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Thread: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

  1. #1

    Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Maybe this will put a stop to the misinformation in ignoring these invoices. They ARE enforceable.

    Nurses and Doctors will have to cough up thousands.....


  2. #2

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Quote Originally Posted by Thoth View Post
    Maybe this will put a stop to the misinformation in ignoring these invoices. They ARE enforceable.

    Nurses and Doctors will have to cough up thousands.....

    Oooof! That's gotta hurt!

    Sympathy for those who simply have to drive to their place of work due to poor public transport, although there are those that fly in the face of the law.
    The law and the courts closing ranks on drivers.

  3. #3

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Quote Originally Posted by MacAdder View Post
    Oooof! That's gotta hurt!

    Sympathy for those who simply have to drive to their place of work due to poor public transport, although there are those that fly in the face of the law.
    The law and the courts closing ranks on drivers.
    People parking there decided to do so thinking they could ignore them. There are plenty of staff there who think nothing of parking on pavements near the hospital, blocking access to those with buggies, wheelchairs et al.

  4. #4

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    70 doctors and nurses form 2% of staff. Does the hospital really employ 3,500 people?

  5. #5

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    The title of this thread tells you the real story here.

    Ultimately ignoring the charges is what these people should have done.

    The fact that they didn't is why they're now being ordered to pay.

    Don't acknowledge them and there's nothing they can do. Respond to them and they can take action.

    My missus works there and every single person she works with doesn't pay. Some days they get tickets, some days they don't. The tickets go in the bin, as do the letters they send 'asking' for payment. This has gone on for years and not one of the tickets has been chased through further action.

    The reason they took these people through the civil court system was because the people tried to get the charges ruled as invalid. Technically they shot themselves in the foot by getting involved as a collective group - the parking company pursued it because collectively the fines amounted to such a large amount. If they'd just ignored the charges on an individual basis then they would have been fine.

    Before anyone replies with the 'why should people think they can get away without paying' line, I'll just add this:

    About ten years ago it was announced that parking charges were to be abolished at Welsh NHS hospitals. However staff were told that any private parking firms that had contracts would be allowed to see out the contracts so people might still have to pay at some hospitals 'for a few years' - ten years later these cowboys are still fleecing people and nobody seems to know why these people are still allowed to charge (surely it can't be a money making scheme can it? )

  6. #6

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    The title of this thread tells you the real story here.

    Ultimately ignoring the charges is what these people should have done.

    The fact that they didn't is why they're now being ordered to pay.

    Don't acknowledge them and there's nothing they can do. Respond to them and they can take action.

    My missus works there and every single person she works with doesn't pay. Some days they get tickets, some days they don't. The tickets go in the bin, as do the letters they send 'asking' for payment. This has gone on for years and not one of the tickets has been chased through further action.

    The reason they took these people through the civil court system was because the people tried to get the charges ruled as invalid. Technically they shot themselves in the foot by getting involved as a collective group - the parking company pursued it because collectively the fines amounted to such a large amount. If they'd just ignored the charges on an individual basis then they would have been fine.

    Before anyone replies with the 'why should people think they can get away without paying' line, I'll just add this:

    About ten years ago it was announced that parking charges were to be abolished at Welsh NHS hospitals. However staff were told that any private parking firms that had contracts would be allowed to see out the contracts so people might still have to pay at some hospitals 'for a few years' - ten years later these cowboys are still fleecing people and nobody seems to know why these people are still allowed to charge (surely it can't be a money making scheme can it? )

    I am not going to get into the detail of this case but only to say I have had 3 private charges served against me and like you have ignored them completely and they have gone away.

    On this particular case wouldn't it a breath of fresh air if the parking company turned around and said Okay - we won, we proved our point and we will not call in the debt but from this day on charges apply - I know I am deluded but hey ho - I dream of a better world

    Just one last thought - how can we spend 55 billion on some train track yet charge our doctors and nurses to park in work?

  7. #7

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    @Nobody's rep

    Why should doctors and nurses receive preferential treatment regarding the use of their cars travelling to and from work? Hospitals are generally well served by public transport

  8. #8

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Quote Originally Posted by TISS View Post
    @Nobody's rep

    Why should doctors and nurses receive preferential treatment regarding the use of their cars travelling to and from work? Hospitals are generally well served by public transport

    I'm sure you'll understand perfectly next time you're elderly mother is left in her own piss because the nurse looking after her has been trying to find somewhere to park for 45 minutes.

