Originally Posted by
life on mars
I would argue things just got interesting, May will hang on and govern as she can , she will try and negotiate a deal, her opponents will knock it back , voters will see the leavers anger rise gain as they become disillusioned with no deal and borders not controlled .
Youth enthusiasm wains, as going out to vote twice in 4 years will be very trying , and realise there vote for clearance of student debt , or free tuition fees may not come to fruition , or si a pipe dream , May sacks Hammond, rewrites the budget to a more friendly centralist way , fixes the social care bill , spends money on police ,steps down for more electable MP such as Ruth Davidson ,bingo or bust .
If I was Labour I would plan a dignified exit for J.C. ie Clive Lewis and try win Scotland back by taking the Tory seats and more SNP .
Its just a few thoughts , no political agenda .