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Thread: Anyone dieting

  1. #1

    Anyone dieting

    Anyone found anything that works well? Need to try and lose weight but I find if I'm not ultra-strict then I can't do it. Falling back into the trap of excusing alcohol and takeaways And I get servere headaches if I do push through.

    Let's all just be fat?

  2. #2

    Re: Anyone dieting

    I find diets useless for me, I stick to them for a while loose lots of weight and then eventually break and put it all back on.
    best things for me personally is a high energy breakfast and a jog before work, then I am in a good place all day and do not make stupid decisions.

    Only drink water in the week is also a good one, no coffee, tea, fizzy drinks ect

    then a few pints on the weekend allowed only for socialising

  3. #3

    Re: Anyone dieting

    i did slimming world for 10 months. lost six stone.

    when in the groove i was drinking whisky n pepsi max most nights but in moderation. ate breakfast, lunch and tea everyday with a few beers on a saturday.

    completely cut out pizza, crisps, and almost all chocolate. no chinese takeaways but did have a lamb rogan josh with boiled rice every couple of weeks.

    my daily diet was something like

    breakfast: weetabix, black coffee and melon.

    Lunch: tesco medium fish sushi or a salad or a subway sandwich with lots of salad

    tea: roast salmon, a steak, pork chops or home made chilli (protein) with roasted peppers and courgettes.

    Snacks: ham, melon (fruit) or crab sticks

    Treats. A few single whiskey's with pepsi max, maybe a packet of quavers

    Went for it week after week losing 2 - 3 lbs everytime. Won slimmer of the week for almost five months in a row. Lost 6st 2lb.

    Last 18 months I've been spiraling and being 'naughty' so have put some weight back on. i drink too much beer and have brought the takeaways and processed food back into my diet. but I think a three month focus will drop it off again.

    Go for it. Lose the weight, you feel so much better. Then you can have the treats and enjoy them while feeling great.

  4. #4
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone dieting

    Quote Originally Posted by WJ99mobile View Post
    Anyone found anything that works well? Need to try and lose weight but I find if I'm not ultra-strict then I can't do it. Falling back into the trap of excusing alcohol and takeaways And I get servere headaches if I do push through.

    Let's all just be fat?
    Coconut oil I've been taking it and dieting for the last ten weeks, I've lost 34lbs so far, I take it with my cup of tea in the morning and I don't feel like eating all day tbh, it's good for loads of other reasons too, I feel so much healthier since I've been taking it.

    Here are a few links..

    Slimming world are also great like Mike says, I lost a lot of weight with them before but I was stupid enough to put it all back on.

  5. #5

    Re: Anyone dieting

    A few of my friends do the keto diet. It seems like a lot of effort, but I tried some of their food this weekend, like the pizza and it was amazing. (pizza "dough" made out of cheese) Three of them shed 17, 30 and 50lbs respectively. One of them was borderline diabetic and is now perfectly healthy.

  6. #6
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    Re: Anyone dieting

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    A few of my friends do the keto diet. It seems like a lot of effort, but I tried some of their food this weekend, like the pizza and it was amazing. (pizza "dough" made out of cheese) Three of them shed 17, 30 and 50lbs respectively. One of them was borderline diabetic and is now perfectly healthy.
    I'm not on that one but I've read coconut oil is great for the Ketogenic Diet.

    "Coconut oil is great for weight loss and should be a part of every low-carb, ketogenic diet. It increases energy expenditure and helps you burn more fat. Coconut oil is also known to reduce hunger cravings and keep you fuller for longer. Not only it will help you lose weight, but it's been shown to reduce the dangerous fat in your abdominal area, also known as visceral fat."

  7. #7

    Re: Anyone dieting

    I went from obese (according to BMI) to a normal weight by calorie counting,

    I basically ate the same thing every day. Pineapple for breakfast, Melon and a chicken sandwich for lunch. Pasta for dinner. Didn't eat after 8. Rarely felt hungry once I lost some weight.

    Your headaches will probably subside - I had the same thing and assumed it was down to my "refined sugar cold turkey".

    Cook your own meals, avoid processed foods, drink plenty of water. If you need to snack - pick some vegetables.

    For exercise, I would just walk for an hour every evening.

    First 2 weeks was tough, I was constantly hungry, but now I only feel hungry at mealtimes.

    I used a Nutracheck app, and a weighing scales that produced all sorts of graphs on my phone.

