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Thread: BoJo go byebyes

  1. #1

    BoJo go byebyes

    This is getting interesting now.


    We will have a Tory leadership election or general election soon methinks.

  2. #2

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    I'm just thankful we voted for strong and stable, and not the coalition of chaos.

  3. #3

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    This is getting interesting now.


    We will have a Tory leadership election or general election soon methinks.
    It's difficult to imagine how a general election will clarify the way ahead re: Brexit. Europe has always caused splits within the two major parties and will continue to do so. 'Brexit is Brexit' sounds pretty ridiculous now.

  4. #4

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    It's difficult to imagine how a general election will clarify the way ahead re: Brexit. Europe has always caused splits within the two major parties and will continue to do so. 'Brexit is Brexit' sounds pretty ridiculous now.
    A general election will clarify the feelings of the electorate. UKIP would undoubtedly garner many votes.

  5. #5

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    I'm just thankful we voted for strong and stable, and not the coalition of chaos.
    May had to play her hand at some point. Some of us knew what that hand would be, as it was extremely obvious right from the start. That's the trouble with "insurance plans", they are very tricky to pull off. You need everything to go right.

  6. #6

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    A general election will clarify the feelings of the electorate. UKIP would undoubtedly garner many votes.
    As both major parties are confused about what sort of Brexit is to be had (if at all) and that Brexit voters may now possibly be in the minority it will clarify nothing at all when put in the mix with party politics and all the other issues that are important to people.

  7. #7

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Boris has been trying to engineer his own exit for months.

    The hard brexiteers want nothing to do with the implementation of brexit because they know it is going to be a disaster. From the back benches they can escape untainted from the ensuing cluster**** and sweep back in to control of the party. This is all about individual ambitions.

  8. #8

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    A general election will clarify the feelings of the electorate. UKIP would undoubtedly garner many votes.
    There's nothing in any recent polling or local elections to suggest that. UKIP have shot their bolt

  9. #9

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    There's nothing in any recent polling or local elections to suggest that. UKIP have shot their bolt
    How many people even know who their leader is?

  10. #10

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    There's nothing in any recent polling or local elections to suggest that. UKIP have shot their bolt
    You write “recent”. Didn’t you know that a week is a long time in politics?

    If Brexit is fudged with Remainers in charge of the Tories then UKIP will rise like a gammony phoenix. I’m quite confident of that.

  11. #11

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    How many people even know who their leader is?
    I saw his recent speech at the rally in London. He was quite impressive, better than Nuttall but not up to Farage’s standards.

    Their recent polling in the local elections will have no bearing on the next general election, IF Brexit is fudged or postponed.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    It's difficult to imagine how a general election will clarify the way ahead re: Brexit. Europe has always caused splits within the two major parties and will continue to do so. 'Brexit is Brexit' sounds pretty ridiculous now.
    Think your right I think the lady has played her cards and said over to you now do your worse or support me or bugger off ,and off two went , neither really appealing to electorate ,would the opposition deliver a majority to govern with a mandate nope , we are where we are,moderate Labour MP's might support her in a vote if its a soft Brexit ??

    More to come

  13. #13

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Think your right I think the lady has played her cards and said over to you now do your worse or support me or bugger off ,and off two went , neither really appealing to electorate ,would the opposition deliver a majority to govern with a mandate nope , we are where we are,moderate Labour MP's might support her in a vote if its a soft Brexit ??

    More to come
    It's like bidding for tickets to be a guest on the RMS Titanic's maiden voyage

  14. #14

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Wales-Bales and I and every other know-all said from the outset that the Red-Blue cartel would conspire not to honour the Leave vote by way of prevaricating and procrastinating.

  15. #15

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Wales-Bales and I and every other know-all said from the outset that the Red-Blue cartel would conspire not to honour the Leave vote by way of prevaricating and procrastinating.

