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Thread: Pedophila

  1. #1


    People hate talking about this, and rightly so. But how do we tackle it? Lower the age Gap to say 14? And throw the book at anyone caught messing with someone younger than that? Offer better treatment as a reward.....less time spent in prison, if you volenteer for chemical castration......(like neutralising a dog, it loses interest in shagging the furniture) or make it mandatory. Seems like its got worse since the internet kicked in. Supervising them out in the community, is almost impossible. Not talking about child killers, they should be hung imo, or even some 20year old idiot thats caught with a 15year old. But these so called groomers ECT. I'm no liberal, far from it, and I hate the fact that certain quarters are trying to normalize it. but do we need to tackle this another way? The tablet way? Or should we just keep on banging them up and putting them on the nonce register. I've been watching nonce hunters on youtube and got me thinking

  2. #2

    Re: Pedophila

    If they do lower the age to 14, it shouldn't be because of the pedos.

  3. #3

    Re: Pedophila

    The age gap?

  4. #4

    Re: Pedophila

    I don't know what the solution is but most definitely not lowering the age range.

    It would be convenient but it'd only make matters worse. Far worse.

  5. #5

    Re: Pedophila

    Quote Originally Posted by Silures View Post
    People hate talking about this, and rightly so. But how do we tackle it? Lower the age Gap to say 14? And throw the book at anyone caught messing with someone younger than that? Offer better treatment as a reward.....less time spent in prison, if you volenteer for chemical castration......(like neutralising a dog, it loses interest in shagging the furniture) or make it mandatory. Seems like its got worse since the internet kicked in. Supervising them out in the community, is almost impossible. Not talking about child killers, they should be hung imo, or even some 20year old idiot thats caught with a 15year old. But these so called groomers ECT. I'm no liberal, far from it, and I hate the fact that certain quarters are trying to normalize it. but do we need to tackle this another way? The tablet way? Or should we just keep on banging them up and putting them on the nonce register. I've been watching nonce hunters on youtube and got me thinking
    When you say certain quarters are trying to normalise it, what do you mean?

    I'm not aware of any such people. Other than somewhere I read recently suggesting lowering the age of consent to 14

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Pedophila

    Isn't the age of consent lower in some European countries, they dont seem to have a bigger problem than us ,this is about evil people who will commit evil acts no matter what the age of consent is , one could argue that girls mature and bodily develop earlier now, and certainly look older, as a consequence some unfortunate lads are being innocently caught out , by over under age girls drinking and dressing as over 16's .

  7. #7

    Re: Pedophila

    Before this thread goes any further, maybe we all need a refresher on the difference between age of consent and paedophilia.

  8. #8

    Re: Pedophila

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Isn't the age of consent lower in some European countries, they dont seem to have a bigger problem than us ,this is about evil people who will commit evil acts no matter what the age of consent is , one could argue that girls mature and bodily develop earlier now, and certainly look older, as a consequence some unfortunate lads are being innocently caught out , by over under age girls drinking and dressing as over 16's .
    The only people that'd benefit from lowering the age are the people I've put in bold. A lot do fall a victim of it.

    And also adult creep, scumbags would benefit.

    If people are happy with that trade off then carry on.

  9. #9

    Re: Pedophila

    The groomers ( for the record, the 40 yr old bloke grooming a 12 - 13 yr old girl ) should of course be castrated, you have mentioned chemical castration, i will go one further, rusty blunt knife castration on sully Island and left to let nature take its course

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