Quote Originally Posted by SABlue View Post
No disrespect but this country has become a country of SNOWFLAKES, soft as FCUK

You can't say this, you can't do that ........ couple of snowflakes fall, all the schools close (health and safety) people don't even bother going into work. Teachers can't even discipline pupils it's absolutely pathetic.

Children suing their own parents - fcuking joke

So it pleases me to see this little tw@t who ran away to Syria to join the Islamic state get what she rightfully deserves
Quote Originally Posted by Igovernor View Post
That is the trouble with the UK too many good-doers if this board is anything to go by, which I guess it's not. Anyone on here that says she should be brought back and tried is living in cloud cuckoo land. She would probably not get more than 6 years and serve 3, then she would be living off the taxpayer, free house, free free council tax, child benefit, and more than likely disability allowance ( as the poor girl will say she has mental problems) having lived under Isis, also a new identity, and police protection, all paid for by the taxpayer.

If she had said that she made a mistake going out to join Isis and that she regrets it, and was appalled by all the be-headings and murders that ISIS committed and not stating that the Manchester bombings were justified, she may have had some sympathy, ( but not from me) for as as far as I am concerned she would only be lying.

How could any of you on here want to let her back into the UK, and not just her but anyone that went out to support ISIS, I really cannot understand, you must either be crackers, or are arguing for her just to be argumentative, or have really low intelligence!
How depressing are these two posts? Like a summary of the insidious, poisonous shite that’s been put out by our right wing press in the last few years.

No attempt to understand that situations are complex and that all actions have consequences. Just ignorant superlatives and made up “facts”.