Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
I've never expressed an opinion on it, so I'm not sure why you think I have? I did notice that a janitor was all over the place when questioned by a lawyer at a public hearing, so I'm not sure how something that is on the public record can be classed as a conspiracy?
You are becoming really ****ing annoying, to be honest. You know exactly why Sandy Hook will be remembered as a conspiracy theory; the suggestions of it being a 'false flag', that no children were actually killed and everyone involved were really actors. That's acceptable on any level, is it? There was never any facts or evience to suggest anything other than it being a mass murder in a primary school, yet some people cannot help themselves.

'...The janitor was all over the place...." seriously...f**k off. He had been witness to the death of dozens of children.

I know which side of morality I'd like to be on... and for that purpose, I'm done discussing this matter with you.