Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
Left and right and centre and nationalist - there are blokes taking advantage of the power they have been given in order to try and get their leg over. It's not a political thing - it's a man 'thing'.

This week it's Labours turn to cop it, as someone has opened the can and let the worms out. A few weeks back it was that business charity dinner with various MPs, businessmen etc trying it on with the waitresses (although Im sure the idea there was get them p issed and get them donating money), ego v ego = big donations.

If you are a Labour supporter - you need to cop it - just like if you are a Lib Dem, Tory you have to cop it if the party leader thinks all gays are abhorrent (Tim Fallon), or a Tory from the House of Lords who likes dressing up in a bra whilst snorting coke etc

Basically - if you dish it out , you need to have the temerity to take it as well - or in the case of a serial masturbater from Cowbridge just call everyone who doesnt agree with his politics - scum. A modus operandi that certain political parties and their supporters seem to have adopted. No free speech, shout down anyone who isnt a Labour supporter etc.

I dont know if youve realised - but the press isnt fair - there are right wing papers and left wing papers. Left and Right wing news outlets outside the MSM. Re Ninianclark , Ive seen him post stuff I agree with and some stuff I dont, same goes for you Eric and the other Momemntum RedTops on here.

It's politics - there is no absolute correct solution - you need a bit of both - which is why the centre ground is always the place where elections are won - so it seems. So anyone who goes way out either side of that is risking power over ideology - in my opinion - but what the feck do I know.
I agree with most of that. It can be tit for tat and I don't really have a problem with saying Corbyn isn't a leader, Diane Abbott is a smidgen from being a bit racist and John McDonnell is an ideological hothead.

But when the right-leaning press (and we both know the guardian is not the leftist equivalent of the mail and express) say Corbyn wants us to be like Venezuela or McDonnell wants to crush business it isn't reporting in the public interest, just ideological driven 'fake news' (I hate that term).

It feels like they realise the fight is lost on the issue of austerity, it hasn't worked so they need to go for the man. The left are in the same position at a different point on the timeline, they have always felt that they can't win the argument (or war of propaganda) so they have always gone for the man ('i hate tories').

But in an era where people are encouraged by the political classes to ignore facts, figures and forecasts because they don't suit their native we stand no chance of keeping the discussion to policy.