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Thread: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

  1. #51

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Assad framed, that's a priceless thought , step back, take away the anti Trump /USA thoughts have a read on the past atrocities delivered on his own people, and there are some ordinary poor Syrians with no life or home down to "framed Assad " who would disagree with that thought ,that tell those stories all over the web, well before his Trumpness.
    "Assad (bombed, gassed, insert your own verb) his own people" is a phrase invented by the neocons to be implanted in the brains of low information types who don't have the brains or time to do their own research. I looked up the origin of the phrase "weapons of mass destruction" and I found the first modern use of the phrase was by Menachem Begin. The phrase was quickly picked by neocon journalists and it became an excuse for illegal wars and invasions. The "gassed his own people" was designed to serve the same purpose as the "weapons of mass destruction". You need to start thinking for yourself. Look at how these ready made phrases are designed to lead you up the garden path. Look at this video and watch how these same people are telling Trump what to do :


  2. #52
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Ta for the link. I watched the vids, but frankly wish I hadn't. Shocking, though unsurprising deception. As you know, most people only view conventional corporate media so have little idea they're being played. I sometimes wish I was unaware too.

    PS: Kris has a enormous hooter.
    Kris is welcome to get involved in whatever he wants as long as his intention is to get to the truth, he will soon see that these stories are nothing new.

    "Egyptian police arrest five people for using children to stage fake 'Aleppo' footage"

  3. #53

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Pearcey - the question that Corbyn is weak on is this - How many children should be bombed with chemical weapons before Corbyn would react ? - or would he do nothing ever. Strategic bombing to take out Assad's chemical weapons stores - or at least the warplanes that deliver it is something that most human beings would want to happen - if it was Assad who delivered those chemical bombs.

    Iraq - was a lie started by Blair and Bush - as well you know,
    Syria - at the time I would agree (with Ed Milliband) with not getting involved, as our involvement would have help ISIS. That has changed now as Iraq, Kurds, Turks, and Russian forces are beating ISIS. Whereas Syria is still fighting ISIS and the Syrian 'Rebels'
    Your response is part of the problem. We do not know for sure if it was Assad's regime that was responsible for the chemical attack. Does anyone have evidence that Assad still has chemical weapons?There are horrific activities going on in regimes throughout the world. It does not mean we have to become directly involved. How often has Western involvement in the Middle East improved the situation do you think?

  4. #54

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Putin said this earlier: “We have reports from multiple sources that false flags like this one, and I cannot call it otherwise, are being prepared in other parts of Syria, including the southern suburbs of Damascus. They plan to plant some chemical there and accuse the Syrian government of an attack. President Mattarella and I discussed it and I told him that this reminds me strongly of the events in 2003 when the US representatives demonstrated at the UN Security Council session the presumed chemical weapons found in Iraq. The military campaign was subsequently launched in Iraq and it ended with the devastation of the country - the growth of the terrorist threat and the appearance of Islamic State on the world stage."

    But the Independent's report is rather different. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/wo...-a7678391.html

  5. #55
    Blue in the Face

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Putin said this earlier: “We have reports from multiple sources that false flags like this one, and I cannot call it otherwise, are being prepared in other parts of Syria, including the southern suburbs of Damascus. They plan to plant some chemical there and accuse the Syrian government of an attack. President Mattarella and I discussed it and I told him that this reminds me strongly of the events in 2003 when the US representatives demonstrated at the UN Security Council session the presumed chemical weapons found in Iraq. The military campaign was subsequently launched in Iraq and it ended with the devastation of the country - the growth of the terrorist threat and the appearance of Islamic State on the world stage."

    But the Independent's report is rather different. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/wo...-a7678391.html
    Here's my five pence on the danger we're heading into into. There's a really troubling trend that folks in "alternative media" and individuals like us get caught up in dialectics - choosing one side over another. Left right. This nation, that.

    Warfare is a race to the bottom. Who's evil supercedes who's. Barbaric Darwinism.

    Russia is doing a great job at convincing a portion of Western citizens that it is some kind of innocent bystander. Likewise Assad too. But I believe it's dismissive to assume that they too don't take on the same kind of warfare. As I see it, they would simply have to in order to compete.

    Consider the idea of counter-counter warfare. Or meta-false flags. We might one day see, or perhaps even have seen false flags designed to look like false flags. Some of those videos like the one of people being herded to look injured from a car bombing look obviously fake. Are they too obvious?? Who benefits? It's enough to make your brain melt I know.

    US officials aren't in a position to accuse Russia of false flags, as it is somewhat an admition that this is the reality of modern warfare, which I believe it to be. So we never have any accusations from the Western politicians, Western media or alternative media of false flags carried out by their opponents. Western governments don't want their citizens knowing what the hell a false flag is.

