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Thread: Ladies football Eng VScotland

  1. #51

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    the mens game has progressed as far as it will, in 20 years maybe the ladies game will catch up and close the gap
    Perhaps less: https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.m...t-14993123.amp

  2. #52

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    Quote Originally Posted by Baloo View Post
    There was a team with 4 girls in it at U15 level a few years ago in my boys league.

    We had to tell the boys to go easy and to respect the girls. The girls were playing at a very high standard and were apparently representing districts and 2 had played for Wales at some level - their parents told us.

    We played the attackers in defence and defenders up front - we also put the goalkeeper up front

    The referee also warned our kids not to go in rough as he would give fouls for any physicality - he also blew up early when it got to 15 nil.

    The girls parents thanked us at the end for our boys not giving any verbal crap to the girls on the pitch as apparently some of the teams kids had been 'rude' to the girls on the pitch.

    I hated it and so did the boys - it was a farce.

    I have sponsored girls teams and have watched/supported local girls teams over the years and I continue to do so

    The standard is at best awful but it is good for girls to have competitive sport.

    I would not watch it on TV as I find it tedious - I find people who say it should be be equal to mens/boys football don't actually watch it but say it to appear 'right on'

  3. #53

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    I don't get why people need to be so aggressive towards those who don't think women's football is much fun. Women's football will never reach the level of men's because of the physical difference between the two. I wish women well and hope more of them will enjoy this great sport but women's football will never reach the level of men's football.

  4. #54

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    It’s quite pathetic comparing Women’s football to men’s. Why do some people constantly do it?
    Like the women themselves who think they deserve the same wages as the top men’s players?

  5. #55

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    Quote Originally Posted by binman View Post
    There was a team with 4 girls in it at U15 level a few years ago in my boys league.

    We had to tell the boys to go easy and to respect the girls. The girls were playing at a very high standard and were apparently representing districts and 2 had played for Wales at some level - their parents told us.

    We played the attackers in defence and defenders up front - we also put the goalkeeper up front

    The referee also warned our kids not to go in rough as he would give fouls for any physicality - he also blew up early when it got to 15 nil.

    The girls parents thanked us at the end for our boys not giving any verbal crap to the girls on the pitch as apparently some of the teams kids had been 'rude' to the girls on the pitch.

    I hated it and so did the boys - it was a farce.

    I have sponsored girls teams and have watched/supported local girls teams over the years and I continue to do so

    The standard is at best awful but it is good for girls to have competitive sport.

    I would not watch it on TV as I find it tedious - I find people who say it should be be equal to mens/boys football don't actually watch it but say it to appear 'right on'
    I’ve seen quite a few games at Women’s National League Level too, but do we really need to labour the point that it’s a long way behind the men’s game. That’s so obvious that we don’t really even need to select a men’s team just for the sheer enjoyment of watching them being put in their place as discussed in this thread. Right on?

  6. #56

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    Quote Originally Posted by The Bob Banker Spanker View Post
    Like the women themselves who think they deserve the same wages as the top men’s players?
    Personally I think there’s a load of male footballers who’s wage should be dropped down to the women’s level.

  7. #57

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    Quote Originally Posted by binman View Post
    There was a team with 4 girls in it at U15 level a few years ago in my boys league.

    We had to tell the boys to go easy and to respect the girls. The girls were playing at a very high standard and were apparently representing districts and 2 had played for Wales at some level - their parents told us.

    We played the attackers in defence and defenders up front - we also put the goalkeeper up front

    The referee also warned our kids not to go in rough as he would give fouls for any physicality - he also blew up early when it got to 15 nil.

    The girls parents thanked us at the end for our boys not giving any verbal crap to the girls on the pitch as apparently some of the teams kids had been 'rude' to the girls on the pitch.

    I hated it and so did the boys - it was a farce.

    I have sponsored girls teams and have watched/supported local girls teams over the years and I continue to do so

    The standard is at best awful but it is good for girls to have competitive sport.

