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Thread: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

  1. #276

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    No, what's funny (strange) is has already been pointed out, for someone with your perspective is how the Western corporate media hasn't been showing the clip of that Russian general making the prediction over and over and over again. You think they would, yes? But they haven't shown it once. Now put your thinking cap on to ask yourself why that is.
    Good point, you would expect somebody to use it as evidence, just like Rjk is.

  2. #277

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    The reason, of course, for why the Western corporate media haven't publicised his words at any point since he made them, a month ago today, is that they didn't and still don't want the man in the street to realise the event had been planned for weeks in advance. And don't forget that Gerasimov isn't just any old Russian military bloke, he's Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia.

  3. #278

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Still no sign of a video of a Yulia Skripal video being made available where we can hear her say she's fine, content and not being held against her will as Russia allege. Things that make you go hmm.

    Meanwhile, Russia today went on record stating that the UK was involved in the Douma attack.

    Russia's military: UK involved in Syrian gas attack 'provocation' - https://www.reuters.com/article/us-m...-idUSKBN1HK24P

  4. #279

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Still no sign of a video of a Yulia Skripal video being made available where we can hear her say she's fine, content and not being held against her will as Russia allege. Things that make you go hmm.

    Meanwhile, Russia today went on record stating that the UK was involved in the Douma attack.

    Russia's military: UK involved in Syrian gas attack 'provocation' - https://www.reuters.com/article/us-m...-idUSKBN1HK24P
    Do you believe them?

  5. #280
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    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

  6. #281

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Do you believe them?
    Yes. Do you believe the Russians? Separately today Lavrov claimed they had "irrefutable data" that the UK was involved. He needs to show it, and fast.

    Here's another short video pertaining to your beloved White Helmets. At the 2.20 mark is when a US government official acknowledges the US funds them, that's in spite of the White Helmets claim to be independent. Another question for you, why would you think is the reason the UK hasn't been able thus far showing Yulia Skripal fit and healthy and happy to be in protective custody?

  7. #282

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Yes. Do you believe the Russians? Separately today Lavrov claimed they had "irrefutable data" that the UK was involved. He needs to show it, and fast.

    Here's another short video pertaining to your beloved White Helmets. At the 2.20 mark is when a US government official acknowledges the US funds them, that's in spite of the White Helmets claim to be independent. Another question for you, why would you think is the reason the UK hasn't been able thus far showing Yulia Skripal fit and healthy and happy to be in protective custody?

    Ok fair enough. This what TASS said:

    He said the ministry had found those who took part in filming the rent-a-mob chemical attack in Syria’s Douma and these people told how the video had been shot.

    Read also
    Russia’s top diplomat: Chemical attack in Syria’s Douma staged by foreign special services
    Russia’s UK envoy blasts Paris, London for automatically backing US policy on Syria
    Putin, Macron discuss situation in Syria — Kremlin
    Lavrov hopes West won’t embark on ‘reckless’ adventurism in Syria

    "Today, the Russian defense ministry has other evidence proving the United Kingdom’s direct involvement in the organization of this provocation in Eastern Ghouta," he said

    In his words, the so-called White Helmets were pressed by London in a period from April 3 to 6 to hurry up with the implementation of the planned provocation. "The White Helmets were told that in a period from April 3 to 6 Jaysh al-Islam militants would conduct a series of massive artillery bombings of Damascus. It would provoke a retaliation operation by government forces and the White Helmets were to use it to stage a provocation with an alleged use of chemical weapons," he said.

    According to Konashenkov, officers of the Russian defense ministry spoke with two Syrian who had taken part in filming the framed-up attack. Both have medical diplomas and work with the emergency department of Douma’s hospital. The two men do not conceal their names. They told Russian officers that all those who had been taken to hospital during the filming had no symptoms of exposure to toxic agents.

    "When the patients were receiving first aid unidentified people burst into the hospital, some were holding video cameras," the spokesman cited them as saying. "These people started shouting, fanning hysteria. They carried hose and douched all present with water crying out that all of them had been exposed to poisonous agents."

    "The patients and their relatives yielded to panic and began to pour water on each other. After this scene was caught on video, these unidentified people fled," he added.

    This is what is called evidence in the civilized world, he stressed, adding that Russia had repeatedly warned about provocations with the alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians plotted by militants in Eastern Ghouta.

    Some non-governmental organizations, including White Helmets, claim that chemical weapons were used in Douma, Eastern Ghouta, on April 7. According to the statement uploaded to the organization’s website on April 8, chlorine bombs were dropped on the city to kill dozens and poison other local civilians who had to be brought to hospital.

    So a UK government that couldn't work out its arse from its elbow in managing the Skripal case was directed at the highest level to contrive a mock chemical attack? Fair play your imagination is better than mine!

