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Thread: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

  1. #1

    Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    Craig Bellamy will lose his position as Cardiff academy coach after an investigation into bullying claims against him.

    The former Wales captain has also agreed to undertake an education course following allegations of bullying, intimidation and xenophobia by an academy player.


  2. #2
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    He's agreed to take the course (and why not) but still denies the allegations according to the report.

    I wonder if the investigation proved bullying, or whether it was just too embarrassing and toxic (with the Mail leading the attack) for the club to be able to bring Bellamy back in from the cold.

  3. #3

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    Offer him a role on the senior staff.

  4. #4

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Morris View Post
    Craig Bellamy will lose his position as Cardiff academy coach after an investigation into bullying claims against him.

    The former Wales captain has also agreed to undertake an education course following allegations of bullying, intimidation and xenophobia by an academy player.


    I don't really know what to make of this.

    My instinct is to defend Bellamy. For one, I imagine he was probably subjected to similar treatment as a young player himself (and stood up to it) and I imagine his approach has got a lot to do with his professional upbringing. Secondly, I understand that the families don't want this to happen to other people's kids but firstly I think it's totally unacceptable that Bellamy be ostracised and treated like some sort of child abuser. I can't imagine the family will ever be happy to see Bellamy get another role in the game at any level. But he should be allowed to work.

    I like the idea that football with Wales should develop into a less "shouty-blokey" environment, and into one that is more positive, encourages conversation and is generally more civil, but it's an unfortunate fact of football that anyone wishing to be a professional will have to put up with criticism, banter and insults , which comes with the media and fan attention. I think that in most sports you have got to be ready to deal with this type of negative attention. Elite competitive sport is, by its very nature, very aggressive and generally, if you aren't able to put up with these demands, you are going to struggle.

    I think it was right to make CB step down whilst the investigation took place and I think that his attending a course to help him communicate differently is not only going to be good for those working with him, but also for the man himself. Beyond that point, I'm not sure that sacking him is the right answer and should imagine it's in some part down to PR. He was doing quite well with the youth team after all wasn't he ? I think he should apologise to the family, go on a course and be given the benefit of the doubt and a second chance.

    I'd like to see him manage CCFC one day and I hope possibility isn't completely scuppered because of this misdemeanour. It's a work place problem, not the national scandal that rags like the daily mail will have people think.

  5. #5

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    The irony ...


  6. #6

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    Quote Originally Posted by Divine Wright View Post
    I don't really know what to make of this.

    My instinct is to defend Bellamy. For one, I imagine he was probably subjected to similar treatment as a young player himself (and stood up to it) and I imagine his approach has got a lot to do with his professional upbringing. Secondly, I understand that the families don't want this to happen to other people's kids but firstly I think it's totally unacceptable that Bellamy be ostracised and treated like some sort of child abuser. I can't imagine the family will ever be happy to see Bellamy get another role in the game at any level. But he should be allowed to work.

    I like the idea that football with Wales should develop into a less "shouty-blokey" environment, and into one that is more positive, encourages conversation and is generally more civil, but it's an unfortunate fact of football that anyone wishing to be a professional will have to put up with criticism, banter and insults , which comes with the media and fan attention. I think that in most sports you have got to be ready to deal with this type of negative attention. Elite competitive sport is, by its very nature, very aggressive and generally, if you aren't able to put up with these demands, you are going to struggle.

    I think it was right to make CB step down whilst the investigation took place and I think that his attending a course to help him communicate differently is not only going to be good for those working with him, but also for the man himself. Beyond that point, I'm not sure that sacking him is the right answer and should imagine it's in some part down to PR. He was doing quite well with the youth team after all wasn't he ? I think he should apologise to the family, go on a course and be given the benefit of the doubt and a second chance.

    I'd like to see him manage CCFC one day and I hope possibility isn't completely scuppered because of this misdemeanour. It's a work place problem, not the national scandal that rags like the daily mail will have people think.
    Good post, but, apart from giving Alfie Madden's dad a chance to be "selfless" again, there is little of substance to the piece - I wonder if it will bring about some sort of clarification from City?

  7. #7

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    Bring him back after the course.

  8. #8

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    The fact he has been dismissed for bullying, despite his protestations of innocence, means he is guilty in the eyes of the football World.

    It's a shame as Bellamy is so motivated he probably is not exactly polite to those who fail to put as much energy into their game as he did. That might have been misconstrued as bullying but many would label such behaviour as passionate and committed.

    His pundit career also seems to be over, and with his other business issues he must be in a dark place at the moment. It's a great shame that a person so committed and enthusiastic about the game should be brought down by this issue.

  9. #9

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    Statement from the club denying this morning's Daily Mail report.


  10. #10

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    I know several decent people, who I trust implicitly, that have told me that his behaviour at first hand has been dreadful, and that in public he is the polar opposite of people such as Marshall, Bamba, Paterson and many other players we have had at the club. I have a feeling that he sadly has self-inflicted demons as a result of his striving for perfection in his role. I was involved in watching younger age teams being coached for many years and a lot of the "better" coaches showed classic bullying traits from the 70s.

  11. #11
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Statement from the club denying this morning's Daily Mail report.

    'Daily Mail prints bullshit, shocker!'

