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Thread: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

  1. #26

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    You even get politicians appearing on some UK based Russian television , imagine that happening in the great suppressed democracies of Russia,Syria and Iran ,at least the evil USA ,Israel and UK allows some freedoms and tolerances.
    I’m not crowing that we appear to be diminished on the world stage,and I’m not calling the UK, USA or Israel (although they need to improve their treatment of the Palestinians) evil

    Just stating what I see, a country more vulnerable then in a long time. I will state t again I blame the Tories for this farcical
    EU Brexit process which I think makes us more succeptible to foriegn attacks .

  2. #27

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    You even get politicians appearing on some UK based Russian television , imagine that happening in the great suppressed democracies of Russia,Syria and Iran ,at least the evil USA ,Israel and UK allows some freedoms and tolerances.
    Have you missed the bit where Obama and Clinton were using state intelligence agencies to spy on political opponents and stitch them up, and the media are in on it?

  3. #28

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    Eric - so you are a Labour voter - so you are about as unbiased in your comments as Ken Livingston in an anti Semite debate.

    I was a Labour voter - Foot, Kinnock, Blair - then I started my own business and realised how the world really works. Conservative / Lib (and once Plaid) ever since.

    All the Labour stuff is great - until you realise unless you have an economy you cant do feck all. Since 2007 weve been trying to recover slowly from the mess (I dont think trickle down worked - but there again neither did massive PFI spending from your side).

    Anyway we are talking about Russia, There is not a lot May can do, but Corbyns response has been condemned from all sides.

    Maybe we should settle it with a pub quiz between Putin and May ?
    See this is where the argument becomes hysterical. I am not a labour voter, I am somebody who holds a few fundamental opinions and these align better with the Labour party at the moment than anyone else.

    Corbyn is one of the few people in the house who has a pretty good record when it comes to voting against foreign policy disasters. The idea that the opposition shouldnt oppose when it comes to issues like this doesn't bear scrutiny, when the two major parties agree on foreign policy it is usually a disaster.

    The one major win we can have against Russia is ****ing with their cash, I don't think it is beyond the pale to ask why some of that cash is still flowing into cchq?

  4. #29

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    I am not saying confiscate the assets of every Russian in London. I am saying hit Putin where it hurts even if it hurts us a little bit too.

    For all the sabre rattling, I doubt Putin is really bothered by anything that was said today so what was the point? To show off?

  5. #30

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    The Mail reports that Corbyn in under attack from three members of his own party after he failed to blame Russia for the Salisbury false flag op. The three members are John Woodcock, chair of Labour Friends of Israel, Underpants Vicar, vice-chair of Labour Friends of Israel, and Pat McFadden, former Blair right hand man and member of Labour Friends of Israel. Those boys are certainly working hard for their paymaster.

  6. #31

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    The Mail reports that Corbyn in under attack from three members of his own party after he failed to blame Russia for the Salisbury false flag op. The three members are John Woodcock, chair of Labour Friends of Israel, Underpants Vicar, vice-chair of Labour Friends of Israel, and Pat McFadden, former Blair right hand man and member of Labour Friends of Israel. Those boys are certainly working hard for their paymaster.
    And this one's working overtime for the same interests.

  7. #32

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    I am not saying confiscate the assets of every Russian in London. I am saying hit Putin where it hurts even if it hurts us a little bit too.

    For all the sabre rattling, I doubt Putin is really bothered by anything that was said today so what was the point? To show off?
    If you haven't yet, listen to a podcast with Bill Browder talking about the Magnitsky Act (he's done a few). That's all about freezing out the oligarchs with the knock on effect of massively impacting Putin's own fortunes.

  8. #33

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    If you haven't yet, listen to a podcast with Bill Browder talking about the Magnitsky Act (he's done a few). That's all about freezing out the oligarchs with the knock on effect of massively impacting Putin's own fortunes.
    I've heard that name before. Fusion GPS? Isn't he on the run or something?

  9. #34
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    I’m not crowing that we appear to be diminished on the world stage,and I’m not calling the UK, USA or Israel (although they need to improve their treatment of the Palestinians) evil

    Just stating what I see, a country more vulnerable then in a long time. I will state t again I blame the Tories for this farcical
    EU Brexit process which I think makes us more susceptible to foreign attacks .
    Your right about the reason for Brexit , and what that brings , however it was also the people of the country and the lack of cross party unity that has us where we are now , its was not just a Tory problem , having listened to the French , Germans response to this nerve agent issue and the UK response does leave me wondering if they have any balls as a collective

  10. #35
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    And this one's working overtime for the same interests.

    bet you look hard enough you could find another picture with other leaders sitting under strange anti western allegiances and potential bad boys

  11. #36

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I've heard that name before. Fusion GPS? Isn't he on the run or something?
    He's constantly speaking to governments to get the Magnitsky Act in as many countries as he can and appearing in as much media as he can to spread the word, so no I don't think he's 'on the run'.

