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Thread: Transgender boy story

  1. #1

    Transgender boy story


    Seems a lot are at fault here. The kid is 6 for Christ sake, labelling him transgender as I've seen in other media is wrong surely ??

    Yet the parents dragging their kid of the same class is cruel surely ???

    And also those in media with their faux outrage harshly criticising the parents is a bit over the top.

    We live in strange times.

  2. #2

    Re: Transgender boy story

    I think it's the label that is the problem, why not just say he's wearing what he wants. It's not like he's having an operation or anything yet. Seems weird that we are told not to classify kids as boys or girls until they're old enough to decide but at the same time are happy to label them transgender.

    As for the parents are they going to teach the kid to run away every time something confuses them? Surely they should be teaching their child tolerance as their religion teaches?

  3. #3

    Re: Transgender boy story

    The whole thing is odd, when my boy was 6 he would have probably liked to go to school dressed as a transformer or a pirate, I find it hard to believe a 6yo would consider themselves transgender. Maybe he just fancied wearing a dress.
    Also how many shows were those other parents on yesterday? that kind of exposure doesn't come cheap, some group is pushing an agenda here and I don think its the trans community.
    They are associated with "Christian Concern" apparently and their legal fight with the school is being backed by the Christian Legal Centre..
    They could have taught their kid about tolerance and understanding of others.
    their kid was stressed about it but others in the class couldn't be arsed,weird that..

  4. #4

    Re: Transgender boy story

    It got the parents what they wanted, their Andy Warhol 15 minutes of fame.

  5. #5

    Re: Transgender boy story

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    I think it's the label that is the problem, why not just say he's wearing what he wants. It's not like he's having an operation or anything yet. Seems weird that we are told not to classify kids as boys or girls until they're old enough to decide but at the same time are happy to label them transgender.

    As for the parents are they going to teach the kid to run away every time something confuses them? Surely they should be teaching their child tolerance as their religion teaches?
    Told by who?

  6. #6

    Re: Transgender boy story

    if some boy wants to wear a dress, then let him. who gives a ****

  7. #7

    Re: Transgender boy story

    Quote Originally Posted by TISS View Post
    if some boy wants to wear a dress, then let him. who gives a ****
    Are Nazi uniforms ok too?

  8. #8

    Re: Transgender boy story

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Are Nazi uniforms ok too?
    Male or female?

  9. #9

    Re: Transgender boy story

    Why label children full stop? In an equal society why have the gay community, Asian community etc treat people as individuals, not separate groups.

  10. #10

    Re: Transgender boy story

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Are Nazi uniforms ok too?
    Couldn't give a shit either way

  11. #11

    Re: Transgender boy story

    Why is all this coming about now? how the hell can a six year old know that they are transgender ( another new name added to the dictionary) It is absolutely ridiculous!

  12. #12
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Transgender boy story

    Joanna Williams on the tyranny of gender-neutrality:
    'The current war against gender tells us far more about the concerns of a small number of adults than it does about children. Having failed to eradicate all differences between men and women in society, campaigners turn to a captive audience of schoolchildren to shape the world as they would like it to be.'

    Oh and did you hear the one about a rapist in a women's prison? not even a joke..

    'It is time we asserted our right to opt out of trans people’s fantasies. If a man wants to refer to himself as a woman, that is absolutely his business. But there is no reason the rest of us have to accept that he is a woman. There is no reason the birth registrar has to change the sex on his birth certificate (replacing the truth with a lie), or that a women-only college has to accept him as a student, or that the prison system has to place him in a women's prison. The rise of the trans ideology speaks to a really problematic 21st-century idea: that society has a duty to respect our chosen identities. It doesn’t. Society must only respect our rights — our right to speak, our right to vote and our right to personal autonomy — not what we believe. Society must uphold our freedom, not our feelings. So yes, a man has a right to say "I'm a woman", but society is perfectly within its rights to say: "No, you are not." And it should say this far more often.'

  13. #13

    Re: Transgender boy story

    I don't agree with making a child a news story. This case needed to be handled sensitively but none of the relevent parties seem to have managed that.

  14. #14

    Re: Transgender boy story

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    I don't agree with making a child a news story. This case needed to be handled sensitively but none of the relevent parties seem to have managed that.
    Including the BBC who seem to have a thing about transgender stories at the moment, hardly a day goes by without a mention.

  15. #15

    Re: Transgender boy story

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Including the BBC who seem to have a thing about transgender stories at the moment, hardly a day goes by without a mention.
    Transgender is the new Muslim.

  16. #16

    Re: Transgender boy story

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Joanna Williams on the tyranny of gender-neutrality:
    'The current war against gender tells us far more about the concerns of a small number of adults than it does about children. Having failed to eradicate all differences between men and women in society, campaigners turn to a captive audience of schoolchildren to shape the world as they would like it to be.'

    Oh and did you hear the one about a rapist in a women's prison? not even a joke..

    'It is time we asserted our right to opt out of trans people’s fantasies. If a man wants to refer to himself as a woman, that is absolutely his business. But there is no reason the rest of us have to accept that he is a woman. There is no reason the birth registrar has to change the sex on his birth certificate (replacing the truth with a lie), or that a women-only college has to accept him as a student, or that the prison system has to place him in a women's prison. The rise of the trans ideology speaks to a really problematic 21st-century idea: that society has a duty to respect our chosen identities. It doesn’t. Society must only respect our rights — our right to speak, our right to vote and our right to personal autonomy — not what we believe. Society must uphold our freedom, not our feelings. So yes, a man has a right to say "I'm a woman", but society is perfectly within its rights to say: "No, you are not." And it should say this far more often.'
    Hear, bloody hear!

