Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
It's part of a bigger picture, black players are very often talked about in terms of their physicality rather than intelligence, guile or elan, whereas the same disparity doesn't exist for white players.

Also think back to when Naby Keita looked likely to join Liverpool in the summer, a bunch of journalists scrabbling around for a comparison went for variously "the next Ngolo Kanye" or occasionally "the next Yaya Toure" , neither player being a particularly good match for the type of player Keita is. A white player who was a better match was never suggested.
That's not to say that the journalists involved were any more racist than anyone else in the country, but that all of us probably still carry some hangups from less enlightened times. We too readily consider black and white people to be stereotypically different, and the songs about Lukakus member perpetuate that.

I don't find it particularly offensive personally, but I can see where people are coming from
Hey, we agree on something! And you put it into words a lot better than I can.

LK, Sanchez was called a destroyer in the link I posted.