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Thread: Are you cheap ?

  1. #26

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    When I was in a small bar in Manhattan and not really on the tourist trail and I asked the barman to be honest and tell me what the going rate for tipping him was. A buck a beer apparently.

  2. #27

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Trying to get tips is one step up from begging

  3. #28

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    If you go somewhere or use a particular person's service on a regular basis it's in your own interest to give a decent tip. Those places/people will look after you in future.

  4. #29

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    When I was in a small bar in Manhattan and not really on the tourist trail and I asked the barman to be honest and tell me what the going rate for tipping him was. A buck a beer apparently.
    I've asked the same and had the same answer previously.

    Another said a couple of bucks a round.

  5. #30

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by BR1 Bluebird View Post
    If you go somewhere or use a particular person's service on a regular basis it's in your own interest to give a decent tip. Those places/people will look after you in future.
    That makes sense, but many give a tip even though you will never see that person again. You could walk out and keep that money to spend on yourself or your loved ones (assuming you have any). However, there is a little voice inside me saying I must not leave without rewarding the server. It is a cultural thing to do with our sense of fairness.

  6. #31
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    That makes sense, but many give a tip even though you will never see that person again. You could walk out and keep that money to spend on yourself or your loved ones (assuming you have any). However, there is a little voice inside me saying I must not leave without rewarding the server. It is a cultural thing to do with our sense of fairness.
    Sense of fairness?

    It is the same 'sense of fairness' that makes it OK for landlords to hike up rents in the knowledge that we will all pay the increase through housing benefits and that makes it OK for employers to pay poverty wages in the knowledge that we will all pay the difference to a living wage through social security payments or tax credits. The tipping culture in the USA seems to be one based on low pay and exploitation of workers and customers. It is my definition of unfair - a warped system that should be ended by paying people a proper wage and leaving space for tipping where there has been exceptional service.

    I have never been to the USA (apart from transit airports) and this fleecing culture is one of the disincentives for me. I have though just come back from Australia and (as someone above said) there is little or no tipping there (just rounding up on a bill) and service from people on a proper wage was always excellent.

  7. #32

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    I've asked the same and had the same answer previously.

    Another said a couple of bucks a round.
    I was on my own at the time so you may be right.

  8. #33

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    America is miles behind the developed world in many ways, and their lax attitude to sharp practices in pricing is one of them. The escalation and extent of tipping is part of it. The reason generally given for the increase to 25%? Inflation. Moronic. I think waiters are actually taxed on deemed top income so if you tip below a given amount, they end up taxed on income they don’t earn.

    What really irks though, is that tipping has become a latent part of pricing for so many things. We did an expensive whale watching tour a year or so ago. On getting back after a thoroughly shit experience, the captain told us that the staff rely on tips to supplement their wages so please be sure to tip generously. **** off. Pay your staff properly you slaving wanker.

    And don’t get me started on “resort fees” at hotels. Stating prices before applicable sales taxes is enough of a piss-take but the resort fee is abhorrent. Hopefully the IRS will nail these charlatans soon.

  9. #34

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    Tipping encourages restaurants to pay their staff less money because they know they're getting extra through tips
    That's the precise reason I never tip. Well, that and being a cheapskate.

    Best non-cough incident was Harrods in 2016. Went there purposefully for some nosh at one of their restaurants knowing they tacked on 8% to the bill as a gratuity (a highbrow term for tip or service charge). I presumed - correctly I discovered months later - that the store pocketed all those discretionary payments that the cheeky baskets added automatically.

    I declined to pay the excess and a manager was called. At first glance, and as I hoped, I could tell he was a seasoned bullshitter. Told him I wasn't prepared to contribute to his company's sneaky maximising profit scheme. He persisted with the faux charm offensive and only scuttled off when I amplified the same line twice more.

  10. #35

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Sense of fairness?

    It is the same 'sense of fairness' that makes it OK for landlords to hike up rents in the knowledge that we will all pay the increase through housing benefits and that makes it OK for employers to pay poverty wages in the knowledge that we will all pay the difference to a living wage through social security payments or tax credits. The tipping culture in the USA seems to be one based on low pay and exploitation of workers and customers. It is my definition of unfair - a warped system that should be ended by paying people a proper wage and leaving space for tipping where there has been exceptional service.

    I have never been to the USA (apart from transit airports) and this fleecing culture is one of the disincentives for me. I have though just come back from Australia and (as someone above said) there is little or no tipping there (just rounding up on a bill) and service from people on a proper wage was always excellent.
    From the very top to those at the bottom we live in a grab-everything-you-can society here in compo crazy Britain.

    A prime example is the annual winter fuel payment. 12 million people are eligible to claim each year, just 400 decline - that's one in every 30,000.

  11. #36

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    That's the precise reason I never tip. Well, that and being a cheapskate.

    Best non-cough incident was Harrods in 2016. Went there purposefully for some nosh at one of their restaurants knowing they tacked on 8% to the bill as a gratuity (a highbrow term for tip or service charge). I presumed - correctly I discovered months later - that the store pocketed all those discretionary payments that the cheeky baskets added automatically.

    I declined to pay the excess and a manager was called. At first glance, and as I hoped, I could tell he was a seasoned bullshitter. Told him I wasn't prepared to contribute to his company's sneaky maximising profit scheme. He persisted with the faux charm offensive and only scuttled off when I amplified the same line twice more.
    Nice try, Organ but I think you've forgotten why the manager really talked to you. You were seen in the pet section of Harrods crouched over a distressed cockatoo in a suggestive position that even shocked the shop's many Arab customers. When you told the manager you were a Pet Groomer he said "We can see that". Shouting "I just wanted to touch a cockatoo" as you were hurled into the street only led to looks of revulsion and did nothing to help your cause.