  8. #8

    Re: Anyone dieting

    Atkins is horrible but you get results. Quickly.

    In fact, don't people lose over a stone on average just through water weight in the first week?.

  9. #9

    Re: Anyone dieting

    Diets don't work. You almost always put the weight back on even if it is successful to begin with. Only a permanent change in eating, drinking and exercise habits can change things.... That... or gallstones!

  10. #10

    Re: Anyone dieting

    Stating the obvious - eat less!

    I on't mean to be facetious, I saw Dr Phil Hammond on Countdown a little while ago.
    He said using a smaller bowl, or only filling a plate with food in the centre bit, avoiding the raised rim, he lost a couple of stone.

    But don't go out and buy bigger plates!

  11. #11

    Re: Anyone dieting

    Quote Originally Posted by El Horno View Post
    Diets don't work. You almost always put the weight back on even if it is successful to begin with. Only a permanent change in eating, drinking and exercise habits can change things.... That... or gallstones!
    This is unfortunately true.

    I remember a prog on TV ages ago,they used this analogy -
    as you eat, the body stores the food types (protein, carbs, fat) in "pockets".
    When all the pockets were full, the body creates new fat pockets, but no extra pockets for the other stuff.
    So excess food of any type is stored as fat.
    But if you lose weight, those extra fat pockets are still there, so it is very easy to put weight back on if you overeat by just a small amount.

  12. #12

    Re: Anyone dieting

    Quote Originally Posted by bobh View Post
    This is unfortunately true.

    I remember a prog on TV ages ago,they used this analogy -
    as you eat, the body stores the food types (protein, carbs, fat) in "pockets".
    When all the pockets were full, the body creates new fat pockets, but no extra pockets for the other stuff.
    So excess food of any type is stored as fat.
    But if you lose weight, those extra fat pockets are still there, so it is very easy to put weight back on if you overeat by just a small amount.
    The thing is, when we all talk of diets, evidence is purely anecdotal. What works well for person A will not work as well for person B. However, the main reason people stay "thin" or at a good weight is because they change their diets permanently, I am less strict with my diet than I was when wanting to lose weight, but I still watch what I eat. A lot of it comes without thought now, because all old habits of biscuits with tea etc etc I now equate to putting on a few pounds in a week if I start doing it again.

  13. #13

    Re: Anyone dieting

    I've lost half a stone In a week, gone from
    15:8t to 15. Got another stone to go ( I'm 6ft) but alllnive been doing is what the experts tell you.
    No crisps,'chocolate, white bread
    Loads of veg
    Chicken instead of red meat
    Baked potatoes
    Wholemeal bread.
    That's it and plenty of exercise.

  14. #14

    Re: Anyone dieting

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Isnt coconut oil full of saturated fat ? - which would be a terrible thing to consume in large amounts. Sure you'd lose weight - but your cholesterol would go through the roof.

    Cut out the crap food and exercise every other day for an hour or so using both a little cardio and more importantly by lifting weights. Prof Mike Moseley did a whole program on it - lifting weights your muscles will continue to burn calories a long time after you have stopped exercising.
    I believe coconut oil is best avoided if your cholesterol is on the wrong side of middling. It is full of saturated fat.

  15. #15

    Re: Anyone dieting

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Morris View Post
    i did slimming world for 10 months. lost six stone.

    when in the groove i was drinking whisky n pepsi max most nights but in moderation. ate breakfast, lunch and tea everyday with a few beers on a saturday.

    completely cut out pizza, crisps, and almost all chocolate. no chinese takeaways but did have a lamb rogan josh with boiled rice every couple of weeks.

    my daily diet was something like

    breakfast: weetabix, black coffee and melon.

    Lunch: tesco medium fish sushi or a salad or a subway sandwich with lots of salad

    tea: roast salmon, a steak, pork chops or home made chilli (protein) with roasted peppers and courgettes.

    Snacks: ham, melon (fruit) or crab sticks

    Treats. A few single whiskey's with pepsi max, maybe a packet of quavers

    Went for it week after week losing 2 - 3 lbs everytime. Won slimmer of the week for almost five months in a row. Lost 6st 2lb.

    Last 18 months I've been spiraling and being 'naughty' so have put some weight back on. i drink too much beer and have brought the takeaways and processed food back into my diet. but I think a three month focus will drop it off again.

