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Thread: Brexit Redux

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Brexit Redux

    Looks like the EU, the remainers , the Labour party , the Blairites , sweaty Ken Clarke , are all are doing their best to stop Brexit in its tracks , and create an election out of this , clever political stuff really as they could not be accused of going against the will of the people if Labour won and accepted the custom union, free movement , continued association to law justice rulings , you better off staying on those terms surely .

    I can't wait for that election to see which way the traditional Labour voters, who voted to leave with UKIP jump this time , such fun ?

  2. #2

    Re: Brexit Redux

    The traditional labour voter born and bred in Splott who votes remain will vote Labour👍

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    The traditional labour voter born and bred in Splott who votes remain will vote Labour👍
    And the ones that wanted to leave ??

  4. #4

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Looks like the EU, the remainers , the Labour party , the Blairites , sweaty Ken Clarke , are all are doing their best to stop Brexit in its tracks , and create an election out of this , clever political stuff really as they could not be accused of going against the will of the people if Labour won and accepted the custom union, free movement , continued association to law justice rulings , you better off staying on those terms surely .

    I can't wait for that election to see which way the traditional Labour voters, who voted to leave with UKIP jump this time , such fun ?
    Interesting take on recent events. What does the Brexit you want look like?

  5. #5

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Looks like the EU, the remainers , the Labour party , the Blairites , sweaty Ken Clarke , are all are doing their best to stop Brexit in its tracks , and create an election out of this , clever political stuff really as they could not be accused of going against the will of the people if Labour won and accepted the custom union, free movement , continued association to law justice rulings , you better off staying on those terms surely .

    I can't wait for that election to see which way the traditional Labour voters, who voted to leave with UKIP jump this time , such fun ?
    Can't wait for an election ? What a boring twat you must be. Bullshit Boris , Cunty Corbyn , ****wit Farage , Gobshyte Gove and the rest of the motley crew including Muppet May for 6 whole weeks of lies , propaganda and fake news. Go and seek help.

  6. #6

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Oh how everybody laughed when I said it would end up like this

  7. #7
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Interesting take on recent events. What does the Brexit you want look like?
    I honestly dont know , I vote to remain ,was disappointed initially Labour didn't shout that more loudly and lead from the front at the time as it may have swayed it and stopped the UKIP momentum in the labour heartlands , of course we didn't know then they had there own momentum going on and being planned. Only the Blairites were saying stay and they didn't want to be seen with them ,now im not too sure ?

    My view has greatly changed since the vote and a clean break hard Brexit if I can use that stupid term ,as I think they do need us and this is an elaborate smokescreen to change a government or a/ and force a second referendum.

    I know number of sensible business people want out ,which has me thinking we have taking in so many via free movement,mainly down to the Blair government .

    :"" A leading figure in the Leave campaign, Sir James said it was “quite wrong” to call the EU a “single market”, saying companies operating across Europe already face different languages and laws.

    The billionaire claimed the EU was “actually a very highly complex and broken up market” and that Britain should instead focus on other fast-growing markets worldwide. ""

  8. #8
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    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueWales View Post
    Can't wait for an election ? What a boring twat you must be. Bullshit Boris , Cunty Corbyn , ****wit Farage , Gobshyte Gove and the rest of the motley crew including Muppet May for 6 whole weeks of lies , propaganda and fake news. Go and seek help.
    Can't you write something without being rude or resorting to crudity in your grammar .

    Try and debate

  9. #9

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Oh how everybody laughed when I said it would end up like this
    millions of others said it was going to be a collosal farce, so not sure it was exclusively you WB

  10. #10
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    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    millions of others said it was going to be a collosal farce, so not sure it was exclusively you WB
    Its a case of nobody really knowing what to do, as its a first ,both in UK politics and in Europe ,we were handed this farce by the electorate .

    We will get there as its in everyone's best interest both in the UK / Europe , you dont swim in the top 10 best economies in the world without influence

  11. #11

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    millions of others said it was going to be a collosal farce, so not sure it was exclusively you WB
    I specifically identified the farcial leadership challenge as a ploy to put May in charge, in order to carry out Cameron's (Remain) Plan B, and this is what we now have.

  12. #12
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    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I specifically identified the farcial leadership challenge as a ploy to put May in charge, in order to carry out Cameron's (Remain) Plan B, and this is what we now have.
    If that is the case, that's a real episode of politics , up there with the house of cards, do you really think they are that clever, I do agree she was lined up and done so to stop the right wing Boris ,Mogg and Gove bandwagon , Cameron obviously didnt want the ""wallpaper man "" gideon , near the job either .

  13. #13

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I honestly dont know , I vote to remain ,was disappointed initially Labour didn't shout that more loudly and lead from the front at the time as it may have swayed it and stopped the UKIP momentum in the labour heartlands , of course we didn't know then they had there own momentum going on and being planned. Only the Blairites were saying stay and they didn't want to be seen with them ,now im not too sure ?

    My view has greatly changed since the vote and a clean break hard Brexit if I can use that stupid term ,as I think they do need us and this is an elaborate smokescreen to change a government or a/ and force a second referendum.

    I know number of sensible business people want out ,which has me thinking we have taking in so many via free movement,mainly down to the Blair government .

    :"" A leading figure in the Leave campaign, Sir James said it was “quite wrong” to call the EU a “single market”, saying companies operating across Europe already face different languages and laws.

    The billionaire claimed the EU was “actually a very highly complex and broken up market” and that Britain should instead focus on other fast-growing markets worldwide. ""
    I think the difficulty with the clean break is we have not prepared for it at all in the 11 months since triggering Article 50 because the government has argued that we will negotiate such a great deal that it will be unecessary. It also signed an agreement in December that there would be no hard border between Ireland and Northern Ireland which would be required without an agreed trade deal, as would customs infrastructure at all points of entry into into the UK.