    I would not watch it on TV as I find it tedious - I find people who say it should be be equal to mens/boys football don't actually watch it but say it to appear 'right on'
    this is where is needs to change right at the bottom at grassroots level, If a boy and girl start playing the game at U7 and have the same level of coaching the difference will not be so massive when they hit U15 , yes the boys will be slightly quicker, and have more of the physical presence, but the skill set will be very similar

    I could counter your story by one i have seen this season, a U12 girls team from near swindon would give many U12 boys team a game, the coach is a Dev coach from swindon town ( and a nice bloke ) and he has coached this girls team for over 5 years now, they are a very good team

    but of course this is a one-off, i accept that, but as i said before, the 2 games are not comparable, one is very much in its infancy

  8. #58

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    Quote Originally Posted by William Treseder View Post
    It’s quite pathetic comparing Women’s football to men’s. Why do some people constantly do it?
    Just enjoy it for what it is, or don’t watch it if you don’t like it.
    It’s as daft as comparing different men’s sports.
    A top 10 tennis player would hammer a top 10 squash player at tennis, and vice versa.
    The world 8 ball champion would hammer Judd Trump at* 8 ball and vice versa etc etc.
    It is interesting why people do compare, and I know a few.
    Here's a theory, topical too...

    Almost all men in the top 100 would beat Serena Williams (or whoever is No. 1 these days).
    Yet the prize money for this year's Wimbledon singles is the same for the women's winner and the men's winner.
    It could be argued that this is a bit unfair, especially as the men play a minimum of three sets per match and the women a maximum of three.
    The fairer sex had battled to receive their "fair" share of the spoils for ages and won. Good luck to them!

    However, perhaps (I'm guessing here) people are thinking that there may be similar parity in the coming years in football?

    Of course there is always the possibility that these people have a female boss

  9. #59

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    Quote Originally Posted by MacAdder View Post
    It is interesting why people do compare, and I know a few.
    Here's a theory, topical too...

    Almost all men in the top 100 would beat Serena Williams (or whoever is No. 1 these days).
    Yet the prize money for this year's Wimbledon singles is the same for the women's winner and the men's winner.
    It could be argued that this is a bit unfair, especially as the men play a minimum of three sets per match and the women a maximum of three.
    The fairer sex had battled to receive their "fair" share of the spoils for ages and won. Good luck to them!

    However, perhaps (I'm guessing here) people are thinking that there may be similar parity in the coming years in football?

    Of course there is always the possibility that these people have a female boss
    Women's football deserve the same pay as men the day they attract the same crowds, same sponsorship and same interest levels.

  10. #60

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    3 Irons on my shirt
    Jules Rimet needs cleaning!

  11. #61

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    As many people pay to see Serena Williams as pay to see Rafa Nadal. So why shouldn't she get the same money?

  12. #62
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    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
    As many people pay to see Serena Williams as pay to see Rafa Nadal. So why shouldn't she get the same money?
    Because she doesn't do as much work. simples!
    Navratilova once said that women were worth the equal money even without playing 5 sets, just for the bitchiness and gossip they generated (or owrds to that effect). She must know lots that I never heard. But to be fair I think its only in the grand slam tournaments the men play 5 isn't it?

  13. #63

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Because she doesn't do as much work. simples!
    Navratilova once said that women were worth the equal money even without playing 5 sets, just for the bitchiness and gossip they generated (or owrds to that effect). She must know lots that I never heard. But to be fair I think its only in the grand slam tournaments the men play 5 isn't it?
    Is it just about how long the matches are and how much work they put in? They don't get paid per set or per minute.

    A good two hour match is far better than a seven hour tedious marathon.

  14. #64

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    I think women tennis players deserve the same level of pay but women's footballers don't. They are a long way off deserving that. If ever.

  15. #65

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    Pity the poor man who’s had the Women’s World Cup shoved down his throat

    Once again I am hugely grateful to the community that will not allow us to forget the great under-reported story of this Women’s World Cup: men. Most specifically, the men who are not watching it. We hear so much about the tournament itself. Too much, it is argued – and at the expense of one of the four great civil rights questions of our era: 1) When are we getting a White History Month? 2) When is International Men’s Day? 3) Isn’t it time we had Straight Pride? and 4) Can you imagine how sexist people would say it was if we had a men’s World Cup?

