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Thread: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

  1. #1

    Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    A couple of years ago I was in Sainsbury's in Kingston , Surrey in a long queue on
    a Friday evening before Xmas.
    The fella in front had a serious trolley full and he was rushing to get his stuff on the
    conveyor belt.

    Then in the midst of this frenzy his wig fell off and landed on the conveyor belt and
    found its way into the hand of the till girl.

    Cue total pandemonium as our now bald shopper screamed at the girl " Bitch give me that back ! "

    Uproar ensued as she burst into tears and baldy threw his shopping on the floor and stormed
    off screaming and swearing.

    The true spirit of Xmas.

  2. #2

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    He certainly had the rug pulled out from beneath him.

  3. #3

  4. #4

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueWales View Post
    A couple of years ago I was in Sainsbury's in Kingston , Surrey in a long queue on
    a Friday evening before Xmas.
    The fella in front had a serious trolley full and he was rushing to get his stuff on the
    conveyor belt.

    Then in the midst of this frenzy his wig fell off and landed on the conveyor belt and
    found its way into the hand of the till girl.

    Cue total pandemonium as our now bald shopper screamed at the girl " Bitch give me that back ! "

    Uproar ensued as she burst into tears and baldy threw his shopping on the floor and stormed
    off screaming and swearing.

    The true spirit of Xmas.
    I think that would go down as one of the funniest things ever, never mind while shopping. I get a sense of warped satisfaction when I see a poor stressed mother go fecking bat-shit in the biscuit ailse as her little darlings play up, run around and put all the 'nice things' in the trolley while she reads the calorific content of a rich tea biscuit.

  5. #5

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueWales View Post
    A couple of years ago I was in Sainsbury's in Kingston , Surrey in a long queue on
    a Friday evening before Xmas.
    The fella in front had a serious trolley full and he was rushing to get his stuff on the
    conveyor belt.

    Then in the midst of this frenzy his wig fell off and landed on the conveyor belt and
    found its way into the hand of the till girl.

    Cue total pandemonium as our now bald shopper screamed at the girl " Bitch give me that back ! "

    Uproar ensued as she burst into tears and baldy threw his shopping on the floor and stormed
    off screaming and swearing.

    The true spirit of Xmas.
    Well done Baldy! It takes a man to be able to laugh at yourself. I hope you apologised to the girl when you "recovered" your head and your composure.

  6. #6

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueWales View Post
    A couple of years ago I was in Sainsbury's in Kingston , Surrey in a long queue on
    a Friday evening before Xmas.
    The fella in front had a serious trolley full and he was rushing to get his stuff on the
    conveyor belt.

    Then in the midst of this frenzy his wig fell off and landed on the conveyor belt and
    found its way into the hand of the till girl.

    Cue total pandemonium as our now bald shopper screamed at the girl " Bitch give me that back ! "

    Uproar ensued as she burst into tears and baldy threw his shopping on the floor and stormed
    off screaming and swearing.

    The true spirit of Xmas.
    On a side note, a mate if mine worked for a removal firm. They had a big job moving a family from a mansion type property to another. Ther was 6 of them trying to get this grand piano down a flight of stairs, and they were struggling.
    One of them calls the office for reinforcements. The only available bodies were another worker, and the main boss himself. So in time there’s 8 of them trying to get this huge piano down the stairs.
    The boss had his suit on, and all of a sudden starts shouting “ stop, I can’t see I can’t see”
    They all look over, and his wig (which they all suspected he wore but were all to scared to mention), had slipped down over his sweaty face!!
    My mate said they all burst into fits of laughter, and it was all they could do to not drop this piano down the stairs!!

  7. #7

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    On a side note, a mate if mine worked for a removal firm. They had a big job moving a family from a mansion type property to another. Ther was 6 of them trying to get this grand piano down a flight of stairs, and they were struggling.
    One of them calls the office for reinforcements. The only available bodies were another worker, and the main boss himself. So in time there’s 8 of them trying to get this huge piano down the stairs.
    The boss had his suit on, and all of a sudden starts shouting “ stop, I can’t see I can’t see”
    They all look over, and his wig (which they all suspected he wore but were all to scared to mention), had slipped down over his sweaty face!!
    My mate said they all burst into fits of laughter, and it was all they could do to not drop this piano down the stairs!!
    I bet it all ended with cup of PG tips .