  8. #283

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    You still haven't worked out who the goodies and baddies are in this saga.

    Once again, can you provide a sensible explanation for why the British state cannot provide the media with a video interview of the daughter so as to counter Russia very serious allegations.

  9. #284

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    You still haven't worked out who the goodies and baddies are in this saga.

    Once again, can you provide a sensible explanation for why the British state cannot provide the media with a video interview of the daughter so as to counter Russia very serious allegations.
    We seem to be disappearing down a cul-de-sac. I asked if you believed the Russian government's argument that the UK government contrived this crisis in cahoots with the White Helmets and you unequivocally said yes.

    You asked what's in it for Assad to launch a stike which is a perfectly reasonable question. My question is what is there in this for May? Being found out in trying to contrive World War 3 would be curtains for a fragile democracy. Of course the President for life Putin and King Assad have a bit more resilience should their fingerprints be found.

    Still you have nailed your colours to the mast that the UK is up to no good

  10. #285

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Blah. You're on a wind-up here. Instead of answering polite questions you ignore them to ask a question of your own. You'll not waste any more of my time.

  11. #286

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Blah. You're on a wind-up here. Instead of answering polite questions you ignore them to ask a question of your own. You'll not waste any more of my time.
    That's your choice I guess.

    The only communications I have seen from Yulia Skripal have been a scripted Greta Garbo "I want to be alone" message and a verbatim transcript of a purported conversation between her and her cousin Viktoria when Yulia apparently rang her out of the blue. Perhaps a young vulnerable person thinks a period of introspection is sensible in the midst of this global arm wrestle.

  12. #287

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Russia: Trace of Western-made nerve agent seen in UK samples

    Russia’s foreign minister says Moscow has received a document from a Swiss lab that analyzed the samples in the nerve agent poisoning of an ex-Russian spy, which points at a Western-designed nerve agent as a likely cause.

    Minister Sergey Lavrov said Saturday that Moscow received the confidential information from the laboratory in Spiez, Switzerland, that analyzed samples from the site of the March 4 poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the English city of Salisbury.

    He said the analysis was done at the request of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

    The OPCW’s report confirmed British findings that the Skripals were poisoned with a military-grade nerve agent, but didn’t say who was responsible.

    Britain has accused Russia of poisoning them with a Soviet-designed agent, an accusation that Moscow denies.

    Lavrov said the document indicated that the samples from Salisbury contained BZ nerve agent and its precursor. He said BZ was part of chemical arsenals of the U.S., Britain and other NATO countries, while the Soviet Union and Russia never developed the agent.

    Lavrov added that the Swiss lab also pointed at the presence of the nerve agent A234 in the samples, but added that the lab noted that its presence in the samples appeared strange, given the substance’s high volatility and the relatively long period between the poisoning and the sample-taking.

    He noted that OPCW’s report didn’t contain any mention of BZ, adding that Russia will ask the chemical weapons watchdog for an explanation.


  13. #288

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Russia spread fake news via Twitter bots after Salisbury poisoning – analysis

    Propaganda from Russian-operated accounts grew by 4,000% in aftermath of attack, Whitehall says.

    Russia used trolls and bots to unleash disinformation on to social media in the wake of the Salisbury poisoning, according to fresh Whitehall analysis. Government sources said experts had uncovered an increase of up to 4,000% in the spread of propaganda from Russia-based accounts since the attack,– many of which were identifiable as automated bots.

    Theresa May highlighted the cyber-threat from Russia in her Mansion House speech earlier this year, telling the Kremlin: “I have a very simple message for Russia. We know what you are doing. And you will not succeed.”

    But civil servants identified a sharp increase in the flow of fake news after the Salisbury poisoning, which continued in the runup to the airstrikes on Syria.

    One bot, @Ian56789, was sending 100 posts a day during a 12-day period from 7 April, and reached 23 million users, before the account was suspended. It focused on claims that the chemical weapons attack on Douma had been falsified, using the hashtag #falseflag. Another, @Partisangirl, reached 61 million users with 2,300 posts over the same 12-day period.

    Continued .. https://www.theguardian.com/world/20...witter-bots-uk


    Russian bot located and responds.

  14. #289

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    So that’s what David Vincent looks like....

  15. #290

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    So that’s what David Vincent looks like....
    I thought it might be Organ Morgan. He looks far too young to be me. Also he didn't have a Welsh accent. I was surprised how much time they gave him. Sky were hoping he'd trip himself up and he did to some extent when he pretended he had an American vote. Apart from that he did quite well.

  16. #291

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Blah. You're on a wind-up here. Instead of answering polite questions you ignore them to ask a question of your own. You'll not waste any more of my time.
    I don't think he's on a wind-up. There are a lot of people who so brainwashed that they can't see beyond the artificial reality created for them by the MSM. I think we should see posters like Cyril as a genuine challenge rather than an annoyance. We spend so much time agreeing with other blue pill types on other forums that we sometimes forget we always need to challenge our own beliefs.