  17. #17
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Transgender boy story

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Including the BBC who seem to have a thing about transgender stories at the moment, hardly a day goes by without a mention.
    They are actively promoting it with programmes like 'Just A Girl'

    I keep finding myself looking at what Brendan O'Neill has to say about these things as he seems to be one of the few people left that have not gone insane..

    "Trans activists are effectively experimenting on children. Could there be anything more cruel?"

    "The NHS now prescribes puberty-blocking drugs to so-called trans kids when they turn 10 or 11. This seems especially cruel, to deny children that tough but essential transitionary period, that biological burst that turns girls into women and boys into gruff-voiced scallywags who might one day mature into men. We do not ask 10-year-olds to make major decisions in relation to their schooling, where they live, smoking or sex; and yet we now invite them to make the terrifying existential choice to offset adulthood itself, to keep their hormones locked in limbo, to determine what sex they are. What a terrible burden to put on a human being who probably isn’t allowed to walk to the shop on his own or to stay up past 9pm"

  18. #18

    Re: Transgender boy story

    If I ever end up (back) inside I'm going to say I'm a tranny so they put me in with women.

  19. #19

    Re: Transgender boy story

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    They are actively promoting it with programmes like 'Just A Girl'

    I keep finding myself looking at what Brendan O'Neill has to say about these things as he seems to be one of the few people left that have not gone insane..

    "Trans activists are effectively experimenting on children. Could there be anything more cruel?"

    "The NHS now prescribes puberty-blocking drugs to so-called trans kids when they turn 10 or 11. This seems especially cruel, to deny children that tough but essential transitionary period, that biological burst that turns girls into women and boys into gruff-voiced scallywags who might one day mature into men. We do not ask 10-year-olds to make major decisions in relation to their schooling, where they live, smoking or sex; and yet we now invite them to make the terrifying existential choice to offset adulthood itself, to keep their hormones locked in limbo, to determine what sex they are. What a terrible burden to put on a human being who probably isn’t allowed to walk to the shop on his own or to stay up past 9pm"
    Facking ell I never knew that Mrs Steve puberty blocking drugs to children wtf
    that's beyond terrible how cruel is that
    I find the whole thing sinister
    there is more than 1 agenda being pushed here surely

  20. #20
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Transgender boy story

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    If I ever end up (back) inside I'm going to say I'm a tranny so they put me in with women.
    They have already done that.

    Quote Originally Posted by I.8.POLITICAL.CORRECTNESS View Post
    Facking ell I never knew that Mrs Steve puberty blocking drugs to children wtf
    that's beyond terrible how cruel is that
    I find the whole thing sinister
    there is more than 1 agenda being pushed here surely
    Indeed, it's very wrong imo, some of the stories I've read on it really make my blood boil tbh, can't say anything though can we, don't want to upset people.

    The story about the rapist was removed from fb according to Brendan..
    Facebook deleted my post about the trans rapist transferred to a women's prison. Apparently it violated their Community Standards. If your Community Standards include censoring criticism of a rapist, your community is screwed.
    He's correct again.

  21. #21

    Re: Transgender boy story

    I don't believe that a child would choose to identify as a different gender at 6 without the influence of adult. I also think this story makes the couple look like the kind of religious people who simply want to tell everyone else what to do.

    Basically all the adults look like ***** from this story, if the kids were just allowed to get on with it, the boy would wear a dress and everyone would be happy. When adults intervene they turn it into this complete cluster**** of everyone trying to claim they have been insulted and badly treated.

  22. #22

    Re: Transgender boy story

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    They have already done that.

    Indeed, it's very wrong imo, some of the stories I've read on it really make my blood boil tbh, can't say anything though can we, don't want to upset people.

    The story about the rapist was removed from fb according to Brendan..

    He's correct again.
    Maybe facebook think their platform is meant for silly videos, memes and pictures of your family at a BBQ and not intended to be a personal soapbox on complex issues.

    You talk about censorship a lot on here, have you ever not been allowed to say what you think? No one has ever stopped me except when I was being a bit of a prick.

  23. #23

    Re: Transgender boy story

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    They have already done that.

    Indeed, it's very wrong imo, some of the stories I've read on it really make my blood boil tbh, can't say anything though can we, don't want to upset people.

    The story about the rapist was removed from fb according to Brendan..

    He's correct again.
    pisses you right off don't it being told
    "you cant say this you cant say that"
    why cant they just let kids be kids
    the state taking the place of the family that's been pushed for the last 20 years
    I doubt you will upset any on here

  24. #24

    Re: Transgender boy story

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    If I ever end up (back) inside I'm going to say I'm a tranny so they put me in with women.
    you either be put in with the women from prisoner cell block h and your have to share a cell with a "BEA" looking thing LOL
    or they will put you on the 3s with the filth

    I don't think you would be sent to the ones we see in the "adult entertainment industry" Dr

  25. #25
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Transgender boy story

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Maybe facebook think their platform is meant for silly videos, memes and pictures of your family at a BBQ and not intended to be a personal soapbox on complex issues.

    You talk about censorship a lot on here, have you ever not been allowed to say what you think? No one has ever stopped me except when I was being a bit of a prick.
    You still have a right to give your opinion when you're being a prick I haven't said I've been censored but usually someone gets upset when subjects like this come up, I have seen other people be censored on fb though, if it's a platform meant for silly videos, memes and pictures of your family at a BBQ ect you have to wonder why a beheading video that I reported ages ago didn't breach their standards.

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