Quote Originally Posted by Wolfmother View Post
Yes, maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about anymore.. It was a long time ago.. Depression and anxiety is treatable by symptoms and really don’t need a diagnostics review. Don’t know. But we where never less than four or five people going through diagnostics charts and symptoms reviewed over time. Symptoms of mental illness is common amongst everyone. But to fill a diagnosis you have to fill a certain procentage of the chart over time..
Helping people is a good thing. Throwing out diagnostics with “mental health training”, what ever that is, is another. I’m sure you are doing a fine job!
I wasn't throwing out a diagnosis as that is finite. Imagine you started feeling dehydrated all of the time, started urinating far more frequently and had feelings of sudden tiredness - if I said to you "with those symptoms, it sounds like you may have diabetes", that wouldn't be a diagnosis - it's just a suggestion that you may want to explore the option that it could be.

You keep going on about mental health training as if I got a certificate from collecting crisp packets - but it's specific training on symptoms of mental health conditions. Because of this useless training, many of my clients were eventually diagnosed (by qualified professionals) for mental health conditions (some of them as severe as paranoid schizophrenia) that had been missed for decades, because they had fallen through the gaps in society and people just thought that they were a bit weird.

Due to knowing what symptoms to look out for, I was able to support them to get the professional help that they needed. Also, because of their diagnoses, they were able to access the right welfare benefits to support them to live independently... which would have been instantly turned down previously.

I'm proud of my achievements, thank you.