  12. #12

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    Quote Originally Posted by tomcat View Post
    I know several decent people, who I trust implicitly, that have told me that his behaviour at first hand has been dreadful, and that in public he is the polar opposite of people such as Marshall, Bamba, Paterson and many other players we have had at the club. I have a feeling that he sadly has self-inflicted demons as a result of his striving for perfection in his role. I was involved in watching younger age teams being coached for many years and a lot of the "better" coaches showed classic bullying traits from the 70s.
    To counter that, I've heard from different sources that players in the Under 18 side are missing Bellamy and that he was highly regarded - I think when you are talking about someone who is involved in the coaching and selection of twenty or more youngsters on a regular basis you are always going to get widely differing opinions about them and I would have thought it was inevitable that there would be plenty of accusations of favouritism.

  13. #13

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    If it had been any other paper I might have taken some notice. Someone at the daily mail obviously has an issue with Bellamy.

  14. #14

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    Quote Originally Posted by simonp_ccfc View Post
    If it had been any other paper I might have taken some notice. Someone at the daily mail obviously has an issue with Bellamy.
    Strange how this all came up after he blamed the press for inciting racism...

  15. #15

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    I have no doubt that he was highly regarded for his technical ability, the issue is about his behaviour here. What was acceptable in a workplace, which is close to what these kids are attending at training, has changed dramatically over the years.

  16. #16
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    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    Except he hasn't been dismissed

  17. #17

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Except he hasn't been dismissed
    Good, can`t help thinking some of these kids just couldn`t hack it or were just not good enough, and disgruntled parents couldn`t accept it. Remember how we all loved CB for his determination and drive, constantly dragging lesser players to better standards ?
    I still love the club wielding gobshite , great player and asset.


  18. #18

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    Quote Originally Posted by soulsurfer3 View Post
    Good, can`t help thinking some of these kids just couldn`t hack it or were just not good enough, and disgruntled parents couldn`t accept it. Remember how we all loved CB for his determination and drive, constantly dragging lesser players to better standards ?
    I still love the club wielding gobshite , great player and asset.

    We don't know the findings of the investigation only what was alleged by a players parent, we don't know if any other kids have come forward and complained about Bellamy and his behaviour and we don't know what the club have concluded. We have no idea what went on so i suppose it's only natural for fans to back one of our best players over the last 20 years-And he's local. I'm going to do the same-What if it was your son complaining about the issues raised while he was stuck in digs, 100, 200 miles from home, away from family and friends for the first time in their lives and in an environment more competitive than any of us will ever experience?

  19. #19

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    the thing with this is CB is old school, he put up with the rough times, the banter from other players and coaches, it was the norm for him

    Now these days the banter just isnt acceptable

    that being said, the stuff he was accused of ( lets not forget this all came about after the player/s were told they were no upto the standard ) just looked like blokey banter, the stuff the generation currently aged 30 plus would have brushed off and not cried to the press

  20. #20
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    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    Why don't the club say something then if its all Daily Snail crap , all I know from stories is that he's no angel and has his demons ?

  21. #21
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Why don't the club say something then if its all Daily Snail crap , all I know from stories is that he's no angel and has his demons ?
    The club have said something.

    They have said the investigation is continuing and Bellamy has not been dismissed.

  22. #22

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    As you rightly say there is so much we don`t know and of course we will back our own. If CB has been too hard or outspoken then of course it`s wrong and can`t be endorsed, but these kids are entering a cut throat world and have chosen , with parental support, to do so and give their best to make the grade. I feel for them but want also to see CB get the best out of every single player he is responsible for, it`s a tough world and enviroment for them, but we need the likes of CB to achieve that also for the good of the clubs future as well.

  23. #23

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    the thing with this is CB is old school, he put up with the rough times, the banter from other players and coaches, it was the norm for him

    Now these days the banter just isnt acceptable

    that being said, the stuff he was accused of ( lets not forget this all came about after the player/s were told they were no upto the standard ) just looked like blokey banter, the stuff the generation currently aged 30 plus would have brushed off and not cried to the press
    Don't your daughters play sport at a decent level? I'm sure you've said as much on here, apologies if i'm wrong. What if they made the accusations to you about a coach who was singling them out, or humiliating them in front of their peers, how would you react? The problem i have with this thread is that the majority are angling towards Bellamy based on nothing and the under lying theme is one of youngsters being soft as shit these days. The lad or lads in question left home at 16 and went to pursue a career in football miles from home, away from their families, friends and environment in an industry where they have two year to prove themselves against their peers, having a bad day isn't optional-Soft they are not.

  24. #24

    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    Quote Originally Posted by soulsurfer3 View Post
    As you rightly say there is so much we don`t know and of course we will back our own. If CB has been too hard or outspoken then of course it`s wrong and can`t be endorsed, but these kids are entering a cut throat world and have chosen , with parental support, to do so and give their best to make the grade. I feel for them but want also to see CB get the best out of every single player he is responsible for, it`s a tough world and enviroment for them, but we need the likes of CB to achieve that also for the good of the clubs future as well.
    Good reply, i get where you're coming from. It is a tough industry, but like i said, we don't really know how far it went and how sustained it was (If at all) I can imagine Bellamy having the highest of standards and not suffering those who aren't prepared to put everything on the line, although he is still dealing with Adolescents in a pressured situation and not all of these boys are going to react in the same way. If he is guilty of Bullying then i don't think that he would have carried it out in a way that was meant to damage or cause upset, Bellamy had a terribly difficult time settling in Norwich as a kid, maybe he thinks that because he got through it it made him stronger, thus a better player-Character building-Who knows.

  25. #25
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    Re: Bellamy to lose position at Cardiff City after bullying claims

    I'd like to know the exact timings in all this? When did this alledgedy occur? When did the boy leave Cardiff? Did he go to another club? If so did he make the grade and if not when was he told? When was the official complaint first made? Was a complaint made to CCFC at the time?

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