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Thread: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

  1. #301

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post

    How many illegal aliens voted? How many "dead" people voted? How many people voted twice?

  2. #302

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    How many illegal aliens voted? How many "dead" people voted? How many people voted twice?
    It’s been proved that this didn’t happen but please feel free to cut and paste a link from a right wing website.

  3. #303

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    It’s been proved that this didn’t happen but please feel free to cut and paste a link from a right wing website.
    Where was it proved?

  4. #304
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Typically this would never happen, you cannot take a polygraph test after a funeral, or any other emotional event. No wonder they don't want to realease the test data, video and audio recordings. It's a lot more interesting now that we know that the best friend who was advising Ford is ex-FBI/DOJ. She probably organised all of it, and got some old colleagues to run the the polygraph. The Senate Judiciary Committee really needs to get hold of that polygraph data, as well as the therapists notes. Let's see what else they are hiding.
    The biggest problem with this polygraph test is the lady is totally convinced something happened to her, and that is was him , if she has believed that fact over these many years , and kept telling yourself it was true, it would always be a positive in her mind ,whats lacking is hard evidential fact ,and it would fall in court .

  5. #305

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    The biggest problem with this polygraph test is the lady is totally convinced something happened to her, and that is was him , if she has believed that fact over these many years , and kept telling yourself it was true, it would always be a positive in her mind ,whats lacking is hard evidential fact ,and it would fall in court .
    I'm leaning towards there being some jiggery-pokery involved in the actual polygraph test. The Ford team are hiding the test results for a reason.

  6. #306

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post

    And just to clear this one up for lardy, the USA isn't a democratic republic, it's a Constitutional Republic. Nice try though!

  7. #307

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    It's called the Wrap-Up Smear..

  8. #308

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    So did I! She had my sympathy too, but now we are seeing the underlying theme is the same as the Trump Russia Collusion narrative. The lawyer representing Ford's high school friend was involved with the Clinton investigation and the Russia collusion investigation, until he abruptly left the DOJ national security division.

    Since most of the posts in the Trump thread are about corruption and collusion of one sort of another, it is to be expected that those talking about it will have one kind of view or another. Furthermore, I only took an interest in this topic because I realised that it goes much further than American politics. The networks involved are global, and the same frameworks are being used in many countries. Therefore any wrongdoing uncovered in the American system will have global ramifications. We have already seen other countries pleading with Trump not to release the Carter Page FISA warrant information which implicates the Obama administration.

    Personally, I wish it was all over and we could get back to normal. In fact, I originally thought that it would all be over fairly soon, but I didn't realise the full complexity of the issue, or that the system is set up to defend itself over all other interests. The media don't make things any any easier either, as they are usually complicit in any false narratives. The end result is that many people don't have a clue about what is really going on. The Americans are slowly getting there, and that is how an outsider got into the White House, but we still have a lot to learn about the ways of the world.
    There you go proving my point.

  9. #309

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    There you go proving my point.
    In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act.

    I can see you are going to keep your blinkers on until the bitter end.

    So let's just play the long game ...

  10. #310

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    There you go proving my point.
    BTW if I am proving your point, then you have to disprove mine, so why don't you start throwing some facts back at me and we can compare notes.

  11. #311

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    The biggest problem with this polygraph test is the lady is totally convinced something happened to her, and that is was him , if she has believed that fact over these many years , and kept telling yourself it was true, it would always be a positive in her mind ,whats lacking is hard evidential fact ,and it would fall in court .
    Yes, that's one reason why lie detector tests are a bit useless. However in court, other witnesses would be called to speak under oath. Maybe consider why no other witnesses, particularly mark judge, spoke at the hearing or to the FBI.

  12. #312

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    BTW if I am proving your point, then you have to disprove mine, so why don't you start throwing some facts back at me and we can compare notes.
    As I said in my post from a few days ago, I would like it for the allegations to be the truth, but I honestly don't know if they are, how can any of us who were not there say for certain that they are? One thing I'm certain of though is that if Kavanaugh was facing exactly the same accusations in exactly the same circumstances as a Democrat nominated by a Democratic President, your attitude would be one hundred and eighty degrees different to what it is now - you'd be adamant that the accusations were true.

  13. #313

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Yes, that's one reason why lie detector tests are a bit useless. However in court, other witnesses would be called to speak under oath. Maybe consider why no other witnesses, particularly mark judge, spoke at the hearing or to the FBI.
    It was a hearing, not a court case, . And the FBI interview Judge, the conducted 12 interviews after the hearing. Now why won't the Ford team release the polygraph data?

