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Thread: So you want to stay in the EU?

  1. #26

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Igovernor View Post
    Typical remainers spouting info that is not true, lets carry on letting criminals and terrorists into this country, and tell everyone that it is going to be a disaster when we come out, we voted by a majority to come out, all you remainers get over it, bunch of sore losers who are throwing their toys out of their prams!
    Or just sensible people who don’t want to see the economy tank because of a load of bullshit spouted on the side of a red bus.

  2. #27

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    We would be ill advised to give them Yanks all our information.
    I think they might already have it.

  3. #28

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I think they might already have it.
    Yes just one more reason why the UK is finished.

  4. #29

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Yes just one more reason why the UK is finished.
    The UK, US, Canada, Australia and NZ operate an integrated system.

  5. #30
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    We would be ill advised to give them Yanks all our information.
    US elections suggested that the UK along with their fives eyes partners are sub servient to the alphabet agencies of the US.
    Head of GCHQ stepped down immediately with the Trump inauguration. If he does declass FISA, I don't think the UK will
    come out smelling of roses. Maybe even her Maj will have a bit of explaining to do.

  6. #31

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    US elections suggested that the UK along with their fives eyes partners are sub servient to the alphabet agencies of the US.
    Head of GCHQ stepped down immediately with the Trump inauguration. If he does declass FISA, I don't think the UK will
    come out smelling of roses. Maybe even her Maj will have a bit of explaining to do.
    They refused to pay their taxes and fought the crown, they were a combined 5 years late entering the world wars and they were said by some to be going to wipe us off the face of the earth to stop the Russians using Blighty as an airbase during the cold war if the Red Army reached the English channel.
    We should play them but not trust them and not give them certain secrets.

  7. #32

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Whatever side of the debate you are on it is fair to say that the referendum did not clearly state the nature of any version of Brexit was to be voted on and, if anything less than a hard Brexit could be agreed upon, as to whether any version would have been acceptable to the EU. Not only are the proponents of Brexit split in what they want but also as to whether what they want is attainable. As a result we are indeed in an unholy mess at the moment.

  8. #33
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    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    The English have their Queen, the House of Lords and their State religion - none of them are elected are they ?
    And white van man

  9. #34
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    And white van man
    Long standing myth, its any van man.

  10. #35

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    The English have their Queen, the House of Lords and their State religion - none of them are elected are they ?
    Thank goodness that there are no Welsh people in the House of Lords or who are members of the religion that the Queen is head of.

  11. #36

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Thank goodness that there are no Welsh people in the House of Lords or who are members of the religion that the Queen is head of.
    A country who has unelected decision makers, a state religion and a monarchy could be said to be more akin to medieval times than the present day.

  12. #37

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    A country who has unelected decision makers, a state religion and a monarchy could be said to be more akin to medieval times than the present day.
    I am an anti-royalist, atheist who doesn't support unelected politicians - but do I detect a "Welsh = good, English = bad" in your recent posts?

  13. #38

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Good for you Genie and there is nothing wrong with the occupied territories [wink], but with them making up the largest block of the UK if their policies impact on us they need to be called out on such policies.

  14. #39
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    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    I am an anti-royalist, atheist who doesn't support unelected politicians - but do I detect a "Welsh = good, English = bad" in your recent posts?
    Its bit of kilter from the anti Israel, jewish American,Tory, middle ingerlund posts , you see from the usual suspects. 😃

  15. #40

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Good for you Genie and there is nothing wrong with the occupied territories [wink], but with them making up the largest block of the UK if their policies impact on us they need to be called out on such policies.
    Do you think that people in Cornwall, Newcastle, Cumbria, Stoke, Shrewsbury and/or Norfolk are all part of the ruling English block? Or is your beef really about the centralisation of wealth in the South East (a criticism made in many other countries regarding their capital cities and the areas where more wealth is accumulated)?

  16. #41

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Do you think that people in Cornwall, Newcastle, Cumbria, Stoke, Shrewsbury and/or Norfolk are all part of the ruling English block? Or is your beef really about the centralisation of wealth in the South East?
    Centralisation of wealth in the South East of England and to a lesser extent the South East corner of Wales as well.

  17. #42
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    I am an anti-royalist, atheist who doesn't support unelected politicians - but do I detect a "Welsh = good, English = bad" in your recent posts?

    Brussels ?, good night

  18. #43

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Centralisation of wealth in the South East of England and to a lesser extent the South East corner of Wales as well.
    In the most populous cities in countries then.

  19. #44

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    In the most populous cities in countries then.
    That is the way the world is apparently going, its definitely the way the UK is going with power and services being centralised in regional city states with out lying villages and communities left to decline.

  20. #45

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    That is the way the world is apparently going, its definitely the way the UK is going with power and services being centralised in regional city states with out lying villages and communities left to decline.
    Twas ever thus. From the days when man changed from a nomadic lifestyle to domesticating animals and planting crops and in the period of the Industrial Revolution when people left rural areas in their droves. People migrated to where the wealth was being created and abandoned the hinterland. Yes, government can intervene in the process to some degree...

  21. #46

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Twas ever thus. From the days when man changed from a nomadic lifestyle to domesticating animals and planting crops and in the period of the Industrial Revolution when people left rural areas in their droves. People migrated to where the wealth was being created and abandoned the hinterland. Yes, government can intervene in the process to some degree...
    Packing cities with more and more people only leads to overcrowded, smog filled slums, but that seems to be what the policies of the major UK parties lead too.

  22. #47

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by trampie09 View Post
    Packing cities with more and more people only leads to overcrowded, smog filled slums, but that seems to be what the policies of the major UK parties lead too.
    So the areas hoovering up the wealth of the country are littered with smog-filled slums...

  23. #48

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    That outburst was very unfair on Donald Tusk's part, surely endlessly parroting "take back control" and "project fear" constitutes a well thought out plan?

  24. #49

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    So the areas hoovering up the wealth of the country are littered with smog-filled slums...
    You forgot the overcrowding bit, so much so that they are even sleeping in tents on the streets.

  25. #50

    Re: So you want to stay in the EU?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Whatever side of the debate you are on it is fair to say that the referendum did not clearly state the nature of any version of Brexit was to be voted on and, if anything less than a hard Brexit could be agreed upon, as to whether any version would have been acceptable to the EU. Not only are the proponents of Brexit split in what they want but also as to whether what they want is attainable. As a result we are indeed in an unholy mess at the moment.
    All leave campaigns promised to have deals with the EU. Their manifestos are still online and can be checked. By going no-deal, the country would be going against the wishes of leave voters who voted for the promises they were given in the manifestos of voteleave, leave.eu and voteleavetakecontrol

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