  12. #37

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    He's constantly speaking to governments to get the Magnitsky Act in as many countries as he can and appearing in as much media as he can to spread the word, so no I don't think he's 'on the run'.
    On the run from Russia, something to do with multiple shell companies. Or maybe it is somebody else.

  13. #38

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    On the run from Russia, something to do with multiple shell companies. Or maybe it is somebody else.
    On the run suggests he's hiding, what he's actually doing is trying to stop the Russian oligarchs from spending their ill-gotten billions in as many countries as he can.

    Didn't Trump's son meet a Russian lawyer to chat about the Magnitsky Act?

  14. #39

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    On the run suggests he's hiding, what he's actually doing is trying to stop the Russian oligarchs from spending their ill-gotten billions in as many countries as he can.

    Didn't Trump's son meet a Russian lawyer to chat about the Magnitsky Act?
    You mean those Fusion GPS operatives posing as Russian Lawyers? What was the Browder connection with Fusion GPS? All these shenanigans are enough to give anyone a headache. I hope they get a second special council looking into all of this ASAP, so that they can clear things up. Catch the wrongdoers and exonerate the innocent.

  15. #40
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    The Mail reports that Corbyn in under attack from three members of his own party after he failed to blame Russia for the Salisbury false flag op. The three members are John Woodcock, chair of Labour Friends of Israel, Underpants Vicar, vice-chair of Labour Friends of Israel, and Pat McFadden, former Blair right hand man and member of Labour Friends of Israel. Those boys are certainly working hard for their paymaster.
    This is the battle ground , unfortunately JC has let them in , his quietness on all things Russian doesn't help him , a little critism of a country who flaunt democracy, support dubious countries, suppress free speech jail political opponent's, annex countries , belittle minorities, spend more on military hardware than their own impoverished poor, run state controlled media outlets, LGBT face big legal social challenges ,feminism rights , hey they even send bands to jail for protesting . What's the view or comment on this things is what I would like from a modern front bench opposition , it's nly right and okay to challenge the West, however they are not the only problem and a fair balance of critism is needed ?

  16. #41

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    The people on here attacking Corbyn for not rushing in and blaming Russia for the Salisbury false flag operation are complete and utter morons.

    Corbyn is just saying that we need to follow the rules of the Chemical Weapons Convention. There is a protocol to be followed when it is suspected that chemical weapons have been used. It looks as if May has ignored this protocol.

    It is interesting to note that Israel is one of the few countries (along with North Korea) not to ratify the Chemical Weapons Convention.

    According to The Mail several Labour MPs (all Labour Friends of Israel as far as I can see) have signed an early day motion stating "This house unequivocally accepts the Russian state’s culpability for the poisoning of Yulia and Sergey Skripal."

    Here is an interesting link to Israeli interference in our affairs :


    They will stop at nothing to get what they want.

  17. #42

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    If you haven't yet, listen to a podcast with Bill Browder talking about the Magnitsky Act (he's done a few). That's all about freezing out the oligarchs with the knock on effect of massively impacting Putin's own fortunes.
    I have seen this. Interesting past but I can't help dislike the guy, predatory capitalism is his game and he 'lost' (he didn't realise that some people follow a different set of rules).

  18. #43

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    I am no fan of Corbin (and I have never voted for the Labour party) but his line on this subject isn't unreasonable. By just taking May's word that the Russians were at fault would mean that our MP's are in no stronger a position than members of the Duma swallowing whole the words of Putin.
    The Russians probably are at fault and they probably care not a jot that they can be fingered for it whilst still denying it.
    However, there is a case for natural justice based on evidence - and the Leader of the Opposition and other NATO leaders should be privy to that evidence even if it is too sensitive to promulgate widely.

  19. #44

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Seeing as the paranoia on this goes back to Blair's Dodgy Dossier on WMD, lets go back to that situation compared to this one.
    In Iraq - we thought he had WMD based on 3rd party information which was never confirmed or corroborated. It almopst became a mass hysteria event - when we were never 100% sure as we were relying on another countrys' assessment.

    Roll on to 2018 - An attack has happened, the material did exist , as confirmed by Portland Down, a unit specially designed for this scenario.

    So it comes down to trust - do we trust a group of UK men that act as a group when testing for chemical materials - or so we think they have all collectively made it up?

    The next question is - was it Russia - we will never know (and Putin knows this). Even if we had video footage of someone putting the nerve agent into his car - or at the grave stone of his son etc - they would deny it and blame an unknown 3rd party.