    If we are to honour that commitment of no hard border then there has to be customs alignment between the UK and the EU and any trade deals we negotiate would have to honour that alignment (otherwise the UK could be used to move goods into the EU that do not meet their standards or pay the relevant tariffs).

    If we maintain the formal customs union we forfeit the right to negotiate new trade deals (though we can control immigration in a way that we couldn't if we remained a member of the single market).

    Some of the key Brexiteers see the ability to negotiate new trade deals as the real prize for Brexit (Boris Johnson for instance is very relaxed about continued immigration from countries such as India if we negotiate new deals). Others consider it a leap of faith, I have heard it described as the belief that you can cut off your dick because you believe you can grow another one that is a couple of inches longer!

    As far as Splott is concerned it may be that the untested option tha Corbyn is selling, a customs union with controlled immigration whilst honouring the Leave vote deals with the core concerns of these Labour voters who may have been focussed more on immigration issues than free trade when they placed their x in the Leave box.

    Personally I agree that if all we are left with are fudge solutions because we cannot solve the conundrum of the Irish Border then we should set out clearly what a hard Brexit looks like and put that as a take this or stay in the EU back to the people.

  14. #14

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Can't you write something without being rude or resorting to crudity in your grammar .

    Try and debate
    From the man who called the wonderful Ken Clarke sweaty ?

    Try and masturbate it might be more productive for you than your usual drivel.

  15. #15
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Oh how everybody laughed when we said it would end up like this

  16. #16

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Too true Mrs R, you saw right through their little ruse as well

  17. #17
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Too true Mrs R, you saw right through their little ruse as well

  18. #18

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Too true Mrs R, you saw right through their little ruse as well
    What a load of bollocks fair play 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  19. #19

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    After the EU are behaving in their negotiating - would you honestly want to go back with them. It's a bit like telling your Mrs you dont love her any more and want a divorce - and then expecting her to treat you nicely!!!!.

    This seems to be a very cynical attempt by Old Labour (the new ones have all but gone) to force an election, and then force either a second referendum or be out of the EU - but effectively still be controlled by it. Customs Union (or even a version of it) means you have to accept all the rules - free movement of people, no trade deals with anyone else etc.

    The way Corbyn was speaking the other day - was as if he was Prime Minister already - detailing what he would do etc.

    This seems to be the sort of skull duggery that Blair / Mandelson have thought up. It may work - but I think if it did - there would be a serious constitutional crisis.

    In or out - there was a referendum and a decision made. What appears to be happening is that this would be ignored and over ruled if a Labour Govt came in. On the other side of the coin - may has to get the customs union bit through Parliament - I think, which is going to be tricky with the numbers she has etc. I wouldnt want to be in a politicians shoes - as they are playing a very dangerous game.

    It seems the only way to leave the EU, is a clean no deal Brexit, with no money to pay. The alternative is to go begging back to them, on lesser terms than we had, no rebate etc etc etc.

    Interesting times we live in.
    Its almost like he's Leader of the Opposition

  20. #20

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I specifically identified the farcial leadership challenge as a ploy to put May in charge, in order to carry out Cameron's (Remain) Plan B, and this is what we now have.

    That would imply that it would have been smooth sailing with someone else in charge, which I don't believe for a second.

  21. #21

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    Sorry - what I meant he was talking by saying I will do this , I want that. The problem being there isnt a general election until 2022 I think - Brexit will be in place by then, so pointless saying what he 'would' have done.
    Secondly - the things he was saying about 'a' or 'the' customs union have already been done. 'The customs union' means you accept ALL the rules without any of the influence and you are still under EU control. 'A' customs union - is what they are negotiating at the moment and would be part of the 'deal'.

    Both sides are forced to come out with cr@p like, a brexit for britain, a business brexit etc. Corbyn needs to wake up like Govt have - the EU dont want to be 'friendly' in the negotiation, they want the UK to be seen to have a worse deal and be worse off for leaving.

    The EU isnt the friendly place he seems to think it is. You need to play hard ball - rather than roll over when Juncker & co tickles your belly. Labour wanting to be in 'the customs union' effectively means they have ignored the result. Good luck with that Jeremy. I dont think though this is Corbyns idea - as he has voted against every EU bill in Parliament and voted strongly about never joining in the first place. Like I said - interesting times......
    In what way is he ignoring the result? You can leave the EU and remain in the customs union. If the question was "Should the UK leave the Customs Union?" then you'd be correct, but it wasn't.

    It was a slight majority to "Leave" in the referendum and for some reason people think this means we have to pursue the most extreme form of Brexit we can. That's ridiculous.

  22. #22

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    That would imply that it would have been smooth sailing with someone else in charge, which I don't believe for a second.
    Going against the will of the people is not an easy task, it requires guile and cunning, and the great unwashed should not be aware of its happenings.

  23. #23

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Going against the will of the people is not an easy task, it requires guile and cunning, and the great unwashed should not be aware of its happenings.
    So if they put May in to go against the will of the people, who do you think would have delivered brexit 'properly'?

  24. #24

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    So if they put May in to go against the will of the people, who do you think would have delivered brexit 'properly'?
    A Eurosceptic perhaps? Naturally if you were trying to stay in Europe by stealth, it would be the very last thing that you would do.

  25. #25

    Re: Brexit Redux

    Pity then that the chief Euro septic Boris Johnson’s arse went when his pall Gove told him he’s a ****
    Which was probably the only time I would agree with that fish lipped arsehole

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