  14. #314

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    As I said in my post from a few days ago, I would like it for the allegations to be the truth, but I honestly don't know if they are, how can any of us who were not there say for certain that they are? One thing I'm certain of though is that if Kavanaugh was facing exactly the same accusations in exactly the same circumstances as a Democrat nominated by a Democratic President, your attitude would be one hundred and eighty degrees different to what it is now - you'd be adamant that the accusations were true.
    That's not true. Bill Clinton was my favourite US President, and I have criticized the Bushes on many occasions. I recalibrated my opinions when I started hearing about all the Clinton corruption, and things like the Epstein island, etc.. Yep, I had to do a 180° turn, but I don't hate the Democrats since I am a Corbyn supporter, although I am less keen on the Blairites for obvious reasons.

    Secondly, I am debating issues I consider to be true. If I didn't think they were true I wouldn't be arguing them. My observations are based on official government documents and statements from high ranking government employees. I get it that you think the points I make are not true and show evidence of bias, because they don't match up with your perceived facts. So ultimately you believe that your sources of information are superior to mine. That's fair enough, and I understand that you probably feel comforted knowing that your knowledge is backed up by such powerhouses of truth such as the Guardian, BBC, Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, etc., but I should remind you that this is the hill that lardy chose to die on regarding his Trump Russia Collusion Delusion theories.

  15. #315

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Yes, that's one reason why lie detector tests are a bit useless. However in court, other witnesses would be called to speak under oath. Maybe consider why no other witnesses, particularly mark judge, spoke at the hearing or to the FBI.
    It was a hearing, not a court case. And the FBI did interview Judge, they conducted 12 additional interviews after the hearing. Now why won't the Ford team release the polygraph data and the therapists notes?

  16. #316
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    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It was a hearing, not a court case. And the FBI did interview Judge, they conducted 12 additional interviews after the hearing. Now why won't the Ford team release the polygraph data and the therapists notes?
    Because the truth would be outed. Its slowly dawning on folk this was a poor democrat attempt to stop the appointment, now that doesn't make Trump a good or righteous person , it does however feeds his drain the swamp theroies.

  17. #317

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

  18. #318

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Obviously the president has been briefed on all of the facts, but even with my alledged lack of self-awareness and alledged extreme bias, I could see that the whole thing was staged. I admit that I was briefly taken in by the initial performance, but after a careful review of the facts, it became clear very quickly that the accuser Dr Ford had already perjured herself multiple times during her opening statement, and this was a strategic frameup of judge Kavanaugh.

  19. #319

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Because the truth would be outed. Its slowly dawning on folk this was a poor democrat attempt to stop the appointment, now that doesn't make Trump a good or righteous person , it does however feed his drain the swamp theories.
    Democrat lawyers, a complicit media, I am seeing a pattern emerging here!

  20. #320

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Obviously the president has been briefed on all of the facts, but even with my alledged lack of self-awareness and alledged extreme bias, I could see that the whole thing was staged. I admit that I was briefly taken in by the initial performance, but after a careful review of the facts, it became clear very quickly that the accuser Dr Ford had already perjured herself multiple times during her opening statement, and this was a strategic frameup of judge Kavanaugh.
    Did you do the briefing yourself?

  21. #321
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    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Obviously the president has been briefed on all of the facts, but even with my alledged lack of self-awareness and alledged extreme bias, I could see that the whole thing was staged. I admit that I was briefly taken in by the initial performance, but after a careful review of the facts, it became clear very quickly that the accuser Dr Ford had already perjured herself multiple times during her opening statement, and this was a strategic frameup of judge Kavanaugh.

  22. #322

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdman Of Alcathays View Post
    Did you do the briefing yourself?
    No, I independently came to the same conclusion by myself. Everybody on here had access to exactly the same information, but yet again some people are seeing something completely different. I call it the "lardy syndrome", which is characterised by an overreliance on suspect news sources.

  23. #323

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Well, we all have to work around our deficiencies, don't we? We can't let them hold us back.

  24. #324
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    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluebirdman Of Alcathays View Post
    Did you do the briefing yourself?
    Think Wales Bales is quoting the obvious ,I'm surprised any fair minded person , is now doubting this matter now and its lack of evidence, I'm sure the lady in question may actually believe it was him as he was there and now hes famous ,or did he turn her down for a date ?? but hey she could have been wrong , its was a very ,very long time ago , she was young , house full of people , drinking , possibility drugs ?? she was 15 ( why was a 15 year old there anyway,where were guardians and friends,what motivated an attendance at such a event )

    I cant remember anything when I was 15 ,mind you I didn't bump into anyone who later become famous, I did see some naughty stuff between girls and boys, at the ages of 15 and 17 .

  25. #325

    Re: Abuse accustations against Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanaugh

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Obviously the president has been briefed on all of the facts, but even with my alledged lack of self-awareness and alledged extreme bias, I could see that the whole thing was staged. I admit that I was briefly taken in by the initial performance, but after a careful review of the facts, it became clear very quickly that the accuser Dr Ford had already perjured herself multiple times during her opening statement, and this was a strategic frameup of judge Kavanaugh.

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