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Thread: This is the end for the EU Remainers

  1. #26
    Join Date
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    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Here's a thought , should MP's simply vote in line with the wishes of thier constituents.

  2. #27

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Here's a thought , should MP's simply vote in line with the wishes of thier constituents.
    And should pigs fly? ;)

  3. #28

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Pepper View Post
    I'm very sure Hilary does have some relevance.

    The point here is that you injected a fantasy hypothesis to bring her in to a thread in which she has little relevance - i.e. that presidential candidate Clinton is somehow 'going to going to come back and start a war'
    I took that as an ironic joke, and responded similarly.
    That seemed to enrage severncity and now you appear to defending your hypothesis.

    Whatever... really.
    I've no idea who you really are or under what username you formerly posted. It appears, though, that you like to clog up meaningful debate with your usually meaningless posts.

    Do you really believe that Hillary, who was responsible for wars in Libya, Syria and Ukraine, and who is the totem of the "progressive" left, wields no power or influence? It is evident that she does. The Trump administration has been hijacked by the banksters and neocons. America (and Europe) is divided in ways unknown in my lifetime - "right" against "left", black against white, old against young, rich against poor, the "educated" against the "workers."

    The war has been raging since the Brexit vote. The war for more than peoples' hearts and minds - the war for people's souls. The "progressives" have doubled down - they control the mainstream media and are moulding the cognitive dissonance-inducing narrative: white people are bad (unless they are gay, feminist or TG), non-white people are good - even if they despise gays and feminists.

    There will be a one-world government, with no borders. The rich will live in enclaves while the rest of us grind along in various degrees of relative poverty. The question that remains is who will control the world? Will it be the white people or the Chinese? Eveething else is merely detail.

    Try looking at the bigger picture.

  4. #29
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    I've no idea who you really are or under what username you formerly posted. It appears, though, that you like to clog up meaningful debate with your usually meaningless posts.

    Do you really believe that Hillary, who was responsible for wars in Libya, Syria and Ukraine, and who is the totem of the "progressive" left, wields no power or influence? It is evident that she does. The Trump administration has been hijacked by the banksters and neocons. America (and Europe) is divided in ways unknown in my lifetime - "right" against "left", black against white, old against young, rich against poor, the "educated" against the "workers."

    The war has been raging since the Brexit vote. The war for more than peoples' hearts and minds - the war for people's souls. The "progressives" have doubled down - they control the mainstream media and are moulding the cognitive dissonance-inducing narrative: white people are bad (unless they are gay, feminist or TG), non-white people are good - even if they despise gays and feminists.

    There will be a one-world government, with no borders. The rich will live in enclaves while the rest of us grind along in various degrees of relative poverty. The question that remains is who will control the world? Will it be the white people or the Chinese? Eveething else is merely detail.

    Try looking at the bigger picture.
    That is pretty accurate (sadly).

  5. #30

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    I've no idea who you really are or under what username you formerly posted. It appears, though, that you like to clog up meaningful debate with your usually meaningless posts.

    Do you really believe that Hillary, who was responsible for wars in Libya, Syria and Ukraine, and who is the totem of the "progressive" left, wields no power or influence? It is evident that she does. The Trump administration has been hijacked by the banksters and neocons. America (and Europe) is divided in ways unknown in my lifetime - "right" against "left", black against white, old against young, rich against poor, the "educated" against the "workers."

    The war has been raging since the Brexit vote. The war for more than peoples' hearts and minds - the war for people's souls. The "progressives" have doubled down - they control the mainstream media and are moulding the cognitive dissonance-inducing narrative: white people are bad (unless they are gay, feminist or TG), non-white people are good - even if they despise gays and feminists.

    There will be a one-world government, with no borders. The rich will live in enclaves while the rest of us grind along in various degrees of relative poverty. The question that remains is who will control the world? Will it be the white people or the Chinese? Eveething else is merely detail.

    Try looking at the bigger picture.
    Are you talking about our mainstream media?

