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Thread: What is my Political stance ?

  1. #26

    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    I don't think I put it explicitly enough in that earlier post. For those who voted Labour between 1979 and 1997 then they may as well have voted Tory. The Tories then moaned and groaned from 1997 to 2010 about Labour's policies of mass immigration, QE, the burgeoning surveillance state and them creating almost one new law per day for every day they were in office. Have the Tories repealed any of those laws? Have they stemmed the wave of immigration? Have they shrunk the surveillance matrix? Have they ended QE? On every count, have they feck! As I said, they both follow the same agenda.

    Should Labour ever return to power with an overall majority - which I doubt because the great majority of former Scottish Labour voters have long since realised they'd been conned by the fake red/blue show - they will keep Universal Credit, continue to hound the sick and disabled and retain all the other unpopular shite Cameron and May have introduced.

  2. #27
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    I'll be 59 in April, I do not think that I'll see another Labour government, presently fantasy merchants and you have put, had the opportunities to undo lots of Tory shite but didn't, at least in the age of diversity, they have managed a 1st recently, and that is have a Lady MP behind bars, i note she has not resigned and is peddling her ideology from her cell, how she is managing to represent Peterborough now as an independent from a couple of square metres I'm not sure?, snout is in the trough and she isn't going to bow out gracefully but continue to take from the public purse, the public have to wait for her appeal before they can get shot of her, but be thankful for small mercy in that Labour has disavowed her and rightly so, I'll not waste anytime looking but I bet she's a remainer listening to Margaret Beckett in the car on the way home this evening, I think she called the May charade of her negotiation spot on, it's all been staged what we are seeing is just for public consumption, all that is left for the voters is an illusion of choice, politics stinks and the smell is coming from all sides.

  3. #28

    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    I'll be 59 in April, I do not think that I'll see another Labour government, presently fantasy merchants and you have put, had the opportunities to undo lots of Tory shite but didn't, at least in the age of diversity, they have managed a 1st recently, and that is have a Lady MP behind bars, i note she has not resigned and is peddling her ideology from her cell, how she is managing to represent Peterborough now as an independent from a couple of square metres I'm not sure?, snout is in the trough and she isn't going to bow out gracefully but continue to take from the public purse, the public have to wait for her appeal before they can get shot of her, but be thankful for small mercy in that Labour has disavowed her and rightly so, I'll not waste anytime looking but I bet she's a remainer listening to Margaret Beckett in the car on the way home this evening, I think she called the May charade of her negotiation spot on, it's all been staged what we are seeing is just for public consumption, all that is left for the voters is an illusion of choice, politics stinks and the smell is coming from all sides.
    I think your right about Labour in it's current state , however if it could remove its current leader , shadow home secretary and chancellor , and use the better skilled MP's in its midst ,I do think power is still achievable, as the Tory machine is broken .

    The lady who has gone to jail , has let herself down badly , abused her trust , and privileges, her son has history beyond this, and still don't understand the Russian chaps involvement, all very worrying .

    With regards the charade I think it's being played out on both sides .

    Labour missed a chance to show real leadership on Brext and make a difference .

  4. #29

    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I think your right about Labour in it's current state , however if it could remove its current leader, shadow home secretary and chancellor, and use the better skilled MP's in its midst.
    A return to Blairism?

  5. #30

    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    I’m 54 and showing no sign of moving to the right. I would love to see a radical Labour Government in power really changing the country for the better
    How is it Pearcey3 butt ???, no speak long time, hope you are well ?, what happened to scumV any idea ?

  6. #31

    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    Quote Originally Posted by chris lee View Post
    Hi there, my first post on the politics board.

    In the last few years I have started to take a keen interest in politics but I do not find myself aligned with any of the current party's or politicians viewpoints. I have outlined a few of my general thoughts below and I am genuinely curios to see if you believe I have a completely poor ill-educated mish mash of points, or if there is an actual sub culture of philosophy that I reasonably fit into.

    I have always believed myself to be a liberal person, certainly culturally, believe in gay rights, non discrimination, religious freedom.

    I come from a working class background, and would always fight in the corner of the working class man or women.

    However I feel that for true liberal progression and to provide opportunity and choice and freedom to the working class, this is achieved by breaking down power structures and layers, however liberal's and the left often support big government, regulation, high taxes, trade unions as a way to to keep the rich in check and to stop wealth monopoly.

    This just seems to me to exacerbate the problem, for example the financial crisis, was caused by banks taking huge financial risks, with little regard for everyone else, because they knew (rightly so) that the government would guarantee personal accounts and bail the banks out.

    I have since heard people argue, that a true conservative capitalist position would be to have let them fail, do not have government involvement in regulating banking at all, this would have devastated the sector, and they would have never taken those risks, less regulation and and truly free market, would increase competition towards being the safest and most secure banks for their clients. but instead people ask for more regulation and control of banking

    I guess the point I am trying to make above is surely, a really true capitalist society (which we have never really had, america got the closest which happened to coincide with its crazy boom years) with low regulation, no minimum wage, low taxes. This is all seen as right wing conservative thought, but it would in my view actually be of most benefit to the working class, we would have much stronger labour choices, cheaper prices due to less bureaucracy and most importantly freedom to choose to spend our money in the best way we feel fit for ourselves.

