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Thread: British yellow vest protesters emerge

  1. #26

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Are you seriously suggesting it's the Russians, and not May along with the British political class, who are undermining the Brexit vote?

    I'm reminded of one of Winston Churchill's famous remarks: “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Nope. Russian debt to GDP is under 20%. In the UK it's 85%, USA it's 108%. My, er, the Russian homeland is in good nick.
    Good opportunity to emigrate then ,taxi

  3. #28

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Always blame the Russian, that's all they've got

  4. #29

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    But it isn't what 'we' voted for is it? What was actually said before the 2016 referendum:

    Wonder why this hasn't got a reply until now?

  5. #30

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Staying with what people voted for, no Briton ever voted to join the EU in the 1970s. The Common Market, a trading block, yes, but not the monster it evolved in to.

  6. #31

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Staying with what people voted for, no Briton ever voted to join the EU in the 1970s. The Common Market, a trading block, yes, but not the monster it evolved in to.
    What are you most looking forward to after the UK leaves the EU?

  7. #32

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    I'm tempted to say reading the wails of anguish by people like you. Though, I've stated from the off that Brexit wouldn't happen as it would be prevaricated and procrastinated away, which it has and will be. May's deal is Brexit in name only.

  8. #33

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I'm tempted to say reading the wails of anguish by people like you. Though, I've stated from the off that Brexit wouldn't happen as it would be prevaricated and procrastinated away, which it has and will be. May's deal is Brexit in name only.
    I had a feeling you might say something like that and avoid the question.

    You think the EU is a monster, what are you most looking forward to about the UK being out of the EU?

  9. #34

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    I had a feeling you might say something like that and avoid the question.

    You think the EU is a monster, what are you most looking forward to about the UK being out of the EU?
    Freedom to make our own laws, and have the ability to vote out those who fail to deliver on their promises. We also need to have control over who comes here, so that they are beneficial to our economy. Make Britain Great Again

  10. #35

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Freedom to make our own laws, and have the ability to vote out those who fail to deliver on their promises. We also need to have control over who comes here, so that they are beneficial to our economy. Make Britain Great Again
    My what if, theoretical, response to Lardy would have been similar to yours had you not nipped in first. I don't give a hoot and lose no sleep over whether Blighty becomes a majority non-white country 50+ years hence or if the ordinary man becomes as poor as the peasantry were centuries ago as I won't be around to witness it. I'd feel differently should either or both sprogs be concerned about their and their progeny's future, but they don't.

  11. #36

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    My what if, theoretical, response to Lardy would have been similar to yours had you not nipped in first. I don't give a hoot and lose no sleep over whether Blighty becomes a majority non-white country 50+ years hence or if the ordinary man becomes as poor as the peasantry were centuries ago as I won't be around to witness it. I'd feel differently should either or both sprogs be concerned about their and their progeny's future, but they don't.
    So, hypothetically, which EU laws are you looking forward to seeing disappear? And which UK laws are you excited about being introduced that we haven't been able to pass?

    How will we be able to vote out MPs in other constituencies if they're not doing their job? It seems to me that the idea that someone in France can't vote out an MEP in Italy is not that much different to someone in Cornwall unable to vote out an MP in Yorkshire. It works the same but on a different scale.

    Will our borders agency suddenly get the funding to properly deal with immigration? Because we have been able to turf out EU citizens who don't find jobs after three months, we just haven't done it.

    I'm afraid that if you voted Leave to Keep Britain White then you're going to be disappointed but I'm glad you are so honest.

  12. #37

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Which laws to elbow? Any and all that a sovereign UK parliament decide it doesn't wish to be subject to. Ditto for any EU directives and provisions in treaties.

    I made mention of what the agenda is in a quite recent post. It's known as the Kalergi Plan.

  13. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Staying with what people voted for, no Briton ever voted to join the EU in the 1970s. The Common Market, a trading block, yes, but not the monster it evolved in to.
    I do agree ,what I cant understand why it was allowed to evolve so badly through so many governments.

    Even now you have the majority of parliament left , right and centre wanting to stay in , and the folk still want out, which they voted for in their millions, in one of the largest turnouts in political history?

    One might ask what's the point in any vote after this ??

  14. #39
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    So, hypothetically, which EU laws are you looking forward to seeing disappear? And which UK laws are you excited about being introduced that we haven't been able to pass?