  6. #31

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Are you talking about our mainstream media?
    Yes I am. The BBC, Guardian, Channel 4, NYT, Washington Post, CNN, NBC. If you can't perceive it then you are may be a slave to the "progressive" agenda.

    With every day that passes I am more certain that it is China behind the "progressive" movement. It bears a great deal of similarity to the Cultural Revolution. Who stands to gain from the civil war unfolding in the West? China, for one.

    I remember when "the Weakest Link" began, with its strong female host berating and humiliating her guests, I suspected that we were entering a new paradigm. People were willing to be publically flagellated in order to gain their 30 seconds of fame. We've seen many professions and roles dissected and undermined in TV and film drama since then - teachers, nurses, doctors, soldiers, parents, grandparents.

    The white, British general public has little faith in anything any more. Politics, government, journalism, sport, education, medicine, business, retail, hospitality - each has been shown to be corruptible and shallow. The only growth shown in what people will put their faith in is Celebrity - TOWIE, X Factor, Cowell and Beckham are revered. Not only have we been dumbed down intellectually, we have been dumbed down emotionally and spiritually. Yet on forums such as this we still have sceptics refusing to believe that any of this is happening. I wouldn't include you in that group Eric.

  7. #32

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    Yes I am. The BBC, Guardian, Channel 4, NYT, Washington Post, CNN, NBC. If you can't perceive it then you are may be a slave to the "progressive" agenda.

    With every day that passes I am more certain that it is China behind the "progressive" movement. It bears a great deal of similarity to the Cultural Revolution. Who stands to gain from the civil war unfolding in the West? China, for one.

    I remember when "the Weakest Link" began, with its strong female host berating and humiliating her guests, I suspected that we were entering a new paradigm. People were willing to be publically flagellated in order to gain their 30 seconds of fame. We've seen many professions and roles dissected and undermined in TV and film drama since then - teachers, nurses, doctors, soldiers, parents, grandparents.

    The white, British general public has little faith in anything any more. Politics, government, journalism, sport, education, medicine, business, retail, hospitality - each has been shown to be corruptible and shallow. The only growth shown in what people will put their faith in is Celebrity - TOWIE, X Factor, Cowell and Beckham are revered. Not only have we been dumbed down intellectually, we have been dumbed down emotionally and spiritually. Yet on forums such as this we still have sceptics refusing to believe that any of this is happening. I wouldn't include you in that group Eric.
    Re: Anne Robinson, some men like a bit of humiliation and always have.

    I agree with most of that but I don't see how that relates to the initial point that I bolded about the media. I can only say it as I see it and I can't say I have ever felt persecuted by the media as a white male. I don't feel self-conscious or judged when I walk down the street.

    I was on holiday with friends recently and got more and more irate at them wasting the holiday sitting around on their phones following their same mundane daily routine.

  8. #33
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    Yes I am. The BBC, Guardian, Channel 4, NYT, Washington Post, CNN, NBC. If you can't perceive it then you are may be a slave to the "progressive" agenda.

    With every day that passes I am more certain that it is China behind the "progressive" movement. It bears a great deal of similarity to the Cultural Revolution. Who stands to gain from the civil war unfolding in the West? China, for one.

    I remember when "the Weakest Link" began, with its strong female host berating and humiliating her guests, I suspected that we were entering a new paradigm. People were willing to be publically flagellated in order to gain their 30 seconds of fame. We've seen many professions and roles dissected and undermined in TV and film drama since then - teachers, nurses, doctors, soldiers, parents, grandparents.

    The white, British general public has little faith in anything any more. Politics, government, journalism, sport, education, medicine, business, retail, hospitality - each has been shown to be corruptible and shallow. The only growth shown in what people will put their faith in is Celebrity - TOWIE, X Factor, Cowell and Beckham are revered. Not only have we been dumbed down intellectually, we have been dumbed down emotionally and spiritually. Yet on forums such as this we still have sceptics refusing to believe that any of this is happening. I wouldn't include you in that group Eric.
    Spot on, that's how you demoralize and destabilize a nation crisis next..

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Re: Anne Robinson, some men like a bit of humiliation and always have.

