Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
It's not a step-child thing it's an age thing, and has been with us for hundreds of years.
Mark Twain said, "When I was 18 my father was so stupid I couldn't talk to him, but by the time I was 24 he had learned so much that I could have some really good conversations with him.

Look on the bright side, it's not a blood relationship. At least you can walk away and forget her, her mother can't!
Just keep calm, tell your wife you are not going to get involved in the girl's management, and then don't get involved, even if it means biting your lip and leaving the house for an hour.
She will either learn or be made to learn.

(For the benefit of the pedantic:- I paraphrased Twain's words, I couldn't be arsed to look them up on google to quote them verbatim, unlike some on here are probably already doing)
I do ....... But its doing my head in !!!!!! I just want to throttle the little COW

I've never in my LIFE met a child like her - Once picked up my beer and threw it in my face ..... You can just imagine. Its got to the stage now that I don't even want to go out for family dinners, just can't be bothered being in the same room as her .... You can imagine what type of position this puts her mother in !!!!!!

Shes a very very VILE CHILD