Quote Originally Posted by BlueWales View Post
I am so ashamed to be Welsh when the moronic people of the valleys start going on about " the immigration problem ".

Usually all you see is white faces up there but the morons have bought the racist right wing press views hook , line and sinker.

Decent places like London , Cardiff and Manchester are tolerant and are building a society where everyone counts.

This is the Cardiff way and it sets a good example for the rest of the UK. Racist scum like JDerrida can ferk off back to their holes as far as I'm concerned. Tosser !
BlueWales, you are so wrong on EVERY single paragraph you wrote.
I am from Cardiff, not the Valleys - you seriously have racist views against white people from the valleys - maybe you should be reported, or is it only minorities that can be verbally or physically assaulted?
Since when did Labour voters start listening to right wing press ?
Large numbers in traditional Labour heartlands voted to leave - so it wasn't just right wing voters who wanted to leave the EU. A LOT of Labour voters voted to leave. How does that sit with your left wing sensibilities?
If you listen to people who are a minority in places like City Road, Riverside, Grangetown and Butetown, then you will hear a LOT of major complaints and concerns about certain peoples. However, it will usually go unreported for a variety of reasons and THAT is exactly what needs to be dealt with.
Your Utopian ideal of what you delusionally think Cardiff, London and Manchester are like, are actually in very many ways Dystopian societies.
Racist scum - you're clearly a very sad little individual who really can't have a reasoned debate.