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Thread: The way to stop terrorism in this country

  1. #1

    The way to stop terrorism in this country

    New law. Anyone caught participating in acts of terrorism, whether strapping a suicide bomb to you, or sponsoring, planning acts of terrorism ect, your families will be prosecuted along side you, or in your place if you're a suicide bomber. Only drastic measures will stop the threat of terrorism. If this doesn't stop it, then It will certainly slow it down

  2. #2

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    That's so extreme it might have been conceived in Tel Aviv.

    How about instead conveying to Saudi Arabia, whom Trump and Hillary Clinton believe is the sponsor of ISIS, that should any other Britons be murdered at the hands of loons they've created then the consequences would be severe for the House of Saud? That's better than prosecuting innocent family members.

  3. #3

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quite possibly contrary to the Geneva Convention

  4. #4

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    The only way to stop someone you suspect of doing something horrific like becoming a suicide bomber is Internment until they have been de radicalised (though I doubt that truely works) . Nothing else works - and this problem will not go away - it is a belief system.

    You cant cure someone of being a 'pedo' just as I dont believe you can change an ISIS suicide mentality.

    I'm open to here of any other fixes to this terrible problem though - that have proven successful
    And if we put them all in the same prison then they don't need to do all the online surveillance of everyone

  5. #5

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by Silures View Post
    New law. Anyone caught participating in acts of terrorism, whether strapping a suicide bomb to you, or sponsoring, planning acts of terrorism ect
    Not possible while we are in the EU

    Not sure on the family idea, but, if you are found guilty of any terrorist act in anyway shape of form, even handing out literature ( which seemed to have still been happening only a few weeks ago in the market on Moss side ), these people who the secret service know about, bring them in, investigate them, kick down doors and find them, then lock them up, no communication with the outside world, they will be no harm to us

    we have over 3000 on a UK watch list, we cannot watch them all while they are on the streets, it would be slightly easier if they were locked up

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    It's a mindset, lifestyle choice mainly, and also some witless dumb ass muslim who has been duped and probably drugged into believing this vile nonsense.

    Maybe round up all the suspected ISIS supporting individuals who we suspect - and then assess them, house arrest until proven they are no longer a threat. Why dont we put it to the vote ?
    I was watching the drama the excellent TV drama 3 girls , and found some comparisons, where a group of men ,groomed ,organised, controlled ,trafficked and carried out extreme acts ,using targeted vulnerable people, these incidents were reported to authorities years before ,with no action taken , interestingly you could suggest some comparisons of the same activities of grooming disenfranchised, isolated Muslims , to urge them into radicalism, again some of whom activities , were known, you cant make political gain out of alleged ineffective funded authorities. .

  7. #7

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    Not possible while we are in the EU

    Not sure on the family idea, but, if you are found guilty of any terrorist act in anyway shape of form, even handing out literature ( which seemed to have still been happening only a few weeks ago in the market on Moss side ), these people who the secret service know about, bring them in, investigate them, kick down doors and find them, then lock them up, no communication with the outside world, they will be no harm to us

    we have over 3000 on a UK watch list, we cannot watch them all while they are on the streets, it would be slightly easier if they were locked up
    Do you think we just do away with the idea that we wait for someone to commit a crime before incarcerating them, use an algorithm to decide who is likely to and then lock them up based on that?

    Sounds bad to me.

  8. #8

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    And if we put them all in the same prison then they don't need to do all the online surveillance of everyone
    I see what you did there

  9. #9

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    If someone goes to Syria / Lybia or anywhere else that ISIS are active
    If someone preaches about ISIS and trying to insight hatred
    If someone has been posting ISIS material online re bomb making, killing all non Wahabi Muslims
    If someone has a digital fingerprint which points to them trying to obtain materials to commit an act of terror etc

    They should be detained until the Police deem them fit not to pose a danger to others and the UK - I think after Monday that's what most people want. There are others though that would probably praise them. Free Speech, Human Rights, I would happily trade in for the life of my kids - and someone elses' kids come to think of it - until this Islamic Terrorism is finally stamped out.
    So if I go onto google now and search 'how to make a bomb?' I should be locked up indefinitely?

  10. #10

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Though I'm biased, I still believe my idea as part of the solution is the best. Put a stop to Saudi Arabia paying ISIS mercenaries, stop them from funding ISIS propaganda and stop them from arming ISIS murderers. I realise that flogging them weapons of all sorts provides lots of UK and USA jobs but pretending the emperor has no clothes is surreal.

