could do then who have we got representing us now without those restrictions?

    Does anyone really feel that the majority of those supporting Brexit - it seems to by authoritarian, conservative politicians in the main who are certainly part of the elite groups whether they're popular in those groups or not - care about using this greater control to improve the lives of the majority of the country?

    Considering the number of important elections in foreign nations which followed the Brexit vote and that UKIP voters may have been able to achieve their main goal but will still only be represented by one MP (not even that now) in a system that rewards "dead cat" campaigning and mass electoral spending fraud then taking back control has not happened for the majority and it was the wrong referendum at the wrong time.

    Hopefully now that it is proceeding we can have proper discussion about the type of UK we want to be and how we want to stand in the wider world.

  15. #15

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Other than a viaduct in abersomewhere and a posh new building in the bay, where has all the previous key funding gone?
    Amongst other things it has gone on transport infrastructure (A55, A40, one section of the A465 alone received £85m)

    Town Centre regeneration projects in places like Ebbw Vale, Aberdare and Pontypridd.

    Wales Coastal Path

    Swansea University's new campus

    Cardiff University science development and research

    Job creation projects

    Welsh Government Apprenticeships programme

    Agricultural fund for rural development

    Fisheries fund

    Renewable energy funding

    Cardiff Capital region deal

    Let's be honest, Wales voting to leave the EU has to rank amongst the most stupid decisions in the history of our country.

    Funding for small business competitiveness.

  16. #16

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Like Scotland, Wales needs to detach itself from England as soon as possible and rejoin the European union

  17. #17

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Quote Originally Posted by PerryJason View Post
    Like Scotland, Wales needs to detach itself from England as soon as possible and rejoin the European union
    Am surprised this issue has you so animated. I mistakenly thought only the egg culture got your pulse racing.

    It looks to me that the most vociferous Bremainers round here have a kind of advanced begging bowl mentality.

    Britons didn't vote to join the EU because they never had an opportunity to. They did choose to join the Common Market, a trading block, in the 1970s. Traitorous politicians surrendered sovereignty to unelected Brussels EU bureaucrats without seeking explicit consent from the people through a referendum.

  18. #18

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Other than a viaduct in abersomewhere and a posh new building in the bay, where has all the previous key funding gone?
    West Wales and the valleys are considered to be "less developed regions" and therefore attract funding from the EU, in the region of £4bn over the last 16 years, much of it going to the poorest areas of Wales.
    Heads of the valleys road - £80m
    Town centre improvements to Merthyr, Ponty and Llanelli - £80m

    In Wales, we receive 50% more than we pay in, find me a bank that pays that kind of return on your investment, yet still we told them to shove it up their ass.

    Thanks to structural funds, there has been significant investment in H.E and scientific research that will benefit us all, in the last ten years alone, some 200,00 people have gained qualifications, 70,000 have found jobs,

    Wales voted to leave.
    Wales will be significantly worse off because of it.
    Farage and his crew won't be any worse off though, ordinary people of Wales will be.

    After 2020, there will be no European money coming into Wales. After 2020, we will be relying on Westminster, presumably still a Troy government, to look after us.

    What could possibly go wrong?

  19. #19
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    I'm not a fan of the EU, and I think it needed to change in a way that it never would could, but, whatever we think about Brexit/Remain it is hard to overlook the positives that EU membership brought Wales - as detailed in TH's post above and also Barry S'peas' earlier.

    Is it wrong to be at least a little nervous about a future without the assistance we had?
    Do we trust Westminster to look after an area - with entrenched voting habits and that that it has very little need to favour?

    I'm still on the fence about it all TBH, I can see good arguments either way, but it is clear that one or two of those blowing their bugles loudest for Brexit in this very forum clearly have not even looked into what the hell they are parping their trumpet about, as they are still, openly, asking basic, fundamental questions with no idea of the answer. roll.gif

  20. #20

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    When we eventually detach ourselves from the English, I suppose it will be called 'Wexit' ??

  21. #21

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Someone said on here yesterday about why Wales qualifies for so much funding. It is because we have areas that are so underdeveloped we qualify.

    That hit me like a steam train.

    We are trusting Westminster to cover this shortfall.

    I voted to Leave but I'd have no idea how I would vote if it was replayed.

    I voted based on my confidence in Britain as a whole. Over 2 trillion in GDP etc. England is powerful, not us.

  22. #22

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Am surprised this issue has you so animated. I mistakenly thought only the egg culture got your pulse racing.

    It looks to me that the most vociferous Bremainers round here have a kind of advanced begging bowl mentality.

    Britons didn't vote to join the EU because they never had an opportunity to. They did choose to join the Common Market, a trading block, in the 1970s. Traitorous politicians surrendered sovereignty to unelected Brussels EU bureaucrats without seeking explicit consent from the people through a referendum.
    There was a national referendum in 1975 as I remember to decide whether we stayed or left the Common Market / Eu.
    People then sensibly voted to stay in Europe.

  23. #23

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueWales View Post
    There was a national referendum in 1975 as I remember to decide whether we stayed or left the Common Market / Eu.
    People then sensibly voted to stay in Europe.
    Yes, the second one asked whether Britain should remain in the EEC (Common Market).

  24. #24

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
    Someone said on here yesterday about why Wales qualifies for so much funding. It is because we have areas that are so underdeveloped we qualify.

    That hit me like a steam train.

    We are trusting Westminster to cover this shortfall.

    I voted to Leave but I'd have no idea how I would vote if it was replayed.

    I voted based on my confidence in Britain as a whole. Over 2 trillion in GDP etc. England is powerful, not us.
    You're articulating what Welsh Bremainers keep saying. That is they are afraid the crumbs thrown to Wales from the Westminster table will be smaller than from the EU one, hence my begging bowl remarks. I wish they'd get up off their knees; it's embarrassing.

  25. #25

    Re: Happy Brexit Day

    Quote Originally Posted by tigerbaybluebird View Post
    Happy brexit day?

    I thought today was the start of the process which in approx 2 years leads to brexit day?
    If you want to be pedantic, then it is -2 years anniversary to when we leave. You doughnut!

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