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Thread: Stay in the EU petition

  1. #701

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Cognitive dissonance is so strong among certain sectors.

    It’s not worth debating on this board, there has not even after all these pages been one decent reason given to leave that isn’t completely easily proved to be nonsense.

    The brexit people were sold doesn’t exist, anyone who still wants it is happy for the country to become an economic backwater just so they can say they’ve “won”.
    It's incredible. A trade deal with the US is a massive opportunity when it's the UK but a real problem when it's the EU.

    I find it amazing that anyone can look at what is happening and still think, yeah this is gonna work out well in the end. Even if you're dead keen on the idea of brexit, just look at the people currently in parliament. We have no chance.

  2. #702

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    You've been listening to too much of that serious BBC stuff
    Ok, so I get it now. Wales Bales and xsnaggle are just here for some banter, not to debate serious grown-up type stuff. I'll confess it was stupid of me to imagine otherwise.

  3. #703
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    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    So because it's discussed on here, it's not serious? People have been laid off already and brexit hasn't even happened yet.

    Unfortunately, the people who don't think it's serious have the same voting power as those who do.
    Lardy, I meant the debate on here isn't serious in the great scheme of things, not that the subject itself isn't.

    But your last comment is deeply worrying. Do you believe that people who may be deemed to not understand something as much as others might should be denied a vote?

  4. #704

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    What's barmy is living in a country where half of the people are scared of their own shadows

    These two ****wits, you have to laugh.

  5. #705

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Lardy, I meant the debate on here isn't serious in the great scheme of things, not that the subject itself isn't.

    But your last comment is deeply worrying. Do you believe that people who may be deemed to not understand something as much as others might should be denied a vote?
    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-47833702 The bloke believes he's got his "identity back"!

    I know you have Russian sympathies and having lived in the young "democracy" that is Azerbaijan for a few years maybe you have lost touch with the concept that, in a democracy, people CAN CHANGE THEIR ****ING MINDS.

    You still haven't explained what the leave campaign actually won. Apart from bragging rights that lower this debate to nothing more than "banter" between rival fans. So, this is the perfect stage for such trivialities - providing Putin doesn't start deleting shit again.

  6. #706
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    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Swiss Peter View Post
    Ok, so I get it now. Wales Bales and xsnaggle are just here for some banter, not to debate serious grown-up type stuff. I'll confess it was stupid of me to imagine otherwise.
    Not entirely just for the banter Peter but some folk on here are so far up their own ar-es that the have this compulsion to force their ideas and opinions on others despite their deeper intelligence knowing they're never going to change 1 person's mind, and even if they did it wouldn't alter squat.
    Oh, and believe it or not, some on here are contentious and argumentative just to wind other people up. Shocking I know, but that's what boredom can do.

  7. #707

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Not entirely just for the banter Peter but some folk on here are so far up their own ar-es that the have this compulsion to force their ideas and opinions on others despite their deeper intelligence knowing they're never going to change 1 person's mind, and even if they did it wouldn't alter squat.
    Oh, and believe it or not, some on here are contentious and argumentative just to wind other people up. Shocking I know, but that's what boredom can do.
    I'm nearly 60 and have been on this board for about 20 years. Please don't patronise me.

  8. #708

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    It's incredible. A trade deal with the US is a massive opportunity when it's the UK but a real problem when it's the EU.
    We can have trade deals with both

  9. #709

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Swiss Peter View Post
    Ok, so I get it now. Wales Bales and xsnaggle are just here for some banter, not to debate serious grown-up type stuff. I'll confess it was stupid of me to imagine otherwise.
    You can ask lardy about my analytical skillIs. The secret is to never take sides, and just look at the facts

  10. #710

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Lardy, I meant the debate on here isn't serious in the great scheme of things, not that the subject itself isn't.

    But your last comment is deeply worrying. Do you believe that people who may be deemed to not understand something as much as others might should be denied a vote?
    I'm not talking about how much people are deemed to understand. Where did you get that from?

  11. #711

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Lardy, I meant the debate on here isn't serious in the great scheme of things, not that the subject itself isn't.

    But your last comment is deeply worrying. Do you believe that people who may be deemed to not understand something as much as others might should be denied a vote?
    Well that is a whole new can of worms. Denied the opportunity to elect a representative to act in their interests in parliament, no.

    People not understanding what they are voting for is a pretty good argument for not holding referendums. But then we are denied the right to vote on all sorts of things.

  12. #712

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Well that is a whole new can of worms. Denied the opportunity to elect a representative to act in their interests in parliament, no.

    People not understanding what they are voting for is a pretty good argument for not holding referendums. But then we are denied the right to vote on all sorts of things.
    People knew what they were voting for, you are just repeating the media construct that they didn't know.

  13. #713
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    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Swiss Peter View Post
    I'm nearly 60 and have been on this board for about 20 years. Please don't patronise me.
    I rest my case!!! But your profile says less than a year. What do your other profiles say????

  14. #714
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    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by JennyWren View Post
    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-47833702 The bloke believes he's got his "identity back"!

    I know you have Russian sympathies and having lived in the young "democracy" that is Azerbaijan for a few years maybe you have lost touch with the concept that, in a democracy, people CAN CHANGE THEIR ****ING MINDS.

    You still haven't explained what the leave campaign actually won. Apart from bragging rights that lower this debate to nothing more than "banter" between rival fans. So, this is the perfect stage for such trivialities - providing Putin doesn't start deleting shit again.
    Now you are getting ****ing personal. You do not know I have Russian sympathies. you know sod all about me. Do not suggest I have lost touch with anything. If you had ever lived in Azerbaijan and seen how ordinary folks live (if you can call it that) you would never ever dream of making the stupid comment you did.