    I can identify which media every person reads from their views. Me, I just follow Twitter, 50% left and 50% right, and I observe my chosen protagonists squabbling and arguing amongst themselves. It soon becomes apparent who the truth tellers are on a particular topic. The media only exist to spin one side of the story.

  16. #16

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

  17. #17

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    There are no winners now, it's just a fecking mess.

    I have 4 major customers, 1 British, 1 Japanese, 1 German & 1 French. We employ 400+ people & double that in our supply chain. THe French company will not renew our contracts unless we relocate to Rumania, the German company (who we've supplied since 1998) have changed their contract wording to "must be made within the EU", so 60% of our business (& the associated jobs) disappear in March 2020. The British company's sales are down 45%.

    Whichever way this now plays out, at least 50% of our workforce won't have the employment they have today.

  18. #18

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

  19. #19

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I can identify which media every person reads from their views. Me, I just follow Twitter, 50% left and 50% right, and I observe my chosen protagonists squabbling and arguing amongst themselves. It soon becomes apparent who the truth tellers are on a particular topic. The media only exist to spin one side of the story.
    Who are the truth tellers on this one?

  20. #20

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Who are the truth tellers on this one?
    The wind is in the sails of the anti-globalists, and the EU/Obama/Clinton/Merkel/May vision of the world is dead in the water. Personally I think we should abandon ship while we still can.

  21. #21

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The wind is in the sails of the anti-globalists, and the EU/Obama/Clinton/Merkel/May vision of the world is dead in the water. Personally I think we should abandon ship while we still can.
    Hair brained gobbledegook as usual. You bragged about your predictive skills of identifying truth tellers form your finely balanced trawl of various media and commentators. On the specific subject of the Conservative Party's handling of Brexit who are the truth tellers?

  22. #22

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Hair brained gobbledegook as usual. You bragged about your predictive skills of identifying truth tellers form your finely balanced trawl of various media and commentators. On the specific subject of the Conservative Party's handling of Brexit who are the truth tellers?
    Maybe hair brained gobbledegook to you, but the big players on the world stage have already dropped the globalists strategy.

    Watch the video above if you want to know who was double-dealing.

  23. #23

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by Des Parrot View Post
    There are no winners now, it's just a fecking mess.

    I have 4 major customers, 1 British, 1 Japanese, 1 German & 1 French. We employ 400+ people & double that in our supply chain. THe French company will not renew our contracts unless we relocate to Rumania, the German company (who we've supplied since 1998) have changed their contract wording to "must be made within the EU", so 60% of our business (& the associated jobs) disappear in March 2020. The British company's sales are down 45%.

    Whichever way this now plays out, at least 50% of our workforce won't have the employment they have today.
    You have my sympathies and I am sure this scenario is far from unique. I am working part-time on an EU contract as a sub-contractor to a Belgian firm because UK companies are already being excluded from tendering for EU work. Still I guess it's comforting that a few on this board will have the answers!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by Des Parrot View Post
    There are no winners now, it's just a fecking mess.

    I have 4 major customers, 1 British, 1 Japanese, 1 German & 1 French. We employ 400+ people & double that in our supply chain. THe French company will not renew our contracts unless we relocate to Rumania, the German company (who we've supplied since 1998) have changed their contract wording to "must be made within the EU", so 60% of our business (& the associated jobs) disappear in March 2020. The British company's sales are down 45%.

    Whichever way this now plays out, at least 50% of our workforce won't have the employment they have today.
    That is sad news once again workers are hurt , perhaps as there not much now between Labour and May commitement neither want a hard Brexit let's come togther as a cross party consensus now the right wing loons are gone ,let's think about the people .

  25. #25

    Re: BoJo go byebyes

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Still I guess it's comforting that a few on this board will have the answers!
    There is no way the EU's current plans can succeed without the support of the US, Japan, etc.. Trump was very quick to take the major partners of the US in a new direction. I'm afraid it's already game over for the EU, and the PM is absolutely wasting her time trying to turn back the clock. I'm looking forward to Friday's press conference!

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