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Thread: Are you cheap ?

  1. #51

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    This statement is complete nonsense. And it's a big problem in the world today. It's how we ended up with people like Alex Jones. So thanks for that.
    You are not one for understatement are you ? Just contrast the ridiculous lies the newspapers are telling us about the Skripals with the intelligent discussion about the case on Craig Murray's blog. On any important issue if you want to find out what's really going on you have to read blogs. Most of the stuff in our newspapers comes from PR firms and so called news agencies. The papers no longer have any real journalists.

  2. #52
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Are you cheap ?


    The perversity and immorality of tipping as an expected and assumed part of people's wages takes another turn.

    TGI Friday rob Peter to underpay Paul - but at least there is a trade union involved and staff willing to challenge a crap employer.

  3. #53

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    You are not one for understatement are you ? Just contrast the ridiculous lies the newspapers are telling us about the Skripals with the intelligent discussion about the case on Craig Murray's blog. On any important issue if you want to find out what's really going on you have to read blogs. Most of the stuff in our newspapers comes from PR firms and so called news agencies. The papers no longer have any real journalists.
    You're being selective. You said that "blogs are more truthful than newspapers". Which implies ALL blogs v ALL newspapers, and is a ridiculous statement.

    Don't forget that for the most part "the papers" have codes of ethics and real journalists that have to cite sources and get editorial and legal approval before they print. Bloggers can just say what they want.

  4. #54

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    You're being selective. You said that "blogs are more truthful than newspapers". Which implies ALL blogs v ALL newspapers, and is a ridiculous statement.
    You seem to be an all or nothing sort of person. Living with you must be fun if you bring the rules of logic to every discussion.

    You : "You said you'd done the washing up."
    Wife (or boyfriend) : "I have".
    You : "No you haven't. There's an unwashed spoon here."
    Wife or (boyfriend) : "I'll tell you where you can stick it."
    Perhaps I should have left "boyfriend" out of that last line.

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Don't forget that for the most part "the papers" have codes of ethics and real journalists that have to cite sources and get editorial and legal approval before they print.
    I've just pissed myself laughing at that. Nearly everything in a newspaper is either a lie or an ignorant opinion. Even when they try to be factual they get it all wrong. Anyone who as been the subject of an newspaper article will tell you that they get most of names, dates, etc. wrong. They have no ethics. The so called journalists on the big papers are just typists for rich crooks and bent politicians.

  5. #55

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Tradition seems very important to her.

  6. #56

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    You seem to be an all or nothing sort of person. Living with you must be fun if you bring the rules of logic to every discussion.

    You : "You said you'd done the washing up."
    Wife (or boyfriend) : "I have".
    You : "No you haven't. There's an unwashed spoon here."
    Wife or (boyfriend) : "I'll tell you where you can stick it."
    Perhaps I should have left "boyfriend" out of that last line.

    I've just pissed myself laughing at that. Nearly everything in a newspaper is either a lie or an ignorant opinion. Even when they try to be factual they get it all wrong. Anyone who as been the subject of an newspaper article will tell you that they get most of names, dates, etc. wrong. They have no ethics. The so called journalists on the big papers are just typists for rich crooks and bent politicians.
    I'm glad you had a laugh. So what you're saying that your favourite blog is better than your least favourite newspaper?

    Everything you have written is just an opinion. You have backed nothing up with facts.

    Newspapers in the "mainstream media" DO have ethics codes and DO have to meet legal requirements. Here's an example:


  7. #57

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    I'm glad you had a laugh. So what you're saying that your favourite blog is better than your least favourite newspaper?

    Everything you have written is just an opinion. You have backed nothing up with facts.

    Newspapers in the "mainstream media" DO have ethics codes and DO have to meet legal requirements. Here's an example:

    Do they? The MSM media get away with lie after lie after lie. There is no meaningful watchdog.

  8. #58

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    I'm glad you had a laugh. So what you're saying that your favourite blog is better than your least favourite newspaper?

    Everything you have written is just an opinion. You have backed nothing up with facts.

    Newspapers in the "mainstream media" DO have ethics codes and DO have to meet legal requirements. Here's an example:

    The Guardian ! Stop it, you're killing me. I've already got a weak bladder. That is probably the worst example you could have chosen. Peter Hitchens hit the nail on its head when he said there are rumours of The Guardian relaunching as The Warmonger’s Gazette and giving away a free toy soldier with every issue.

  9. #59

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    The Guardian ! Stop it, you're killing me. I've already got a weak bladder. That is probably the worst example you could have chosen. Peter Hitchens hit the nail on its head when he said there are rumours of The Guardian relaunching as The Warmonger’s Gazette and giving away a free toy soldier with every issue.
    Actually. No he didn't.

  10. #60

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    Actually. No he didn't.
    Nice try, but you'll need to get up a bit earlier in the morning if you think you are going to trap me like that. Don't forget that in the UK we are awake 3 or 4 hours before you.

  11. #61

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    Nice try, Organ but I think you've forgotten why the manager really talked to you. You were seen in the pet section of Harrods crouched over a distressed cockatoo in a suggestive position that even shocked the shop's many Arab customers. When you told the manager you were a Pet Groomer he said "We can see that". Shouting "I just wanted to touch a cockatoo" as you were hurled into the street only led to looks of revulsion and did nothing to help your cause.
    Did you actually think this was funny?

    Your attempts at comedy are painful to read

  12. #62

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by StraightOuttaCanton View Post
    Did you actually think this was funny?

    Your attempts at comedy are painful to read
    Are you a masochist?

  13. #63

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    Are you a masochist?
    Just sympathetic

  14. #64

    Re: Are you cheap ?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    Nice try, but you'll need to get up a bit earlier in the morning if you think you are going to trap me like that. Don't forget that in the UK we are awake 3 or 4 hours before you.
    You try to win an argument about fact versus opinion with a nonsensical quote from a guy the writes for the for the Daily Mail?

    Weak as ****.

    I don't think I have to get up very early to counter that.

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