    No one ever questions Metrojet Flight 9268, the downing of the civilian plane which was Russia attributed to ISIS. What motivation would ISIS have to antagonise Russia when it already had the West to go up against? You could posit (I flippantly did right away without looking into the details), that this was "Russia's Pearl Harbour moment" which validated it's acceleration of it's war in Syria.

    I think people need to stop picking sides. Any of them.

  6. #56
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    "Assad (bombed, gassed, insert your own verb) his own people" is a phrase invented by the neocons to be implanted in the brains of low information types who don't have the brains or time to do their own research. I looked up the origin of the phrase "weapons of mass destruction" and I found the first modern use of the phrase was by Menachem Begin. The phrase was quickly picked by neocon journalists and it became an excuse for illegal wars and invasions. The "gassed his own people" was designed to serve the same purpose as the "weapons of mass destruction". You need to start thinking for yourself. Look at how these ready made phrases are designed to lead you up the garden path. Look at this video and watch how these same people are telling Trump what to do :

    I've not looked at any video within this link ,unlike youself , thanks for your kind neocon link offer , I intend and will always think for myself .

  7. #57

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    I know and I half agree BUT - we have a regime that has done this before to his own 'people'. The only jest that were flying were either Syrian or Russian. How else do you think they were dropped from the sky ? - if you are giving any sort of Mossad type answer - you may as well save yourself the typing and not bother...
    There is no independent evidence that Assad was responsible for any chemical weapon attacks. The 2013 sarin attacks have been shown to have been a false flag operation by the rebels and Turkey. The Turkish journalists who proved that Turkey has been supplying the rebels with weapons and gas had to flee Turkey after Erdogan called then traitors and tried to lock them up.

    Forget the rubbish you are getting from the government stooges like the BBC and on Fleet Street. Seymour Hersh did his own research, unlike the above hacks, and he got to the truth. He found out it was a false flag job. Hersh has a very impressive record. He broke the My Lai Massacre story.


    This German Middle East expert knows what he is talking about :


  8. #58
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    There is no independent evidence that Assad was responsible for any chemical weapon attacks. The 2013 sarin attacks have been shown to have been a false flag operation by the rebels and Turkey. The Turkish journalists who proved that Turkey has been supplying the rebels with weapons and gas had to flee Turkey after Erdogan called then traitors and tried to lock them up.

    Forget the rubbish you are getting from the government stooges like the BBC and on Fleet Street. Seymour Hersh did his own research, unlike the above hacks, and he got to the truth. He found out it was a false flag job. Hersh has a very impressive record. He broke the My Lai Massacre story.


    This German Middle East expert knows what he is talking about :

    I do admire your determination however your false flags could equally be aligned to the conspiracy theory like links you continue to find and post. The most important facts to consider in this issue are :

    Western Countries decided against intervention. ( a matter of fact on governments voting legislation )

    Russia spotted an opportunity because of the above( hopefully you can accept they are in Syria,and bombing folk.)

    Many Syrians have become refugees because of the awful regime/death Assad has brought upon his own people (you may have noticed these Syrian families washing up on European shores)

    Chemical weapons have been used and exist in Syria ( media didn't put them there the Syrian government did ,backed by the fact they agreed for thier destruction some time ago )

    People are dying in thier hundreds not from USA or Western European weaponry ( fact as western Europe AND USA decided not to get involved, you will spot a few Russian and Syrian ones if you popped over for a look )

    The above points are not based as you suggest as ""government stooges like the BBC and on Fleet Street" they are clearly real facts ,no one is suggesting Western Governments decieve, however on this occasion the bigger enemies and Syria and Russia (please don't tell me the troubles in the Ukraine and Crimiea were also false news )

    There is a bigger picture being played out than your anti western stance and references.

  9. #59

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    I think it's all about a plan to run a pipeline through Syria, from SA/Qatar to Europe. This would have a huge effect on Russia and that is why they are in Syria supporting Assad. Likewise, it would be a huge benefit to all those counties who are trying to get rid of Assad. If you view events in this light, would all the dirty tricks and proxy wars make more sense?

  10. #60

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I do admire your determination however your false flags could equally be aligned to the conspiracy theory like links you continue to find and post. The most important facts to consider in this issue are :

    Western Countries decided against intervention. ( a matter of fact on governments voting legislation )

    Russia spotted an opportunity because of the above( hopefully you can accept they are in Syria,and bombing folk.)

