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Thread: Hotting up in Syria

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Hotting up in Syria

  2. #2

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    Israel loses a jet. Resulting in claims of a serious escalation. Do they expect others to hold back?

  3. #3

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by Louth View Post
    Israel loses a jet. Resulting in claims of a serious escalation. Do they expect others to hold back?
    They really do like to act the " Billy big balls " in the region, the word Bully was designed for them imho

  4. #4

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    They really do like to act the " Billy big balls " in the region, the word Bully was designed for them imho
    Fact is, they always have US backing. They get away with murder, quite literally.

  5. #5

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    They really do like to act the " Billy big balls " in the region, the word Bully was designed for them imho
    I agree. Bullies always have a big mate behind them.

  6. #6

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    I'm waiting for the BBC to imply it's both outrageous and anti-Semitic that Syria should have the cheek to aggressively defend its territory.

    Yank armed forces, who are illegally occupying an area of Syria, attacked and killed Syrian forces as a "defensive measure" earlier this week. That was akin to a burglars justifying assaulting a homeowner for attempting to remove them.

    It seems the proxy stuff has ended and World War 3 is close at hand.

  7. #7

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I'm waiting for the BBC to imply it's both outrageous and anti-Semitic that Syria should have the cheek to aggressively defend its territory.

    Yank armed forces, who are illegally occupying an area of Syria, attacked and killed Syrian forces as a "defensive measure" earlier this week. That was akin to a burglars justifying assaulting a homeowner for attempting to remove them.

    It seems the proxy stuff has ended and World War 3 is close at hand.
    Be careful Organ. I was told by a wise old man many years ago that you that you should never read or study anything about you know who because it leads to madness. You will end up doubting everything you have been brought up to believe. He said everyone who goes down that path ends up being dismissed as an evil crank.

    What the UK government, America and the other agents of Israel are doing in Syria is evil but we can't do anything about it. It's just like the fact that we can't do anything about all the murders and crimes happening everyday in the UK. All you can do is try and protect your own family and get on with life.

  8. #8

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    Is this is same Syrian forces that are fighting ISIS?

  9. #9
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by chris lee View Post
    Is this is same Syrian forces that are fighting ISIS?
    It's the same Syrian forces and leader who have no respect for thier own and crush millions of there own please don't Google Assad attrocities its upsetting .

    Bedtime for Democracy

  10. #10

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    It's the same Syrian forces and leader who have no respect for thier own and crush millions of there own please don't Google Assad attrocities its upsetting .

    Bedtime for Democracy
    76% turnout at last election, Assad received 87% of the vote.

  11. #11

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    When you try to tell people that the Britain, the US and Israel have trained and financed the terrorists – including ISIS - in Syria they think you are mad. Most people are decent and fair minded. They can't get their heads around the fact that our elites are mainly evil psychopaths.

    The average person in the street would be shocked to know that our government was training and financing the Khmer Rouge even after it was known that they had enslaved and massacred millions of Cambodians. The SAS were in Cambodia training the Khmer Rouge to fight the Vietnamese just like they are now in Syria training whatever the Muslim terrorists are calling themselves this week. In reality they are all fighting for Israel.

    Most Muslim governments believe Israel was behind 9/11. They believe that because that's the kind of thing they do themselves. It's called realpolitik. Pakistan's secret services were behind the Bombay terror attack in 2008. Even if Mossad didn't plan 9/11 themselves they knew it was going to happen and they didn't warn the US. They have a history of that. For example, Victor Ostrovsky, a Mossad agent, admitted that they knew in advance about the 1982 Beirut bomb that killed 241 US soldiers.

  12. #12
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    When you try to tell people that the Britain, the US and Israel have trained and financed the terrorists – including ISIS - in Syria they think you are mad. Most people are decent and fair minded. They can't get their heads around the fact that our elites are mainly evil psychopaths.

    The average person in the street would be shocked to know that our government was training and financing the Khmer Rouge even after it was known that they had enslaved and massacred millions of Cambodians. The SAS were in Cambodia training the Khmer Rouge to fight the Vietnamese just like they are now in Syria training whatever the Muslim terrorists are calling themselves this week. In reality they are all fighting for Israel.

    Most Muslim governments believe Israel was behind 9/11. They believe that because that's the kind of thing they do themselves. It's called realpolitik. Pakistan's secret services were behind the Bombay terror attack in 2008. Even if Mossad didn't plan 9/11 themselves they knew it was going to happen and they didn't warn the US. They have a history of that. For example, Victor Ostrovsky, a Mossad agent, admitted that they knew in advance about the 1982 Beirut bomb that killed 241 US soldiers.

    You are Splott David and I claim my £5.00 reward!!!

  13. #13
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    Churchill knew about the attack on Pearl Harbour but didn't tell the Americans, he wanted them in the war.

  14. #14
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    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    76% turnout at last election, Assad received 87% of the vote.

    Are the oppostion still alive ?

  15. #15
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    Does anyone really believe if Israel denounced nuclear and weponary use , they would be left alone or massacred .

    Does anyone believe there are equal evil Muselim countries at work that detest anything we hold as a western freedom.

  16. #16

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    You are Splott David and I claim my £5.00 reward!!!
    Welcome to 2018 xsnaggle - the £5 reward was claimed yonks ago.

  17. #17
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by Badly Ironed Shirt View Post
    Welcome to 2018 xsnaggle - the £5 reward was claimed yonks ago.
    Yes but under another pseudonym. And I want a new one, none of that old crinkly shit!!!

  18. #18

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    Dai Vincent's not Splott Dai. Mr Vincent is holed-up in a care home where he spends his days in the TV lounge speculating about what types of bacteria were contained in the unknown filling of the previous evening's sandwiches they were served for supper.

    He's crackers, of course, but believes everyone else is either nuts or more likely, Mossad agents. His paranoia is unbounded. Because Junior Hoilett "sports a jihadi beard" then it's plain to his addled senses that he's Isis' top man in the UK.

  19. #19

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Dai Vincent's not Splott Dai. Mr Vincent is holed-up in a care home where he spends his days in the TV lounge speculating about what types of bacteria were contained in the unknown filling of the previous evening's sandwiches they were served for supper.

    He's crackers, of course, but believes everyone else is either nuts or more likely, Mossad agents. His paranoia is unbounded. Because Junior Hoilett "sports a jihadi beard" then it's plain to his addled senses that he's Isis' top man in the UK.
    I think Splott Dai is a Muslim convert. Compared to him I am so pro-Jewish that I might as well wear a kipa and go around whistling tunes from The Fiddler on the Roof.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Hotting up in Syria

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    I think Splott Dai is a Muslim convert. Compared to him I am so pro-Jewish that I might as well wear a kipa and go around whistling tunes from The Fiddler on the Roof.
    Don't be so silly Topol, and get down from that roof its dangerous

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