  11. #11

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Though I'm biased, I still believe my idea as part of the solution is the best. Put a stop to Saudi Arabia paying ISIS mercenaries, stop them from funding ISIS propaganda and stop them from arming ISIS murderers. I realise that flogging them weapons of all sorts provides lots of UK and USA jobs but pretending the emperor has no clothes is surreal.
    But wouldn't it just be cheaper to indefinitely lock up Muslims who look a bit dodgy and harass/threaten their families?

  12. #12

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    People who advocate the restitution of the death penalty do so with an unspoken qualification which is providing they or someone they care about don't swing in error. It's the same when they approve of totalitarian measures applied to others as they believe it would never impact them.

  13. #13

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Eric - dear boy - you really do let yourself down sometimes.

    Lets change the word bomb for child abuse , now try again.
    So if I go onto google now and search 'how to make a child abuse?' I should be locked up indefinitely?

  14. #14

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    prawn cocktail pringles

  15. #15

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Do you think we just do away with the idea that we wait for someone to commit a crime before incarcerating them, use an algorithm to decide who is likely to and then lock them up based on that?

    Sounds bad to me.
    you might find that i said " if you are found guilty of any terrorist act in anyway shape of form, even handing out literature "

    where may i ask did i say " incarcerating them before they commit a crime " ? ? ?

  16. #16

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    If someone goes to Syria / Lybia or anywhere else that ISIS are active
    If someone preaches about ISIS and trying to insight hatred
    If someone has been posting ISIS material online re bomb making, killing all non Wahabi Muslims
    If someone has a digital fingerprint which points to them trying to obtain materials to commit an act of terror etc

    They should be detained until the Police deem them fit not to pose a danger to others and the UK - I think after Monday that's what most people want. There are others though that would probably praise them. Free Speech, Human Rights, I would happily trade in for the life of my kids - and someone elses' kids come to think of it - until this Islamic Terrorism is finally stamped out.
    The Lilly left will never let it happen

  17. #17

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    you might find that i said " if you are found guilty of any terrorist act in anyway shape of form, even handing out literature "

    where may i ask did i say " incarcerating them before they commit a crime " ? ? ?
    I was referring to the 3000 people on the 'watchlist' that you appear to want locked up indefinitely without knowing what led them to be on the 'watchlist' in the first place (or knowing whether or not they have committed a crime).

  18. #18

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Internment would only strengthen ISIS' hand, "Look at these Westerners, punishing us for doing Allah's work" etc etc

  19. #19

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    The Lilly left will never let it happen
    Strange comment. I don't know of any political party in the UK suggesting doing this.

  20. #20

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    I was referring to the 3000 people on the 'watchlist' that you appear to want locked up indefinitely without knowing what led them to be on the 'watchlist' in the first place (or knowing whether or not they have committed a crime).
    once again, i never said that at all, the precursor to that statement said " if you are found guilty of any terrorist act in anyway shape of form, even handing out literature "

    So Only if they have been found guilty of anything terror related, anything means, supporting in anyway, even handing out literature

  21. #21
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    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Strange comment. I don't know of any political party in the UK suggesting doing this.
    Col Richard Kemp (former head of Cobra) said the same sort of thing on the Nicky Campbell show the other day so I doubt it will be long before it is suggested, he went as far as saying..

    “Deport People We Don't Like, Even When We Can't Prove They've Done Anything Wrong!”

  22. #22

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    If someone goes to Syria / Lybia or anywhere else that ISIS are active
    If someone preaches about ISIS and trying to insight hatred
    If someone has been posting ISIS material online re bomb making, killing all non Wahabi Muslims
    If someone has a digital fingerprint which points to them trying to obtain materials to commit an act of terror etc

    They should be detained until the Police deem them fit not to pose a danger to others and the UK - I think after Monday that's what most people want. There are others though that would probably praise them. Free Speech, Human Rights, I would happily trade in for the life of my kids - and someone elses' kids come to think of it - until this Islamic Terrorism is finally stamped out.
    You're saying you would be happy for your child to be treated like a dog, and you'd give up your right to complain about, if the chances of being in a terrorist attack dropped from one in a million to zero?

    Fair play, that's one of the most insane and hysterical views that I've ever seen shared on here.

  23. #23

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Strange comment. I don't know of any political party in the UK suggesting doing this.
    Give it time.

  24. #24

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    once again, i never said that at all, the precursor to that statement said " if you are found guilty of any terrorist act in anyway shape of form, even handing out literature "

    So Only if they have been found guilty of anything terror related, anything means, supporting in anyway, even handing out literature
    So you don't want to lock up everyone on the watchlist to make it easier to watch them then? I must be seeing things.

  25. #25

    Re: The way to stop terrorism in this country

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    So if I go onto google now and search 'how to make a child abuse?' I should be locked up indefinitely?
    Doh, I must have let myself down again.

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