    Many Syrians have become refugees because of the awful regime/death Assad has brought upon his own people (you may have noticed these Syrian families washing up on European shores)

    Chemical weapons have been used and exist in Syria ( media didn't put them there the Syrian government did ,backed by the fact they agreed for thier destruction some time ago )

    People are dying in thier hundreds not from USA or Western European weaponry ( fact as western Europe AND USA decided not to get involved, you will spot a few Russian and Syrian ones if you popped over for a look )

    The above points are not based as you suggest as ""government stooges like the BBC and on Fleet Street" they are clearly real facts ,no one is suggesting Western Governments decieve, however on this occasion the bigger enemies and Syria and Russia (please don't tell me the troubles in the Ukraine and Crimiea were also false news )

    There is a bigger picture being played out than your anti western stance and references.
    Western governments decided against direct intervention but continued with the indirect stuff. Russia spotted an opportunity? Assad's lawful governemt invited them, and they have bombed lumps out of ISIS and co. Sure, many refugees have fled Syria. Assad's regime wasn't and isn't awful. It was a peaceful secular society consisting of many faiths. Syria did have chemical weapons, so what? Britain, USA, etc, etc, etc, also have them. Yes, chemical weapons have been used, by the proxy army that was created by Qatar and Saudi Arabia. I informed you of the evidence supporting that assertion on page 1 of this very thread which you appear to have casually ignored. People are dying by the hundreds, you state. Yes, we know. Your idea of clear facts are, at best, delusions. Your stoic support of the USA and its minions on the back of your and their concerns for Syrian civilians is a stretch in view of what the USA did to innocent Japanese and Vietnamese by way of hydrogen bombs and napalm.

  11. #61

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I do admire your determination however your false flags could equally be aligned to the conspiracy theory like links you continue to find and post. The most important facts to consider in this issue are :

    Western Countries decided against intervention. ( a matter of fact on governments voting legislation )

    Russia spotted an opportunity because of the above( hopefully you can accept they are in Syria,and bombing folk.)

    Many Syrians have become refugees because of the awful regime/death Assad has brought upon his own people (you may have noticed these Syrian families washing up on European shores)

    Chemical weapons have been used and exist in Syria ( media didn't put them there the Syrian government did ,backed by the fact they agreed for thier destruction some time ago )

    People are dying in thier hundreds not from USA or Western European weaponry ( fact as western Europe AND USA decided not to get involved, you will spot a few Russian and Syrian ones if you popped over for a look )

    The above points are not based as you suggest as ""government stooges like the BBC and on Fleet Street" they are clearly real facts ,no one is suggesting Western Governments decieve, however on this occasion the bigger enemies and Syria and Russia (please don't tell me the troubles in the Ukraine and Crimiea were also false news )

    There is a bigger picture being played out than your anti western stance and references.
    Organ Morgan is right. You are delusional. You seem to know so little about what's going on in the world that I can only assume you get all your information from The Sun and the BBC. Our politicians might have voted against air strikes but even Sun readers would know they have been arming and training jahadis from the start. British troops are also operating inside Syria.


    Before we got involved Syria was a well run country with a mainly contented population. Anyone who visited Syria before the civil war will tell you that. The only ones not content were fanatical Sunnis who could not stand being ruled by a non-Sunni. These malcontents were then armed and funded by the Gulf States, Turkey, Israel and Israel's client states, i.e. USA, Uk and the EU.

    As Wales-Bales has also pointed out this is all about Israel. The pipe is one thing but they also want to grab a very large chunk of Syria as part of the “Greater Israel” project.

  12. #62

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Russia, via its Foreign Minister, has again warned the USA not to attack Syria again. "Russia believes it’s fundamentally important not to let these actions happen again," said Sergei Lavrov. I think that's diplomatic-speak for "it'll mean war with us."

  13. #63

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    It could be an opportune time to ask Mr. Morris whether he could add a new emoji imitating a mushroom cloud.

  14. #64
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    Organ Morgan is right. You are delusional. You seem to know so little about what's going on in the world that I can only assume you get all your information from The Sun and the BBC. Our politicians might have voted against air strikes but even Sun readers would know they have been arming and training jahadis from the start. British troops are also operating inside Syria.


    Before we got involved Syria was a well run country with a mainly contented population. Anyone who visited Syria before the civil war will tell you that. The only ones not content were fanatical Sunnis who could not stand being ruled by a non-Sunni. These malcontents were then armed and funded by the Gulf States, Turkey, Israel and Israel's client states, i.e. USA, Uk and the EU.

    As Wales-Bales has also pointed out this is all about Israel. The pipe is one thing but they also want to grab a very large chunk of Syria as part of the “Greater Israel” project.
    Stay happy in your world of conspiracy and daft theories.

    I know who I chose to be close too , if you think these loops are safe pair of hands and the BBC is some sort of evil prepared media machine I can only advise you go down the pub and chill or find some non lefty mind drugs , however beware not many think in your world

  15. #65

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    The document in this link should worry even the most gullible posters on here. Professor Theodore Postol knows what he is talking about. He is a top scientist at MIT and has examined all the photographs and videos and he says there is no evidence that it was an attack by Assad's air force. From what his has written you can only conclude that the terrorists/rebels were responsible for the attack themselves. His 14 page report can be read in the RT link below. Professor Postol says "What I can say for sure herein is that what the country is now being told by the White House cannot be true..."


