Best part of Xmas. Can eat and drink like a gutsy bastard without her in my ear about going to the gym and being an alchy!

I’ve spent about 8 hours in supermarkets on Thursday night, Friday night, and yesterday morning. Marks, Asda, Tesco (twice), Aldi (3 times) and the Co-op but finally managed to get the last bits on the list in the Co-Op yesterday. Only thing we just could not get was bottles of Snowballs.

Started on it yesterday. Had these turkey, bacon, stuffing, and cranberry slices from Marks. Chucked them in a French baguette with Emmental cheese and some mustard. Delicious.

Few beers yesterday afternoon with loads of Pringles and some Florentines.

Last night made a curry and more beers.

This morning gypsy toast (bread dipped in eggs and fried) with bacon for breakfast.

Off out to the pub for lunch.

Tonight I’ve earmarked the tandoori prawn ring from Marks.

Happy eating.