Quote Originally Posted by Gnojek View Post
Whether it's a World Cup or a European Championships, it's so much more enjoyable when they've been knocked out. The tournament can then be enjoyed for what it is. Some of the tosh that was being spouted before, during and after last night's game was incredible.

Someone mentioned "chip on the shoulder" earlier. There are obviously some decent, level-headed English football fans - I know a few - but others (including the majority of the media) have a huge superiority complex when it comes to the national football team; a real sense of entitlement when the supposed smaller fish don't roll over and let England win. As a Welshman, I can't stand the constant hype we are subjected to at times like these and as you say, it does mean a lot to me when they fail. I get more pleasure from seeing City and Wales win, but I do love a good old English sporting post-mortem. Hopefully we'll have another one very soon.
I think a lot of the arrogance has been knocked out of the football fans over the years, almost all of them accept that quarter finals is a decent tournament these days.
But I've seen some pathetic responses from Welsh and Scottish fans to normal celebrations from England fans after last night. They scored a last minute goal to win their opening world cup game and give themselves a great chance of getting out of the group. If it was the other way around we would be loving it.
If anything the English response has been surprisingly muted. They have been by far the most critical of their own performance, but I guess that comes from being burned too many times before.