  16. #66

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    The document in this link should worry even the most gullible posters on here. Professor Theodore Postol knows what he is talking about. He is a top scientist at MIT and has examined all the photographs and videos and he says there is no evidence that it was an attack by Assad's air force. From what his has written you can only conclude that the terrorists/rebels were responsible for the attack themselves. His 14 page report can be read in the RT link below. Professor Postol says "What I can say for sure herein is that what the country is now being told by the White House cannot be true..."

    Perhaps Trump can provide evidence Assad has chemical weapons. I won't be holding my breath though.Trump is a reckless fool and a dangerous fool at that.

  17. #67
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Oh dear

  18. #68

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    And we were led to believe Hillary Clinton would be a warmonger. The Yanks have bombed in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan this past week. This is Trump lying last September.

  19. #69
    First Team Ainsley Harriott's Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    The document in this link should worry even the most gullible posters on here. Professor Theodore Postol knows what he is talking about. He is a top scientist at MIT and has examined all the photographs and videos and he says there is no evidence that it was an attack by Assad's air force. From what his has written you can only conclude that the terrorists/rebels were responsible for the attack themselves. His 14 page report can be read in the RT link below. Professor Postol says "What I can say for sure herein is that what the country is now being told by the White House cannot be true..."

    I hear Russia Today are the most impartial source that has ever existed, forever and ever, amen...

  20. #70

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Ainsley Harriott View Post
    I hear Russia Today are the most impartial source that has ever existed, forever and ever, amen...
    Something tells me you didn't watch the video of the Professor speaking. His Wikipedia page makes for interesting reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_Postol In 1992 he maintained that what we were told and shown on the TV concerning US Patriot missiles blasting Saddam Hussein's Scuds out of the skies with almost unerring accuracy during the First Gulf War was fiction, and following a later enquiry by the Yanks themselves, they agreed with him.

  21. #71
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    The document in this link should worry even the most gullible posters on here. Professor Theodore Postol knows what he is talking about. He is a top scientist at MIT and has examined all the photographs and videos and he says there is no evidence that it was an attack by Assad's air force. From what his has written you can only conclude that the terrorists/rebels were responsible for the attack themselves. His 14 page report can be read in the RT link below. Professor Postol says "What I can say for sure herein is that what the country is now being told by the White House cannot be true..."

    Based on some of the contradictory viewpoints and the more /bizarre/weird/whoaaa/ stuff you have posted over the last few months, I doubt if many others on this board share your arrogant folly that you are in any kind of position to judge others, or their views.
    Certainly not regards apparent 'gullibility'.

  22. #72

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    It looks like North Korea might be next to taste the Trump treatment, and soon too. They have a standing army of seven million. Should they be attacked there's no guarantee they'll retaliate, but if they did South Korea's capital city is just 40 miles from their border which they could easily destroy.

  23. #73
    First Team Ainsley Harriott's Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Something tells me you didn't watch the video of the Professor speaking. His Wikipedia page makes for interesting reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_Postol In 1992 he maintained that what we were told and shown on the TV concerning US Patriot missiles blasting Saddam Hussein's Scuds out of the skies with almost unerring accuracy during the First Gulf War was fiction, and following a later enquiry by the Yanks themselves, they agreed with him.
    He seems like a very accomplished 'missile-defence-system' expert...this doesn't mean his opinion on chemical weapons is to be taken without a massive pinch of salt.

    After all, Ben Carson (a presidential candidate last year) is a truly world-class brain surgeon, yet he believes that God created light "on the 1st day" and then created the sun and all the stars "on the 4th day". Simply put, you can be highly accomplished in your field and still be a spastic.

    "In August 2014, Postol critiqued the effectiveness of the Israeli Iron Dome antimissile system, based on watching YouTube videos of the system in operation"....Andreas Cornelius is also excellent, and definitely worth £8m, I hear...

  24. #74
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    If Team Trump had a pop at North Korea, , do you think NK would expend its energy/arsenal attacking SK?
    Would Team Trump would approach NK via SK and/or undertake actions that put the South in the line of retaliation fire.
    That would be a c*ntish thing to do eh?

  25. #75

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Things are heating up.

    EXCLUSIVE NEWS APR 13 2017, 6:21 PM ET

    U.S. May Launch Strike If North Korea Reaches For Nuclear Trigger

    The U.S. is prepared to launch a preemptive strike with conventional weapons against North Korea should officials become convinced that North Korea is about to follow through with a nuclear weapons test, multiple senior U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News.

    North Korea has warned that a "big event" is near, and U.S. officials say signs point to a nuclear test that could come as early as this weekend.

    More: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/u-...uclear-n746366

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