    Or maybe the doctor waiting to examine your distressed newborn baby has been unexpectedly held up because he's had to walk half a mile due to the lack of spaces.

    As for public transport, do you think nurses work 9-5?

  9. #9

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Well done on your missus matey

    Making money out of people being sick and ill is sick in itself

    Of course doctors and uses shouldn't have to pay to park, neither should patients or those visiting patients.

    My father is disabled and registered blind, and has regular appointments at the hospital. It makes my blood boil that despite him having a blue badge I still have to pay when I take him for his appointments.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    The title of this thread tells you the real story here.

    Ultimately ignoring the charges is what these people should have done.

    The fact that they didn't is why they're now being ordered to pay.

    Don't acknowledge them and there's nothing they can do. Respond to them and they can take action.

    My missus works there and every single person she works with doesn't pay. Some days they get tickets, some days they don't. The tickets go in the bin, as do the letters they send 'asking' for payment. This has gone on for years and not one of the tickets has been chased through further action.

    The reason they took these people through the civil court system was because the people tried to get the charges ruled as invalid. Technically they shot themselves in the foot by getting involved as a collective group - the parking company pursued it because collectively the fines amounted to such a large amount. If they'd just ignored the charges on an individual basis then they would have been fine.

    Before anyone replies with the 'why should people think they can get away without paying' line, I'll just add this:

    About ten years ago it was announced that parking charges were to be abolished at Welsh NHS hospitals. However staff were told that any private parking firms that had contracts would be allowed to see out the contracts so people might still have to pay at some hospitals 'for a few years' - ten years later these cowboys are still fleecing people and nobody seems to know why these people are still allowed to charge (surely it can't be a money making scheme can it? )

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    The best I can think of is , know where youv'e parked, read the parking notice, a
    understand the rules,don't cheat its dearer in the long run .

  11. #11

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    I'm sure you'll understand perfectly next time you're elderly mother is left in her own piss because the nurse looking after her has been trying to find somewhere to park for 45 minutes.

    Or maybe the doctor waiting to examine your distressed newborn baby has been unexpectedly held up because he's had to walk half a mile due to the lack of spaces.

    As for public transport, do you think nurses work 9-5?
    I'm sure next time I have to push my child in a buggy on the road because a hospital staff member has parked blocking the pavement that my thoughts will be with the lives they save that day...

    As one ****wit doctor said "how is parking on the pavement illegal"? Well, when nobody can get past it is. ****er wasn't smiling when he returned to his car to see it ticketed...

    UHW have been trialling a park and ride bus service from Pentwyn, seems to be going well, will need to be expanded.

  12. #12

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    I'm sure you'll understand perfectly next time you're elderly mother is left in her own piss because the nurse looking after her has been trying to find somewhere to park for 45 minutes.

    Or maybe the doctor waiting to examine your distressed newborn baby has been unexpectedly held up because he's had to walk half a mile due to the lack of spaces.

    As for public transport, do you think nurses work 9-5?
    Spot on.

  13. #13

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    The best I can think of is , know where youv'e parked, read the parking notice, a
    understand the rules,don't cheat its dearer in the long run .
    The best I can think of is 'stop ripping off people providing and using vital services that ALL of us will use and need at some point just to make money'

    People aren't parking there for a day out at the beach or to do a bit of shopping.

  14. #14

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Quote Originally Posted by ccfc_is_my_life View Post
    I'm sure next time I have to push my child in a buggy on the road because a hospital staff member has parked blocking the pavement that my thoughts will be with the lives they save that day...

    As one ****wit doctor said "how is parking on the pavement illegal"? Well, when nobody can get past it is. ****er wasn't smiling when he returned to his car to see it ticketed...

    UHW have been trialling a park and ride bus service from Pentwyn, seems to be going well, will need to be expanded.
    I'm assuming that you were pushing your child in a buggy during a visit to the hospital.

    That hospital staff member parked on the pavement in order to get to work to help people like you and your child.

  15. #15

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    I'm assuming that you were pushing your child in a buggy during a visit to the hospital.

    That hospital staff member parked on the pavement in order to get to work to help people like you and your child.
    No. Nice moralising to try to make a point but an utter fail.

    I was pushing my child in a buggy to get out of the street I live in to get to the local park.

