Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
Just goes to show you’re one of the decent blokes whose first instinct was to try and help someone.
Indeed , well done to everybody who was trying to help someone who appeared to be in need of urgent psychiatric help

The bottom line remains the same , if you are thinking of killing yourself get yourself to your nearest accident and emergency , don't drive .....get a family member or friend or get a taxi ........walk into reception with a note saying you are suicidal and hand it to the receptionist ......you will be seen first by the nursing team then by a member of the on call psychiatric liaison team , either a psychiatric nurse or a psychiatrist ........they will assess you and look after you

If you are too ill to get to hospital phone 999 and tell the operator you are having serious suicidal feelings , if there are no ambulances you may be dealt with by the police under a section 163 but they use this as a last resort

If you need someone to talk things through the freephone Samaritans number is 116123 but if you are very ill they are likely to contact the 999 services on your behalf
