Quote Originally Posted by Don Corleone View Post
Weren’t people expecting the spectacular? There was a lot of hype about how expensive this series was. It would have been more disappointing if there wasn’t any spectacular battle scenes to finish the series
Depends what you see as spectacular - generally speaking, the sort of flashy and expensive graphics seen in the last episode don't do it for me, especially when you have a product as good as this programme has been until this series. There have been spectacular and very effective battle scenes in Game of Thrones before (e.g. Battle of the Bastards which I have called the most effective battle scene I've ever seen on film or television on here - it was far more realistic for me than the one in this week's episode).

I thought series 7 was a bit of a downturn in quality, but series 8 has been another level again - the balance between dialogue and action used to be just right, it has swing far too much in favour of the latter in this series.