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Thread: Carl Sargeant

  1. #1

    Carl Sargeant

  2. #2

  3. #3

    Re: Carl Sargeant

    Quote Originally Posted by jeremy corbyn View Post
    Without wishing to jump the gun (hopefully the truth will come out in time) I’ve got a few points on this:

    If the guy turns out to have done nothing wrong and killed himself becasue of false accusations then the people making or elaborating the claims will have to live with this on their conscience - it’s easy to forget that behind the many stories there are real (sometimes innocent) people.

    If the guy was suffering from depression and this tipped him over the edge then it’s a sad sad story (even more so if he was innocent) - whatever the true story, losing your reputation isn't worth taking your own life over.

    However if it’s simply a case of the guy knowing he was going to be exposed as a wrong ‘un then it’s a pretty selfish act to leave your kids without a father.

    As I say, let’s hope the truth will come about in time.

  4. #4

    Re: Carl Sargeant

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    Without wishing to jump the gun (hopefully the truth will come out in time) I’ve got a few points on this:

    If the guy turns out to have done nothing wrong and killed himself becasue of false accusations then the people making or elaborating the claims will have to live with this on their conscience - it’s easy to forget that behind the many stories there are real (sometimes innocent) people.

    If the guy was suffering from depression and this tipped him over the edge then it’s a sad sad story (even more so if he was innocent) - whatever the true story, losing your reputation isn't worth taking your own life over.

    However if it’s simply a case of the guy knowing he was going to be exposed as a wrong ‘un then it’s a pretty selfish act to leave your kids without a father.

    As I say, let’s hope the truth will come about in time.
    Yes some good points.
    Whatever does come out, our system needs an overhaul.

    In any investigation whether it be for sexual harassment, child abuse, or just an ill advised innuendo on a Christmas do, the accused is pre-judged by all and sundry which in some cases has a devastating effect on the person and their families with the accuser in most cases getting off scot free.
    I have seen cases where the accused is acquitted and not only does nothing happen to the accuser, they have got compensation ffs. Win win at our expense!

    'We have the best system in the world' I've heard people say in the past. Sure there are a lot worse, and maybe once upon a time we did, but is ours really the best?
    In trying to do the "right thing for everyone" it seems we have lost the plot!

  5. #5

    Re: Carl Sargeant

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    He had asked for a review into the accusations - and that was agreed, he had resigned so that the matter could be looked into etc. So all he had to do was just let the process start / finish etc. There was no mass media scrum or paparazzi chasing him down the street etc - so it seems very strange that he would do this.

    He would have been on full pay - so no financial issues. If there was anything to the accusations then he could have just walked away from politics and the Labour party and done something else. Obviously if anything illegal had happened then it would have been referred to the Police etc.

    So there is no reason for him to have dome this. Maybe a spur of the moment thing, maybe there was something to it all and he couldnt face whatever it was.

    Most of the press reports I have read said - shocking sex claims from multiple women, whatever happens those need to be looked at, at least so the women involved can justify why they made those accusations.

    Whatever - it is a sad loss to his family in all of this.

    I do think think that if someone has a grievance then they should go to the Police - and not the Political party involved
    We are dealing with Human emotions not an instruction manual.
    We need to see the fuller story, and agree with what Dr Ledger summarised.
    But, no matter what, this is a sad story.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Carl Sargeant

    Duty of care is key in all this, and the question that has to be asked was he provided that by his masters / employers as with all matters if accusation they have to be proven without doubt and whilst that investigation goes ( by the police in my opinion ) the victim and victims get equal care ,thought and support ,right up to the outcome ,with serous offences prosecuted in a court of law, not in court of political self interest

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Carl Sargeant

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    From what it seems - it hadnt got as far as the Police (as far as I have read) it was being dealt with internally by the Labour party. I would have thought if it was anything serious they would just let the Police get on with their job.

    ps - I find it odd why some people (not you) say dont jump to conclusions - and then in the previous 2 paragraphs have done just that. Best say nothing more on the matter - and let due process take its course. Rip and condolences to anyone who actually knew him
    All very sad indeed ,depression, tipping points and those actions that lead to it , are sometimes ignored or masked by the persons outgoing behaviors ,they may appear to be jovial and then a tipping point occurs .

  8. #8

    Re: Carl Sargeant

    I predict people will start to make assumptions but, as has been pointed out here, there could be a number of things going on and the main focus at this time should be the family that has survived his passing.