    I agree with most of that but I don't see how that relates to the initial point that I bolded about the media. I can only say it as I see it and I can't say I have ever felt persecuted by the media as a white male. I don't feel self-conscious or judged when I walk down the street.

    I was on holiday with friends recently and got more and more irate at them wasting the holiday sitting around on their phones following their same mundane daily routine.
    I know someone who does that, it really boils my piss.

  9. #34

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    I agree with a lot of the above.
    It seems to me since the turn of the country that there been a massive dumbing down of culture and people are obsessed with minor celebrity shit, wannabees, and utter inane drivel like TOWIE and the Beckhams.

    I remember on Saturday nights they used to show things like 'a touch of frost' which at least made people think, now it's playing on mass addiction of crappy talent shows.

    I'd disagree about the so-called progressive being one blame and controlling the media. The BBC has its faults but give me that rather then the likes of Fox News. The telegraph, Mail, Sun, Express are hardly progressive and they've a fair share of refers and seem to have a closeness with the current government.

    I don't agree about the white person being the poor oppressed these days. We're still the richest most dominant culture on this planet and all the bollocks Breitbart, infor wars etc isn't going to chane that, rather it gets hem more clicks and more money.

    Which leads us to the likes of Dianld trump. Yes the swamp may need draining but a billionaire narcistc arsehole who only cares about his name and the increasing wealth and power of his family isn't the answer.

  10. #35

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Here's a thought , should MP's simply vote in line with the wishes of thier constituents.
    No. MPs should be in a position where they can make more educated decisions based on facts and considerations of experts and people highly educated in their fields. Basing decisions on the whim of an easily swayed electorate, many of whom would rather use emotions and misguided opinions than facts, cannot be sensible and has the potential to be dangerous.

  11. #36
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    No. MPs should be in a position where they can make more educated decisions based on facts and considerations of experts and people highly educated in their fields. Basing decisions on the whim of an easily swayed electorate, many of whom would rather use emotions and misguided opinions than facts, cannot be sensible and has the potential to be dangerous.
    That's a scary reply why vote for any of them then?

  12. #37
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    That's a scary reply why vote for any of them then?
    MP's are elected to represent their constituents, after being elected by their constituents at the ballot box, that's democracy. I've never voted for a Tory, but have had to stomach the Tory Governments of Heath, Thatcher, Major, Cameron and currently May because a majority, (in the current system we use) have voted that way, I tend to think that if another EU vote was taken, the margin to exit would be greater because of the continual, and the manner of sulking, scaremongering etc. etc. that has been seen going on ever since. I still think however, that by some miraculous miracle, a stage managed solution will be made for the UK to remain in the EU. The liberals fought a lone ticket pro-eu election and got murdered at the ballot box, yet Cable is still treating the electorate as idiots and not even contemplating why just over 50% of the voters said FU to the EU.

  13. #38

    Re: This is the end for the EU Remainers

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    I agree with a lot of the above.
    It seems to me since the turn of the country that there been a massive dumbing down of culture and people are obsessed with minor celebrity shit, wannabees, and utter inane drivel like TOWIE and the Beckhams.

    I remember on Saturday nights they used to show things like 'a touch of frost' which at least made people think, now it's playing on mass addiction of crappy talent shows.

    I'd disagree about the so-called progressive being one blame and controlling the media. The BBC has its faults but give me that rather then the likes of Fox News. The telegraph, Mail, Sun, Express are hardly progressive and they've a fair share of refers and seem to have a closeness with the current government.

    I don't agree about the white person being the poor oppressed these days. We're still the richest most dominant culture on this planet and all the bollocks Breitbart, infor wars etc isn't going to chane that, rather it gets hem more clicks and more money.

    Which leads us to the likes of Dianld trump. Yes the swamp may need draining but a billionaire narcistc arsehole who only cares about his name and the increasing wealth and power of his family isn't the answer.
    Saturday night TV has usually been dire/populist over the decades - and I don't think that things have been dumbed down but that there has always been a huge demand for pleb-fodder from the media.

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