Quote Originally Posted by Packerman View Post
this thread is great, comedy gold, all hail CCMB
page after page of Gluey hailing Trump as a tactical genius constantly outmanoeuvering all those people who are trying to destroy him.

Until it transpires that Trump isn't actually the messiah fighting for the people against the political elite.

Cue more page after page of Gluey telling us that its all part of Donald's master plan.

Apparently there's a big picture going on behind the scenes that only really clever people like Gluey and Trump are aware of. Obviously he can't tell us what this end game actually is - us plebs just have to wait and see (at which point he'll reveal that he knew all along)

There's also lots of side issues going on as well which Gluey is well aware of - again he's not at liberty to say, but all will become clear in due course when his vague insinuations will come to fruition and show him to be as knowledgeable as he clearly is.

Gives us all a good laugh though so crack on Gluey I say.