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Thread: Terrorism - the Ultimate vehicle for political spin [from all parties]

  1. #1

    Terrorism - the Ultimate vehicle for political spin [from all parties]

    The ghastly atrocity on Monday once again brought out the usual claptrap from our great political brains. We are told that the terrorists will never succeed or 'win', yet if a 22yr old plans to tie himself to a bomb, go out into a crowded public place with the sole intention of killing as many people as possible - and does exactly that - I would suggest that he's succeeded in every way.

    Every time a bomb goes off across Europe and innocent poeple are blown to bits, the same old mantra is churned out - 'won't destroy our way of life', etc, etc. Then the arrests, the seizing of bomb making materials, and the almost self-congragulatory hype from the government and police when they tell us how many ' imminent plots they have stopped', and how many they have prevented in the past 3/4 years.

    Our Government -together with the Police and the armed forces - have one main job over and above anything else - they are there to do whatever it takes to protect their citizens from danger. What they actually do is respond after an atrocity and make out they've done a good job by 'mopping up' the killer or killers accomplices.

    Tony Blair opened this Country up to all and sundry. Theresa May slashed the budget for border controls when she was home secretary. Blair and Cameron massaged their egos with ludicrous foreign wars which brought havoc to mainland Europe and the UK , a fact which Corbyn rightfully pointed out but was slated this week.

    And we spend billions on a nuclear deterrent with no real threat anywhere, but of course there has to be a threat to justify the billions, hence Russia becomes the bogeyman. And Corbyn was so right - NATO is pointless.

    I can't recall what date the election is but as usual - with even more strength of feeling that ever, it's ' none of the above' for me again..

  2. #2

    Re: Terrorism - the Ultimate vehicle for political spin [from all parties]

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    The ghastly atrocity on Monday once again brought out the usual claptrap from our great political brains. We are told that the terrorists will never succeed or 'win', yet if a 22yr old plans to tie himself to a bomb, go out into a crowded public place with the sole intention of killing as many people as possible - and does exactly that - I would suggest that he's succeeded in every way.

    Every time a bomb goes off across Europe and innocent poeple are blown to bits, the same old mantra is churned out - 'won't destroy our way of life', etc, etc. Then the arrests, the seizing of bomb making materials, and the almost self-congragulatory hype from the government and police when they tell us how many ' imminent plots they have stopped', and how many they have prevented in the past 3/4 years.

    Our Government -together with the Police and the armed forces - have one main job over and above anything else - they are there to do whatever it takes to protect their citizens from danger. What they actually do is respond after an atrocity and make out they've done a good job by 'mopping up' the killer or killers accomplices.

    Tony Blair opened this Country up to all and sundry. Theresa May slashed the budget for border controls when she was home secretary. Blair and Cameron massaged their egos with ludicrous foreign wars which brought havoc to mainland Europe and the UK , a fact which Corbyn rightfully pointed out but was slated this week.

    And we spend billions on a nuclear deterrent with no real threat anywhere, but of course there has to be a threat to justify the billions, hence Russia becomes the bogeyman. And Corbyn was so right - NATO is pointless.

    I can't recall what date the election is but as usual - with even more strength of feeling that ever, it's ' none of the above' for me again..
    You've just bigged up Corbyn and then said you won't vote for him. Why?

  3. #3

    Re: Terrorism - the Ultimate vehicle for political spin [from all parties]

    I think it's difficult for the politicians to say anything after such a tragedy.
    We all want to think that such appalling acts won't change our lives but the fact is that they do.

  4. #4

    Re: Terrorism - the Ultimate vehicle for political spin [from all parties]

    Politics forum please

  5. #5

    Re: Terrorism - the Ultimate vehicle for political spin [from all parties]

    When defence secretary is tearing into Corbyn's words only to change tune when revealed they are Boris Johnson's then you are right in saying it's something politicians use for spin.

  6. #6

    Re: Terrorism - the Ultimate vehicle for political spin [from all parties]

    Good News Network or Positive News UK - great news and not brainwashing or force feeding at all

  7. #7

    Re: Terrorism - the Ultimate vehicle for political spin [from all parties]

    It can go further that political spin, I remember watching a BBC documentary on YouTube about operation gladio.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Terrorism - the Ultimate vehicle for political spin [from all parties]

    Politicians from either side just want to make political gain ,whatever tradegy has unfolded, a big and brave politician or party would be one that says

    " hey let's not fight over this one , as it effects so many ,let's find a cross party solution "

    Does anyone hear those words ????

  9. #9

    Re: Terrorism - the Ultimate vehicle for political spin [from all parties]

    Quote Originally Posted by Colonel Cærdiffi View Post
    You've just bigged up Corbyn and then said you won't vote for him. Why?
    Because I don't think any political party is worth voting for.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Terrorism - the Ultimate vehicle for political spin [from all parties]

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Because I don't think any political party is worth voting for.
    But does that help the debate and future outcome.

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