    That hospital staff member parked like a **** because they are a ****. A **** who gave zero ****s about parking illegally or the obstruction caused.

    When we first moved here a decade ago, we routinely had 10-15 hospital staff causing problems with ridiculous parking each and every day - traffic enforcement has cleared that but we still get idiots. We particularly enjoyed the irony that an ambulance couldn't get down the road due to the parking of hospital staff a few years ago.

  16. #16

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Quote Originally Posted by ccfc_is_my_life View Post
    I'm sure next time I have to push my child in a buggy on the road because a hospital staff member has parked blocking the pavement that my thoughts will be with the lives they save that day...

    As one ****wit doctor said "how is parking on the pavement illegal"? Well, when nobody can get past it is. ****er wasn't smiling when he returned to his car to see it ticketed...

    UHW have been trialling a park and ride bus service from Pentwyn, seems to be going well, will need to be expanded.
    You're right, it does need to be expanded.

    The simple fact is that there's not enough parking for staff and patients.

    But then I guess that's what happens when local hospitals get closed down and UHW has to deal with an ever increasing population.

  17. #17

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Quote Originally Posted by ccfc_is_my_life View Post

    I was pushing my child in a buggy to get out of the street I live in to get to the local park.

    That hospital staff member parked like a **** because they are a ****.
    Not saying it's right but what's the solution here.

    If there's no parking at the hospital what should people do?

  18. #18

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    Not saying it's right but what's the solution here.

    If there's no parking at the hospital what should people do?
    Ooooh, oooooh, I get it.

    Don't block pavements, don't park on double yellow lines. Why should hospital staff be allowed to do so?

  19. #19

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    The best I can think of is 'stop ripping off people providing and using vital services that ALL of us will use and need at some point just to make money'

    People aren't parking there for a day out at the beach or to do a bit of shopping.
    Unfortunately people just can't be trusted unless there's a deterrent. The Royal Glam got rid of the parking wardens and despite there being a massive car park opposite the hospital people just parked on the pavements and anywhere else they could to save themselves a minutes walk. It was bloody ridiculous.

    Same thing happened in Aberystwyth when they got rid of their parking wardens, total anarchy with no thought given to the safety of others so long as people got to park right outside the shop they wanted to visit.

  20. #20

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    You're right, it does need to be expanded.

    The simple fact is that there's not enough parking for staff and patients.

    But then I guess that's what happens when local hospitals get closed down and UHW has to deal with an ever increasing population.
    You're right, there are parking issues. UHW could encourage, reward car sharing where possible for example. The park and ride bus service from people I know who have used it has worked well so far. They definitely need to establish it at other sites rather than just Pentwyn.

  21. #21

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Quote Originally Posted by ccfc_is_my_life View Post
    Ooooh, oooooh, I get it.

    Don't block pavements, don't park on double yellow lines. Why should hospital staff be allowed to do so?
    Of course they shouldn't.

    If they do they deserve a ticket.

    However this thread is about people being charged to park in the hospital.

  22. #22

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    I'm happy to pay for parking when I have cause to go to the UHW but even then it's still a pain in the knob to find a space. Just can't win.

  23. #23

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Quote Originally Posted by itkman View Post
    Unfortunately people just can't be trusted unless there's a deterrent. The Royal Glam got rid of the parking wardens and despite there being a massive car park opposite the hospital people just parked on the pavements and anywhere else they could to save themselves a minutes walk. It was bloody ridiculous.

    Same thing happened in Aberystwyth when they got rid of their parking wardens, total anarchy with no thought given to the safety of others so long as people got to park right outside the shop they wanted to visit.
    I think this threads going a bit off track.

    My issue is with people being charged for parking in the hospital grounds.

    Of course if people are causing an obstruction then they deserve a ticket.

  24. #24

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    Of course they shouldn't.

    If they do they deserve a ticket.

    However this thread is about people being charged to park in the hospital.
    Charging is one deterrent to park, which should mean people look to park elsewhere relieving pressure on spaces in theory. In practice...

    The problem is demand will always remain high, number of spaces isn't going to increase. Problems will still occur in and out of the UHW site; make it free, spaces will still be limited.

    Roads around UHW will still experience problems.

  25. #25

    Re: Ignoring Private Parking Fines

    Just saying but if they allocate more spaces to staff then there'll be less spaces for patients and visitors.

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