    I find it weird that, working people hand over so much money for the government to spend it as they feel fit for us, meanwhile employing tens of thousands of government workers on great salary's and pension benefits, it is just a whole level disrupting and slowing down free market economics.

    So far I understand that much of this sounds like an average conservative viewpoint, but then why is conservative viewpoints regards as against the working class, I see the exact opposite, breaking down structures of the elite and taking power and influence away is going to help stop the the top 1% and big business influencing policy and keeping the rich, rich.

    Now this is where I differ lots of working class / left people seem to be fighting against inequality by blaming capitalism and turning more towards socialist politics, but my understand of socialism and democrats is they seem to want to control business via regulation and high tax's in order to control the economy and stop exploitation, now unless my history is wrong, that is basically what fascism is? my goodness the Nazi's were literally called the national socialist party.

    So I still do not understand why conservative thoughts like I myself hold get called fascists by the progressive, Surely the way to stop the threat of fascism in not to encourage nationalisation of business and give more power to the government.

    In summary I just feel that lots of politics just seems arse backwards, a good example of this is brexit (whatever your opinion lets not debate that) but the paradox I see with EU, is that remain is supported hugely by politicians on the left, but yet the biggest votes for leave are amongst traditional labour communities, you can flip it upside down or take it back 20 years and you can just as easily have torries supporting remain, because they see it as reducing tariffs and obstacles for big business to grow and get rich, and the labour voters not liking the fact it benefits big business and we have hundreds of already rich highly educated mep's flying back and forth Brussels sitting in pointless chamber meetings collecting huge salaries, pensions and expenses.

    In final summary, maybe lets give true free market, Libertarianism , small government a go, the closest anyway has ever come to it, was the Americans back in the day, it is created the worlds most powerful nation and turned a significant proportion of the working american into a brand new middle class. There are some people calling for it and it me it makes sense, it just seems strange that I come to it from what I believe is a leftist perspective.

    P.S It is important to say some of my views are derived from Peter Schiff at occupy wall street, the video is below:
    You need to vote Plaid, a middle of the road slightly left of centre party.

    Labour, Conservatives, Lib-Dems are all right wing, in Labours case until recently they were right wing for about a third of a century who knows what they are in the last year or two with Parliamentary Labour still being right wing, the leader who's name is Jeremy and who has a brother called Piers and they are from the shires and he is part of the Islington set and has never done a proper job claims to be a socialist but why has he spent the last 30 years in a right wing party ?- I mention Labour because right wing media outlets like the beeb as well as the right wing press will refer to them as lefties this was not true for decades after they abandoned clause IV and had leaders like Blair and Brown, Blair was more of a Tory than Mrs Thatcher, the issue with the beeb is in their haste to stay in the middle of the Conservatives and Labour they moved out to the right wing following both parties further and further to the right and you ended up never hearing the case of the middle ground parties like Plaid and the SNP.

    Check out the political compass site to historically see where the big 3 Westminster parties are plotted and I think they still do a test that might indicate where you stand politically.

  7. #32

    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Uniparty, remember when Benn backed Cameron over Syria? Same deal with Brexit. They always come together on the big issues, and argue over the minor stuff. That is how the illusion of democracy works
    It would be splitting hairs to say I would prefer Labour over the Conservatives as Labour have abandoned the working class and are traitors to the poor.

  8. #33
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I think your right about Labour in it's current state , however if it could remove its current leader , shadow home secretary and chancellor , and use the better skilled MP's in its midst ,I do think power is still achievable, as the Tory machine is broken .

    The lady who has gone to jail , has let herself down badly , abused her trust , and privileges, her son has history beyond this, and still don't understand the Russian chaps involvement, all very worrying .

    With regards the charade I think it's being played out on both sides .

    Labour missed a chance to show real leadership on Brext and make a difference .
    I liken the current Labour Party to the current Democratic party in the US, outdated with the party having been hijacked
    by nut jobs, only policies are to have no policy, unclear complex policy or arrrgh feck it, just tax em policy, I'd guess that I'm not far off with many in that I have no objection to honest and fair income based tax, but going overboard with individuals who create wealth for others (providing jobs) just drive them into tax evasion schemes, if you can see taxes resulting in good services then I'm in, our infrastructure is a mess, the policy of allowing total congestion of cities with cars, and if you believe the climate change brigade, is criminal and very easily solved with good public transport and incentive to use it. We do not seem to have a vision for the future and only an eye on the profit for tomorrow, does this change with change of governments? one swamp to another, one set of crooks to another, it's just to who can pull it off with the best deceit policy and we always fall for it, the world is changing at the moment, Vuvuzela, Europe, Brazil, South Africa, USA, Middle East, Russia, Korea, for the better?, I would guess that I would have to live another 20 years to see the result of the current shake down, anyway feck that, a decent performance last night and gutted for the team, I thought the draw was deserved but the season long problem continued.

