Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
In my opinion he’s surpassed Scoular, ok there were the fantastic European nights but Scoular couldn’t get us over the finishing line at league level. Malky did but had the tools to do it, Warnock has done it with a bit of string & some sticky back plastic. Us & the football community should look back on these last couple of seasons with him in charge as a bloody miracle.
If you're of a certain age, it's almost a rule that you have to consider Jimmy Scoular to be the best City manager you've seen, but it's getting harder and harder to overlook Neil Warnock's claims to that title - in fact, I gave up doing that at the end of last season.

You mention those great European nights, but Warnock, or most City managers of the past thirty odd years never had the virtual guarantee of Cup Winners Cup football that our team of the late sixties and most of the seventies had. Indeed, for the past quarter of a century or so, the only way City could ever play in European football was through qualifying the "English way", which basically means that we need to be winning FA and Football League cup competitions or through finishing in the top six or so of the Premier League. Fair play to Dave Jones and Malky Mackay, they got us close to the Cup wins, but I always considered the top six route as an impossibility - it's still really hard to see us making it, but Warnock has made it a little bit more attainable.

I've mentioned stacks of times before that I'm not a great fan of what I understand the "Warnock way" to be, but one thing Ihave changed my mind about is that he is, essentially, a defensive minded manager - anyone in charge of a Premier League "struggler" who goes into a game with the formation we had against Wolves ten days ago cannot be called a defensive manager!

Neil Warnock is, by some distance, the best manager I've seen at the club.