    How will we be able to vote out MPs in other constituencies if they're not doing their job? It seems to me that the idea that someone in France can't vote out an MEP in Italy is not that much different to someone in Cornwall unable to vote out an MP in Yorkshire. It works the same but on a different scale.

    Will our borders agency suddenly get the funding to properly deal with immigration? Because we have been able to turf out EU citizens who don't find jobs after three months, we just haven't done it.

    I'm afraid that if you voted Leave to Keep Britain White then you're going to be disappointed but I'm glad you are so honest.
    It's a bit late to vote for keeping Britian white , we are well past that point .

    The only way to control borders is too spend heavily like the USA.

    In my humble view we should validate and monitor entry to ensure it adds value, which we can do without leaving Europe ,its just suited us to embrace cheap labour, on the other hand where do we get cheap labour from to fill those low valued jobs, we have not got enough unemployment to fill those jobs , cake and bun as I see it??

  15. #40

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Which laws to elbow? Any and all that a sovereign UK parliament decide it doesn't wish to be subject to. Ditto for any EU directives and provisions in treaties.

    I made mention of what the agenda is in a quite recent post. It's known as the Kalergi Plan.
    But which ones? Don't you even have one in mind?

  16. #41

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Free movement for EU nationals would be top of the shop. Why they haven't removed those who are fit and able but unemployed for more than three months is bizarre.

  17. #42

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    It's a bit late to vote for keeping Britian white , we are well past that point .

    The only way to control borders is too spend heavily like the USA.

    In my humble view we should validate and monitor entry to ensure it adds value, which we can do without leaving Europe ,its just suited us to embrace cheap labour, on the other hand where do we get cheap labour from to fill those low valued jobs, we have not got enough unemployment to fill those jobs , cake and bun as I see it??
    Britain is 84% white the last time I looked.

  18. #43

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I do agree ,what I cant understand why it was allowed to evolve so badly through so many governments.

    Even now you have the majority of parliament left , right and centre wanting to stay in , and the folk still want out, which they voted for in their millions, in one of the largest turnouts in political history?

    One might ask what's the point in any vote after this ??
    My theory, one I've pressed a number of times, is both the red and blue teams are fundamentally the same who pursue the same agenda.

  19. #44

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Free movement for EU nationals would be top of the shop. Why they haven't removed those who are fit and able but unemployed for more than three months is bizarre.
    'They' being the UK Borders Agency.

  20. #45

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Britain is 84% white the last time I looked.
    And obviously you know the dominant colour of the EU nationals in the UK, so could you tell us what that is? What percentage white?

  21. #46

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    I don't know. I daresay I could look it up, but I care not. The fracturing of society has several fronts. The most important, in my opinion, has been to attack the family composition rather than mass immigration. Weaken what was the two parent family structure also weakens communities and society as a whole. That's been policy since the 1970s with both the red and blues keeping the gate wide open for single females to get knocked-up and receive extra income for remaining single. Ensuring the easy availability of illegal drugs is another strand of ruining predominantly white Christian countries. The Poppy Patrol (Yank army) have spent 17 years in Afghanistan overseeing a massive increase in heroin production and its uninterrupted distribution.

  22. #47

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I don't know. I daresay I could look it up, but I care not. The fracturing of society has several fronts. The most important, in my opinion, has been to attack the family composition rather than mass immigration. Weaken what was the two parent family structure also weakens communities and society as a whole. That's been policy since the 1970s with both the red and blues keeping the gate wide open for single females to get knocked-up and receive extra income for remaining single. Ensuring the easy availability of illegal drugs is another strand of ruining predominantly white Christian countries. The Poppy Patrol (Yank army) have spent 17 years in Afghanistan overseeing a massive increase in heroin production and its uninterrupted distribution.
    I was interested in your thoughts on why the EU is a monster. All I've seen in response is wriggling out of questions, general soundbites about where society is going wrong (the US poppy wars and UK welfare, neither EU related) and claims that you don't care despite posting at half past midnight.

  23. #48

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    As I’ve heard asked on numerous occasions what actual laws from the EU has a negative effect on your life? (to Brexiteers this)

  24. #49

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Staying with what people voted for, no Briton ever voted to join the EU in the 1970s. The Common Market, a trading block, yes, but not the monster it evolved in to.
    True. That's why we are now in a cleft stick - in that neither option (Brexit or the EU morphing into something it wasn't meant to be) seems appealing.

  25. #50

    Re: British yellow vest protesters emerge

    Meanwhile our heroes fighting for a better Britain and not at all begging for donations via PayPal take up the good fight berating coppers

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