Quote Originally Posted by Zenith View Post
Girlfriend ended our relationship of almost 3 years today and I'm in pieces.

I need the best of CCMB to do what they do best and give me a good old cheering up
I know it's a cliche but everything happens for a reason. If she really is the one then she'll come back and it'll work out. If she's not then you'll move on and in time look back and see why it didn't work out.

We've all been there and it feels really shit but in time you'll get over it, meet someone else and experience the rampant thrill of incessant shagging that only a new relationship can bring.

In the meantime, keep busy, lean on your friends, look at all the gorgeous birds out there and no matter how tempted you are, don't go crying to the old one begging her to take you back.

You'll be fine young man.