    Who do you trust basically - I get the premise of Corbyns argument, I think though you maybe need to use the balance of probability. Lets see what develops - my guess - is a bit of tit for tat - and that'll be it
    It seemed obvious that this was going to grow into something big, due to the carefully laid out media narrative. If it was a football match, the build up was like a beautiful Manchester City goal, which just required a tap in at the end of it. However, I think Corbyn wanted to see a 30-yard Ronaldo pile-driver, or Messi dribbling past the entire opposition team twice before getting down on his knees and scoring with his head.

  20. #45

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Latest update. Russia to play tit-for-tat, and accuse May of trying to divert attention away from EU woes.


  21. #46

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mambo View Post
    I guess we just need to look for someone with the words secret agent on his jacket.

    You dont know who did it and never will - all you have is your own judgement (how good that is - only you know).

    It appears to be Russia, the chemicals came from Russia, we have no idea it was a Russian who did it etc or someone trying to destabilise Putin (hard to believe that one)

    The problem as I see it - is that Russia doesnt give a f uck about anything we try and do or say. We are getting the same level of humiliation they had when they collapsed back in the 1990's. The fact they are knocking off double agents in the UK is taking the p1ss a bit though.
    'It appears to be Russia,' you state in one paragraph, then in the very next you typed: 'The fact they are knocking off double agents in the UK...' You took capriciousness to high level there.

    You also wrote: 'the chemicals came from Russia'. Russia destroyed their chemical weapons arsenal which was verified by an international body. As the Russian UN envoy bloke said at the UN, for the UK to be able to pinpoint the nerve agent used in Salisbury then it must know the chemical formula to create it. The implication is the UK or anyone else who can identify it can also produce it themselves.

    The UK Defence Secretary, yet another - ding, ding - Conservative Friends of Israel member, appeared at the very shadowy (probably Soros funded) Policy Exchange press conference this morning flanked by two huge Union Flags. He spoke like an immature spewdent who's way out of his depth. Here's a short snippet of what the fool said.

  22. #47
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    The people on here attacking Corbyn for not rushing in and blaming Russia for the Salisbury false flag operation are complete and utter morons.

    Corbyn is just saying that we need to follow the rules of the Chemical Weapons Convention. There is a protocol to be followed when it is suspected that chemical weapons have been used. It looks as if May has ignored this protocol.

    It is interesting to note that Israel is one of the few countries (along with North Korea) not to ratify the Chemical Weapons Convention.

    According to The Mail several Labour MPs (all Labour Friends of Israel as far as I can see) have signed an early day motion stating "This house unequivocally accepts the Russian state’s culpability for the poisoning of Yulia and Sergey Skripal."

    Here is an interesting link to Israeli interference in our affairs :


    They will stop at nothing to get what they want.
    Not attacking him on this point ( he has a point actually ) its his general silence on all things Russian that worries me .

  23. #48
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Radio 5 political 'guru' said it is Parliamentary protocol for the opposition to agree with the Govt on matters such as this. Any debate then happens later when members can voice any concerns etc. But seeing as the MP behind Jezza had a copy of the 'morning star' communist daily newspaper on his lap, it seems pretty obvious times have changed on the shadow front benches
    Yes I couldn't help think it was a deliberate point , knowing the cameras would pick it up ,pity he didn't have case notes relating to his consistencies concerns .

    I've seen them far worse events with worse reading materials

  24. #49

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    'It appears to be Russia,' you state in one paragraph, then in the very next you typed: 'The fact they are knocking off double agents in the UK...' You took capriciousness to high level there.

    You also wrote: 'the chemicals came from Russia'. Russia destroyed their chemical weapons arsenal which was verified by an international body. As the Russian UN envoy bloke said at the UN, for the UK to be able to pinpoint the nerve agent used in Salisbury then it must know the chemical formula to create it. The implication is the UK or anyone else who can identify it can also produce it themselves.

    The UK Defence Secretary, yet another - ding, ding - Conservative Friends of Israel member, appeared at the very shadowy (probably Soros funded) Policy Exchange press conference this morning flanked by two huge Union Flags. He spoke like an immature spewdent who's way out of his depth. Here's a short snippet of what the fool said.

    We are just being used as bait by the Israeli/USA/Saudi evil axis. They are hoping Russia will nuke us so that they can retaliate. I remember the nuclear threat in 1963 and I feel just as frightened now. At least in the 60s we had politicians like Wilson who, for all his faults, kept us out of Vietnam despite the American pressure to to join them in that stupid war. Today we only have idiots like that silly 6th form clown to protect us. They are worse traitors to the UK than the Russian spy was to his country.

    I can't work out the role of the policeman in this false flag op. Did he find out something or did he see someone he shouldn't have? If he did then I fear he will get the David Kelly treatment. They can hide the Russians for ever because they will say it is for their own safety, but the policeman will be open to questions if he lives. That might be inconvenient for somebody.

  25. #50

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Dai, you ought to be more concerned about the vice squad raiding the Quaintly Quim knocking shop while you're cuffed to the bedstead in the back room having your arse thrashed.

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