Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
From what I saw of the thread last night, it brought out the absolute best in people. From offering advice, sharing experiences to actual jump in the car help.
Some of you guys made me proud to be associated with you.
I hope that Minion WAS on a wind up because obviously nobody wants to see anyone take their own life, but at the same time, assuming it was a wind up, then he disgusts me.
Not so much for trivialising such a serious issue, but for exploiting other people’s genuine desire to help and for introducing the risk that at some point an all to real cry for help might not be taken at face value next time.
Again, assuming it was all a wind up, in my opinion the most low-life disgrace of a poster this board has ever seen.

Well said.

How much of a tosser must you be to act like that?