  17. #292

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    I don't think he's on a wind-up. There are a lot of people who so brainwashed that they can't see beyond the artificial reality created for them by the MSM. I think we should see posters like Cyril as a genuine challenge rather than an annoyance. We spend so much time agreeing with other blue pill types on other forums that we sometimes forget we always need to challenge our own beliefs.
    Thanks. I am not sure about the brainwashed but I suppose if I was brainwashed I wouldn't would I? It seems strange after growing up with so few media outlets and most of those managed by vested interests of one description or another across the political spectrum to see most of them lumped together in one homogenous mass as creating an artificial reality for mainstream junkies. If only we had know that the truth lived elsewhere in hitherto unknown recesses of the internet waiting to be discovered by only the most agile and inquisitive minds. It 's good now and then that the blue pillers share some of those secrets.

    What I do agree upon is the more challenge there is the better. The more this starts from facts rather than beliefs the more sensible the debate.

  18. #293

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    It's all gone quiet on the Skripals' front. Similar with the so-called Syria chemical attack for which Russia has provided a welter of evidence courtesy of the testimony of local residents and doctors who treated the 'victims' all of whom state it was a hoax perpetrated and filmed by those US funded White Helmets.

    Meanwhile, Israel's sabre rattling reached new levels of hysteria yesterday with their Defence minister's reported remarks: https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,...241923,00.html

    Next month on the 14th marks the 70th anniversary of the Zionist state's creation. There's all sorts of religious shite surrounding that date.

  19. #294

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    It's all gone quiet on the Skripals' front. Similar with the so-called Syria chemical attack for which Russia has provided a welter of evidence courtesy of the testimony of local residents and doctors who treated the 'victims' all of whom state it was a hoax perpetrated and filmed by those US funded White Helmets.

    Meanwhile, Israel's sabre rattling reached new levels of hysteria yesterday with their Defence minister's reported remarks: https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,...241923,00.html

    Next month on the 14th marks the 70th anniversary of the Zionist state's creation. There's all sorts of religious shite surrounding that date.
    Russia presents unharmed Syrians to OPCW, Western envoys condemn 'stunt'


  20. #295

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Russia presents unharmed Syrians to OPCW, Western envoys condemn 'stunt'

    Yeah, I watched it. Those who were there made for very convincing witnesses. Western journalists present tried and failed miserably to suggest they were terrified and being coerced.

  21. #296

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    It's all gone quiet on the Skripals' front.
    More important things are happening


  22. #297

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    More important things are happening

    I didn't think the usual globalist suspects would pull the same Syria chemical stunt yet again. But I was in awe of their iron control of the narrative through their propaganda outlets.

    The value of the Iranian currency is being crushed presently (see the gleeful remarks of the Israeli Defence bloke in the article I linked) and its citizens are suffering hugely. They know of course why it's happening but there's festering discontent as they're struggling to feed themselves with rocketing inflation.

  23. #298

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    More important things are happening

    I know you have already joined the dots on this one Gluey, A couple of days after the Trump/Macron love in and just before Trump is having a short forced chat with Frau Merkel and it is announced that Trump will see the Queen then they name him Louis rather than the usual Germanic options! I heard that Fox and Farage were making strong representations that he should be called Barron but it seems that this did not quite make the shortlist.

  24. #299

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Russia complaining today about what they view as a news blackout by UK media re the Skripals: Russian diplomat slams UK media's sudden blackout on Skripal case - http://tass.com/politics/1002502

    Three or four days back Russian media suggested both could be dead. If that was designed to prompt British authorities to make public a video of the father or daughter or both alive and well then it singularly failed as nothing's been forthcoming. Russian officials have not been able to see either, nor has Britain acceded to Russian requests that agreed third parties see either or both. The Russian's now control the narrative as the government and corporate media fall silent.

  25. #300

    Re: Bloody fuss about this Russian poisoning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Russia complaining today about what they view as a news blackout by UK media re the Skripals: Russian diplomat slams UK media's sudden blackout on Skripal case - http://tass.com/politics/1002502

    Three or four days back Russian media suggested both could be dead. If that was designed to prompt British authorities to make public a video of the father or daughter or both alive and well then it singularly failed as nothing's been forthcoming. Russian officials have not been able to see either, nor has Britain acceded to Russian requests that agreed third parties see either or both. The Russian's now control the narrative as the government and corporate media fall silent.
    Are you seriously saying that someone who got caught spying for the West then with his daughter may or may not have been poisoned by them in the UK as a consequence should notify the Russian authorities of their well being and potential location to avoid the Russians controlling the narrative?

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