  12. #37

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Sense of fairness?

    It is the same 'sense of fairness' that makes it OK for landlords to hike up rents in the knowledge that we will all pay the increase through housing benefits and that makes it OK for employers to pay poverty wages in the knowledge that we will all pay the difference to a living wage through social security payments or tax credits. The tipping culture in the USA seems to be one based on low pay and exploitation of workers and customers. It is my definition of unfair - a warped system that should be ended by paying people a proper wage and leaving space for tipping where there has been exceptional service.

    I have never been to the USA (apart from transit airports) and this fleecing culture is one of the disincentives for me. I have though just come back from Australia and (as someone above said) there is little or no tipping there (just rounding up on a bill) and service from people on a proper wage was always excellent.
    People in the West have an unusual sense of fairness. People at the bottom of the ladder have it very good compared to those at the bottom in Asia, Africa and South America. In India if you are born into the lowest caste then you will treated as filth for the rest of your life. It is the same in most places. In the West not only do we treat outsiders as equals but we sometimes give them preferential treatment – e.g. positive discrimination. That is so unusual that Third World people must think we are mad or mugs.

  13. #38

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    With contactless payments fast becoming the norm in most city bars and restaurants, what will be the way to tip then ?

  14. #39

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    The 3.30 at Kempton

  15. #40

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    People in the West have an unusual sense of fairness. People at the bottom of the ladder have it very good compared to those at the bottom in Asia, Africa and South America. In India if you are born into the lowest caste then you will treated as filth for the rest of your life. It is the same in most places. In the West not only do we treat outsiders as equals but we sometimes give them preferential treatment – e.g. positive discrimination. That is so unusual that Third World people must think we are mad or mugs.
    What utter crap.

  16. #41

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    In the West not only do we treat outsiders as equals but we sometimes give them preferential treatment – e.g. positive discrimination.
    Could have fooled me since Brexit.

  17. #42

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    What utter crap.
    Which bit? All of it? Do you believe people in India, for example, have the same sense of fairness as those in the West? In business in India you would be seen as a very immoral person if you did not favour your relatives over a stranger. But we regard nepotism as unfair. In sport we used to see most other countries as more likely to cheat than ourselves. We saw cheating as being unfair. Exam taking in India and China often seems to be about finding clever ways to cheat. We see that as unfair but they see it as normal. Corruption seems to lowest in Western countries. Why is that? I would say it is to do with our sense of fairness.

  18. #43

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    People in the West have an unusual sense of fairness. People at the bottom of the ladder have it very good compared to those at the bottom in Asia, Africa and South America. In India if you are born into the lowest caste then you will treated as filth for the rest of your life. It is the same in most places. In the West not only do we treat outsiders as equals but we sometimes give them preferential treatment – e.g. positive discrimination. That is so unusual that Third World people must think we are mad or mugs.
    I'm not sure about that. The two most outrageous pieces of racism / inequality I've witnessed have been by Australians against Aborigines & Canadians against Inuits. I've spent some time in both countries and would say that it's comparible with your Indian caste example (where I also work regularly).

  19. #44

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fine Lines View Post
    With contactless payments fast becoming the norm in most city bars and restaurants, what will be the way to tip then ?
    They just add a option to add on 18 - 22 - 25 % at the POS

  20. #45

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    I might have mentioned it before ( but will repeat especially for JtJ and Dembe who i know loves it ) i know a Server who works at one of the top end disney restaurants ( its a pricey place ) who earned more than $ 200K last year, he has put his 2 children through school and lives in a 6 bed house in orlando, says the rush to get some of the better restaurant jobs in " disney springs " when they recently refurbished it was scary, servers on the weekend have to have disney security escort them to the car at the end of a evening shift as they often have over $1000 in cash on them

    I guess a $5 doesnt cut it anymore

  21. #46
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    This is all about ripping johnny forefinger off to supplement the poor living wage standards the USA has in place ,pay people decent wage USA I say ,begging OR FORCING ONE TO BEG IS POOR

  22. #47

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    This is all about ripping johnny forefinger off to supplement the poor living wage standards the USA has in place ,pay people decent wage USA I say ,begging OR FORCING ONE TO BEG IS POOR
    Speaking to the server i know, Brits come in 2 shapes, Great tippers who tip 25% and then round up, or people who leave a few bucks
    He says that most Americans tip around the 20% mark ( i guess as its easy to work out )

  23. #48

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    Plenty of US places are now asking for 25 %
    Where? When a gratuity is added automatically it's usually 18%.

  24. #49

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    You'll find more truth in blogs than in the newspapers. Anyway, it is not just one person's opinion - there are comments from over a hundred waiters and waitresses.
    This statement is complete nonsense. And it's a big problem in the world today. It's how we ended up with people like Alex Jones. So thanks for that.

  25. #50

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Where? When a gratuity is added automatically it's usually 18%.
    It is 18% , On a " vacation planners " FB group, people have been saying that places in NY have started add a " 25% recommend tip " and i know in a few of the " high end " disney restaurants they list 18, 22 and 25 %,
    Blue Bayou & Napa Rose in DisneyLand Cali both have had 25% listed as a recommended tip, sure they are pushing it to see how far they can go, tables over 6 normally have 18% service charge

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