    You haven't changed have you jirga?

  15. #715

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I rest my case!!! But your profile says less than a year. What do your other profiles say????
    You rest what case?

    I have only one profile. I left and re-registered. How about you?

  16. #716

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Swiss Peter View Post
    Ok, so I get it now. Wales Bales and xsnaggle are just here for some banter, not to debate serious grown-up type stuff. I'll confess it was stupid of me to imagine otherwise.
    I’m still waiting for xsnaggle to answer my question from the previous page. It appears he can’t

  17. #717
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Swiss Peter View Post
    You rest what case?

    I have only one profile. I left and re-registered. How about you?
    Only ever one. I don't have the urge to make up new ones to get at people or to duck being banned, which is what some, like jenny wren for example!

    I actually only learned of the board when I was working on the Olympics in London and a colleague asked me if I was a member. Silly thing is he left about a week after he arrived and I never found out what his name was
    By the way, the case resting, was regarding my comment about winding people up. sorry!

  18. #718
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    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by stevo View Post
    I’m still waiting for xsnaggle to answer my question from the previous page. It appears he can’t
    Sorry, missed it? What was the question?
    by the way, you must learn to differentiate between, 'cant', 'doesn't want to' and 'can't be bothered'. In this case I genuinely don't recall reading it.

  19. #719

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Assuming you can’t be bothered to turn back a page and find it - I have copied and pasted it below for your convenience:

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle
    Brexiteers don't need to put it to another vote. They won, remember?

    Yes, but won what? A leave with or without a deal or does it not really matter as long as we leave?

  20. #720

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by stevo View Post
    Assuming you can’t be bothered to turn back a page and find it - I have copied and pasted it below for your convenience:

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle
    Brexiteers don't need to put it to another vote. They won, remember?

    Yes, but won what? A leave with or without a deal or does it not really matter as long as we leave?
    I'm quite intrigued what the pro no deal people think of the long term. Do they never want a deal with the EU?

  21. #721

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    We can have trade deals with both
    But why would we get better than we have now when every sign is saying our economy will reduce following Brexit? And if freedom of movement is cost of our current trade deal with the EU then what will be the acceptable cost of a trade deal with the US post-Brexit?

  22. #722

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    and the result was??????????????????????????????????//

    The result isn't important, you basically implied they couldn't fight... One country controlled most of continental Europe for years due to their armies, the fact that pretty much every other power within Europe had to come together to beat that one country suggests that they could fight.

    Also how about the 100 years war... I think the French actually won that one eventually but some idiot named it before it had finished!
    Last edited by speedyblue; 06-04-19 at 22:41. Reason: autocorrect error

  23. #723

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    We can have trade deals with both
    We already have one with both. The US are not going to give little UK the same trade deal as they give the big EU... That's how trade deals work.... The bigger you are the better the deal you get. It also takes years to negotiate trade deals, they don't just grow in trees and personally I wouldn't trust this government to negotiate a reduced price on a sofa from DFS

  24. #724
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    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    On an earlier note This from a BBC post would tend to add some weight to Wales Bales' comment about the German Economy (God forgive me )

    "With the deadline for a Brexit decision looming next week on 12 April, Ms Kramp-Karrenbauer believes the risk of the UK leaving without a deal have "risen dramatically". This is something German business find no laughing matter.

    A recent poll suggested 100,000 German jobs could be affected by a no-deal Brexit.

    The BDI Federation of German Industry warned Germany would lose at least 0.5% of its GDP - and this at a time when the German economy is already heading south.

    That, I think, is why there is a sudden, noticeable softening in tone when EU leaders speak about Brexit."

    Ms Kramp-Kerrenbaur is the leader-in-waiting to take over from Merkel, so we should give her the benefit of some insight to the problem. The loss of GPD to an economy already faltering in an organisation with acknowledged financial and funding problems (recession, Italy and Greek debt problems etc) would have no small affect on the overall economic outlook.
    Ok, I'll bite. Let's suppose the forecast of a loss of 100k German jobs due to Brexit is correct. Agree?

    German exports to the UK constitute around 6.5% of all German exports. So a 0.5% loss in German GDP would result from a smallish reduction in German exports. So if you take UK exports to Germany, France, Holland, Ireland, Belgium, Spain and Italy and ignore the other UK to EU exports you have approximately 38% of UK exports. Using the same ratio, the loss of those exports would constitute in excess of a 3% loss in UK GDP and 600k jobs lost.

    If the Germans are worried, the UK subjects should be petrified ...

  25. #725

    Re: Stay in the EU petition

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    Ok, I'll bite. Let's suppose the forecast of a loss of 100k German jobs due to Brexit is correct. Agree?

    German exports to the UK constitute around 6.5% of all German exports. So a 0.5% loss in German GDP would result from a smallish reduction in German exports. So if you take UK exports to Germany, France, Holland, Ireland, Belgium, Spain and Italy and ignore the other UK to EU exports you have approximately 38% of UK exports. Using the same ratio, the loss of those exports would constitute in excess of a 3% loss in UK GDP and 600k jobs lost.

    If the Germans are worried, the UK subjects should be petrified ...
    Indeed. The maths are pretty simple on this one. And yet we keep hearing this "it's worse for them than us' line, presumably perpetuated by trash papers like the DM. When will these people wake up?

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