    Go for it. Lose the weight, you feel so much better. Then you can have the treats and enjoy them while feeling great.
    good effort ! Ive been doing slimming world for a while , lost 3 stone but I find it hard when nights out and other social events get in the way, important to plan your meals I think and stick to it.

  16. #16

    Re: Anyone dieting

    In 22 days I've lost 11 lbs from working seven days a week, 10 hours a day, renovating a house. I feel like shit and can't wait to get back up to 225 lbs, my normal bodyweight.

  17. #17
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Anyone dieting

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Isnt coconut oil full of saturated fat ? - which would be a terrible thing to consume in large amounts. Sure you'd lose weight - but your cholesterol would go through the roof.

    Cut out the crap food and exercise every other day for an hour or so using both a little cardio and more importantly by lifting weights. Prof Mike Moseley did a whole program on it - lifting weights your muscles will continue to burn calories a long time after you have stopped exercising.
    Did you read any of those links? research is changing all the time.

    There are 1500 studies proving the health benefits of coconut oil on Dr Axe page...

    72. Blood Sugar Stabilizer and Diabetes Preventer – Coconut oil can help balance blood sugar levels and has been medically proven to improve diabetes. Coconut oil can help balance blood sugar levels by encouraging efficient secretion of insulin from the pancreas. In a 2009 study, researchers found that medium-chain fatty acids “may therefore be beneficial for preventing obesity and insulin resistance.”

    74. Balance Cholesterol Levels – The healthy fats in coconut oil have been proven to increase HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol supporting heart health. According to a study reviewed by Harvard Medical School, coconut oil consumption increases HDL cholesterol, and improves the cholesterol ratio.

    76. Fight Heart Disease– After decades of coconut oil being vilified due to its saturated fat content, new research is now proving that medium-chain fatty acids and coconut oil are beneficial to heart health and help lower high blood pressure.
    Healthy fats are essential for good health, also it's antioxidant effects are good when dieting as the fat you have stored over the years is full of crap and other toxins that you are now using DO PEOPLE REALLY “RELEASE TOXINS” WHEN THEY LOSE WEIGHT?

    I'm sure you will find plenty of studies that say different but I feel great, better than I have for a long time, I'm at risk of a heart attack being fat anyway so if I'm going to have one then I'd rather be thinner when I do, it will be easier for someone to pick me up.

    I'm trying to just eat natural and not processed foods as I have some allergies, they have caused dark patches around my eyes which are now going since using coconut oil on my face, my sons eczema is also clearing up since putting it in his bath.

    I do need to sort out some sort of exercise plan though, lifting weights sounds pretty boring if I'm honest.

  18. #18

    Re: Anyone dieting

    "I do need to sort out some sort of exercise plan though, lifting weights sounds pretty boring if I'm honest."

    You will be pleased to hear that lifting weights won't help as muscle is heavier than fat.

  19. #19
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    Re: Anyone dieting

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    "I do need to sort out some sort of exercise plan though, lifting weights sounds pretty boring if I'm honest."

    You will be pleased to hear that lifting weights won't help as muscle is heavier than fat.
    I'm thinking of getting a bike.

  20. #20

    Re: Anyone dieting

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    I'm thinking of getting a bike.
    I presume you're aiming for this event? You've got seventeen days to get yer bike...

    naked cycling.jpg

  21. #21
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    Re: Anyone dieting

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    I presume you're aiming for this event? You've got seventeen days to get yer bike...

    naked cycling.jpg
    Maybe next year.

  22. #22

    Re: Anyone dieting

    no need for any of this just pump cocane up your nose all week.the weight will drop of

  23. #23
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    Re: Anyone dieting

    Quote Originally Posted by kingbillyboy View Post
    no need for any of this just pump cocane up your nose all week.the weight will drop of
    Sounds fun but Sleep Is Important to Weight Loss

  24. #24

    Re: Anyone dieting

    Diets don't work? What does that mean? Surely a diet works as long as you stick to it? You can't expect anything to work when you don't practice it.

    It's like saying my phone only works when I charge it. if I don't charge it, it doesn't work. Therefore my phone doesn't work.

  25. #25

    Re: Anyone dieting

    Just walk. About 2 hours a day of fast walking and you should be able to eat what you want . I just love walking around and listening to podcasts or maybe just thinking about some problem. I find metaethics to be a good topic for a long walk.

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