  8. #8

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    On a side note, a mate if mine worked for a removal firm. They had a big job moving a family from a mansion type property to another. Ther was 6 of them trying to get this grand piano down a flight of stairs, and they were struggling.
    One of them calls the office for reinforcements. The only available bodies were another worker, and the main boss himself. So in time there’s 8 of them trying to get this huge piano down the stairs.
    The boss had his suit on, and all of a sudden starts shouting “ stop, I can’t see I can’t see”
    They all look over, and his wig (which they all suspected he wore but were all to scared to mention), had slipped down over his sweaty face!!
    My mate said they all burst into fits of laughter, and it was all they could do to not drop this piano down the stairs!!

  9. #9
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    I bet it all ended with cup of PG tips .

  10. #10

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    Filling a trolley up with Stella then just walking straight out of Tesco’s. Not very funny but most enjoyable,

  11. #11

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    Not whilst shopping but I remember as a kid my old man walked into the patio door to the balcony whilst on holiday. Practically concussed himself he hit it that hard.
    Thought he was walking into the balcony and BANG. Face first into the glass.
    Me, my mother and sister were all dying to laugh but he had hurt himself so we didn’t know how to react. My sister gave in first and then the 3 of us were laughing uncontrollably whilst my old man had tweety birds flying around his head.

  12. #12

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    Well done Baldy! It takes a man to be able to laugh at yourself. I hope you apologised to the girl when you "recovered" your head and your composure.
    Oh hum just another silly comment from a twat.

    Everyone from Mike Morris down knows I have a healthy head of hair.

    Not only that , a brain living beneath it , which is more than you can say DV.

  13. #13

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    I saw an Alan Partridge dvd for sale - that's probably the funniest thing I've seen whilst out shopping.

  14. #14

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    Not so much funny, but was in the Capitol shopping center and they must have had some convention because all these nerds were in Cosplay. One of the female nerds was running down the stairs in some scant costume barely containing a very nice pair of tits. I was walking up the stairs trying to keep my eyes decent when, oops, out leapt her right tit.

    Thinking back, I should have been more gentlemanly and helped her put her, um, goods back in the bag.

  15. #15
    First Team light up the darkness's Avatar
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    Ho Chi Minh City/Radyr

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    I was in the lift from the car park in St David’s 2 the one that comes into a small alley near Costa coffee and this woman was frantically pressing buttons
    Each time the lift stopped she’d leap out and leap back in
    When we got to the ground floor she started pressing 1 again

    Trying to be helpful I asked her what floor she was looking for
    She said ‘underground 1 but I can’t find the button and I can’t get the lift to stop’

    I asked if I could see her ticket because there is no underground parking in St David’s 2
    On her ticket it said it was for the John Lewis car park
    I pointed out in what I thought was a helpful way that she was in the wrong car Park and pointed her towards the big John Lewis sign
    Apparently her being in the wrong car park was my fault and I should be ashamed of myself

  16. #16

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    Shopping? I leave that to the Mrs.

  17. #17

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    Just had an email from Sainsbury's with the subject "Did you know you could be going to the Paralympic Games?"
    Is this because I went to Waitrose yesterday? Who's running Sainsbury's now, the Fecking Kray twins?

  18. #18

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    In the Tesco Western Avenue car park, on the tarmac, I once saw a pasta salad, turned upside down and out of its container (but still the same shape as the container), with a small cake candle sticking out of it. The candle had been lit. Perhaps it was some impromptu birthday celebratory pasta.

  19. #19

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    When I was in Sainsbury’s in Kingston some guy just started laughing as my wig fell off and into the posesion of the till girl. At least he found it funny, I was fuming and left!

  20. #20

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spearsy View Post
    When I was in Sainsbury’s in Kingston some guy just started laughing as my wig fell off and into the posesion of the till girl. At least he found it funny, I was fuming and left!
    This is the fella patting his wig down.

  21. #21

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueWales View Post
    This is the fella patting his wig down.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    I've been told that folk go to the supermarkets in their PJ's and Onesies

  23. #23

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    Quote Originally Posted by ian gibson View Post
    Just had an email from Sainsbury's with the subject "Did you know you could be going to the Paralympic Games?"
    Is this because I went to Waitrose yesterday? Who's running Sainsbury's now, the Fecking Kray twins?

  24. #24

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    Quote Originally Posted by ian gibson View Post
    Just had an email from Sainsbury's with the subject "Did you know you could be going to the Paralympic Games?"
    Is this because I went to Waitrose yesterday? Who's running Sainsbury's now, the Fecking Kray twins?
    That's brilliant

  25. #25

    Re: Funniest thing you've seen while shopping.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I've been told that folk go to the supermarkets in their PJ's and Onesies
    Used to happen in St Mellons, but Tesco banned them.

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