  9. #34

    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    They say the older people get the more Conservative people get, that might be true, not in my case but it might have some merit as the older people are more likely to have mortgages and pensions and therefore have more to lose, look at the Scottish Independence referendum, the powers that be scared the living daylights out of the older people to swing the vote towards the Brit Nats.

  10. #35

    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    A return to Blairism?
    No not really, and it's very unfair to tag every centralist with that Blair badge ,in fact it's a bit short sighted as beside the man ,some of his governments home based policies worked.

    Many Labour centeralists stood up to him at the time and after , and in my view they dont deserve that perverse line, but I guess its suits the new narrow politics within the party .

    What happened to Labour's broad church mantra ?

  11. #36

    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    See what I mean about left to right progression - first instinct, blame the Labour party even when they haven't been in power for nearly a decade.

  12. #37

    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    I believe that a test of any country is how well it looks after its most vunerable and poorest. How its citizens have compassion and, if people can't accept everyone for who they are, then tolerance at least. Create the right conditions for business so everyone gets a fair crack of the whip. I don't believe that anyone can be successful just by working hard. Plenty of people work ridiculously hard without ever being able to become their own boss or gain promotion.

    I regard myself as extremely accepting of people for who they are. If I have a lack of tolerance, it is towards those hate others because of things like sexuality, race. It is towards those who promote greed rather than support the desperate. Britain has the greatest wealth inequality in Europe. That means we have plenty of money to go around, yet more and more are struggling with their day-to-day lives.

    I see mankind as a collective effort. We should seek to break down barriers between countries and be able to live together, not distance ourselves because some people hate foreigners. Britain is incredibly successful for its size yet some think it can be even better. The last time we achieved that was through wars and taking over countries. It's how America keeps its lead at the top of the world chain, though that is eroding. I would hate being a country like America, where the poorest live in squalor, people don't have basic health care, where guns are used routinely and where racism is still rife.

  13. #38

    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    Quite solidly libertarian socialist with no party affiliations

  14. #39

    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    I am with the thought you should vote for individuals not parties , on the basis of their abilities, and deliverance .

    I don't prescribe to political herding , or the shoulder voting , there are times you can disagree with a party your area or family have voted since time began for no matter , its not about left or right , its about wrong or right.

    Perhaps coalition is the answer .

  15. #40

    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    Centre slightly to the left. Putting my neck out here but the sort of polices espoused by the last Labour Government are the closest to my beliefs.

    I believe in nationalising the railways but not the utility industry (selfish reasons I admit)

    There’s never anything perfect and all govts will be criticised yet I can not think of one solitary single positive this current administration has done.

    I stand by my original thoughts that Brexit (hate the word) is a ****ing massive distraction and will border on disaster. I simply can’t but see the point in it for any posistibe except to make a few more multi millionaires richer.

    We live in an age where Facebook memes seem to have a massive sway on peoples thought processes and Brexit showed this I believe.

  16. #41
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Centre slightly to the left. Putting my neck out here but the sort of polices espoused by the last Labour Government are the closest to my beliefs.

    I believe in nationalising the railways but not the utility industry (selfish reasons I admit)

    There’s never anything perfect and all govts will be criticised yet I can not think of one solitary single positive this current administration has done.

    I stand by my original thoughts that Brexit (hate the word) is a ****ing massive distraction and will border on disaster. I simply can’t but see the point in it for any posistibe except to make a few more multi millionaires richer.

    We live in an age where Facebook memes seem to have a massive sway on peoples thought processes and Brexit showed this I believe.

    Still use FB, and like twitter whilst being passive but seriously trying to cut down on all this Social shit, been deactivating my account occasionally for the week days during the week, it is addictive and can be a bit of a laugh having the run ins on these platforms, I do get the hump on occasionally but for most of the time see it as banter, said it before, out of Splott and Ely you cannot be anything other than Labour which is what I've always been, however, during the last decade we have seen the party go from Tory light to the current loony left and thus politically numb UK side with no party of interest to me, the Brexit stuff has been interesting but the once its all settled one way or t'other, how long will this country take to recover from the divide?, I take more interest in the brutality of stateside politics.

  17. #42

    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Centre slightly to the left. Putting my neck out here but the sort of polices espoused by the last Labour Government are the closest to my beliefs.

    I believe in nationalising the railways but not the utility industry (selfish reasons I admit)

    There’s never anything perfect and all govts will be criticised yet I can not think of one solitary single positive this current administration has done.

    I stand by my original thoughts that Brexit (hate the word) is a ****ing massive distraction and will border on disaster. I simply can’t but see the point in it for any posistibe except to make a few more multi millionaires richer.

    We live in an age where Facebook memes seem to have a massive sway on peoples thought processes and Brexit showed this I believe.
    Must be something wrong with me I couldn't ever imagine being influenced by anything on Facebook or any other social media site , perhaps it's a sign of the times that folk can' t think for themselves .

  18. #43

    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    As a "non-user" of Facebook I can safely say I am not influenced by whatever goes on there.

  19. #44

    Re: What is my Political stance ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    As a "non-user" of Facebook I can safely say I am not influenced by whatever goes on there.
    As an ex Facebook user , since my last post, now worried it may take over my political mind without my knowing ,I will no longer log in .

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