  9. #9

    Re: Carl Sargeant

    theres spme facebook threads already with washer women believing they know the inside story.

  10. #10

    Re: Carl Sargeant

    Quote Originally Posted by Armitage Shanks View Post
    theres spme facebook threads already with washer women believing they know the inside story.
    That’s pretty disgusting.
    What is concerning is that Sargeant was kept in the dark about the alleged offences. That doesn’t seem right and probably added to his turmoil. Very sad.

  11. #11

    Re: Carl Sargeant

    Surely both the accuser and the accused should remain anonymous until the accusations can be substantiated? Otherwise, the system is open to abuse with the potential for false and malicious claims to be made.

    Even if he was subsequently found to be innocent, mud sticks, ask Dave Jones.

    We have no way of knowing where on the scale the alleged offence is, anywhere between an inappropriate comment to assault, or worse. As bad as his loss is to his family, they too will be wondering what the allegations were. One can only assume that as there doesn't appear to be any police involvement, if they were real or not, they were relatively minor.

  12. #12

    Re: Carl Sargeant

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    Surely both the accuser and the accused should remain anonymous until the accusations can be substantiated? Otherwise, the system is open to abuse with the potential for false and malicious claims to be made.

    Even if he was subsequently found to be innocent, mud sticks, ask Dave Jones.

    We have no way of knowing where on the scale the alleged offence is, anywhere between an inappropriate comment to assault, or worse. As bad as his loss is to his family, they too will be wondering what the allegations were. One can only assume that as there doesn't appear to be any police involvement, if they were real or not, they were relatively minor.

    That little shit, Carwyn James, in the press on Friday saying that they gotta "suspend him", then comes on tele yesterday saying what a great bloke he was. !!!!!

    Why didn't you support him then, when you had the chance.

  13. #13

    Re: Carl Sargeant

    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
    That little shit, Carwyn James, in the press on Friday saying that they gotta "suspend him", then comes on tele yesterday saying what a great bloke he was. !!!!!

    Why didn't you support him then, when you had the chance.

    Because he’s a bloody hypocrite just like all of them.

    All they care about is the public’s perception of them.

    If they think the public don’t care then it’s business as usual. As soon as they think something might be bad publicity then they’ll happily sacrifice whoever the problem is.

    Hypocrites, liars and cnuts.

  14. #14

    Re: Carl Sargeant

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    Surely both the accuser and the accused should remain anonymous until the accusations can be substantiated? Otherwise, the system is open to abuse with the potential for false and malicious claims to be made.

    Even if he was subsequently found to be innocent, mud sticks, ask Dave Jones.

    We have no way of knowing where on the scale the alleged offence is, anywhere between an inappropriate comment to assault, or worse. As bad as his loss is to his family, they too will be wondering what the allegations were. One can only assume that as there doesn't appear to be any police involvement, if they were real or not, they were relatively minor.
    totally agree with you TH
    the system IS open to abuse. As you say look at Dave Jones and more recently Jim Davidson "the accuser" has stayed anonymous
    while the innocent victim has had to clear his/her name. Surely guilt has got to be proven not innocence.
    So as you say surely both the accuser and the accused should remain anonymous.

  15. #15

    Re: Carl Sargeant

    Quote Originally Posted by TH63 View Post
    Surely both the accuser and the accused should remain anonymous until the accusations can be substantiated? Otherwise, the system is open to abuse with the potential for false and malicious claims to be made.

    Even if he was subsequently found to be innocent, mud sticks, ask Dave Jones.

    We have no way of knowing where on the scale the alleged offence is, anywhere between an inappropriate comment to assault, or worse. As bad as his loss is to his family, they too will be wondering what the allegations were. One can only assume that as there doesn't appear to be any police involvement, if they were real or not, they were relatively minor.
    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
    That little shit, Carwyn James, in the press on Friday saying that they gotta "suspend him", then comes on tele yesterday saying what a great bloke he was. !!!!!

    Why didn't you support him then, when you had the chance.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    Because he’s a bloody hypocrite just like all of them.

    All they care about is the public’s perception of them.

    If they think the public don’t care then it’s business as usual. As soon as they think something might be bad publicity then they’ll happily sacrifice whoever the problem is.

    Hypocrites, liars and cnuts.
    Hope the little shit is told to resign tonight /tomorrow

  16. #16

    Re: Carl Sargeant

    Best await the full story behind developments methinks.

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