    I could not agree more with the gentlemen who dare to ask these questions – and not just so that I can buy time while I frantically locate the exit. Indeed, as part of this column’s tireless commitment to celebrating the underdogs, this week let’s redress the dangerous cosmic imbalance caused by the Women’s World Cup. Here follows a celebration of all the different guys who currently need to explain to you – at length – why they aren’t watching it. As always, you don’t have to be a woman to have met some of these men over the past week. But it certainly helps!
    Women's World Cup match attracts bigger TV audience than cricket

    Mr Stop Shoving It Down My Throat

    Listen, this guy is absolutely fine with this tournament existing, being alive, whatever. He’s open-minded – it’s not the dark ages any more. Nothing against it. What he objects to – and he’d like you to know that you’ll find a lot of other perfectly decent people like him – is it being “shoved down his throat”. Yes, it’s the shoving. Down the throat. It’s like: fine. I’m happy for you to do your football in the privacy of your own wherever, but please: have some sensitivity and realise that not all people are like you. So basically just don’t do it in front of him, or involve him. Seriously: don’t involve him.

    Also don’t do it near his kids, especially the girl. For reference, ways that it can be shoved down his throat include “being on TV” and “being on a website he normally looks at”, for instance that of the British Broadcasting Corporation, which, by covering a sport that averaged 4.6 million viewers on Sunday night for England’s game against Scotland, is pursuing a right-on agenda. Actually, let’s be real for a minute: no one wants to see this. Put it away.

    Mr I’m Being Branded Sexist

    This guy is fairly sure he’s being “branded sexist” for not watching the Women’s World Cup. I think if you need to ask “by who, specifically?” then in a very strong but also abstract sense you’re part of the problem. He is definitely getting this definite feeling that he is being made to feel sexist. It’s all part of an agenda. No, he’d rather not continue this conversation. He can’t win, because you just can’t say anything these days.

    Mr Inferior Product

    Nothing but respect for the guy who declares “the game’s gone” about every tiny piece of commercialisation in men’s football, but falls over himself to describe the women’s game as “an inferior product”. I mean, on the one hand, a reminder: if you refer to football as either “product” or “content” – ever – you are an endless wanker. No exceptions. But on the other: I’m sure it felt like an interesting point when you made it. Your points are not inferior products: keep producing them to surplus.

    Mr I Prefer Parks

    No one more than me wants to help the guy whose chief point about the 2019 World Cup is: “I would so much rather watch parks football on a Sunday morning.” I would also rather he did this.

    Mr Stop Telling Me It’s Massive When It’s Really Not

    Totally. But dude: read that one over and then probably just delete it. I know you’d hate for anyone to take it out of context. And that’s what they do; they take things out of context and then they twist what you say.

    Mr I Always Support England

    Always supports England, no matter what. No one loves his country more than him. But this isn’t “England” by any reasonable yardstick. Which bit of England do they represent then? Not a bit he recognises.

    Mr Have Fifa Got A Point

    I love this guy, who has spent years – decades – scoffing that Fifa are a bunch of incompetent chisellers who leech money out of the game, and do less than the bare minimum to grow it while lining their own pockets. Unbelievable that they don’t pay local taxes and have a cash surplus of $2.7bn when they should be a force for good. But this chap looks at the fact that the men’s World Cup prize fund is $400m, that the women’s is $30m. He knows he can’t fall back on viewing figure ratios, given that the men’s gets four times the viewers of the women’s, but 13 times the prize money. And he knows the gap between the men’s and women’s prize fund has actually risen over the past four years. Even so, and for reasons he can’t quite put his finger on: haven’t Fifa got a point in just this one case? Oh, just to be clear, that’s a rhetorical question. Which means you don’t get to answer it.

    Mr I’m Just Not Watching

    Short of hearing what other people dreamed about last night, hearing which things other people aren’t watching on television is even better. Have you never seen an episode of Game of Thrones? Do you dislike Love Island? Are you not watching the Women’s World Cup? If so, this is massive. Make sure to tell as many people as possible today.
    Every single one of these are posting in this thread !

  16. #66

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    It’s been a big year for women’s football in Spain, and its popularity is growing at an astonishing rate. In February, a record attendance for a women’s game was set as 48,121 people watched Athletic Club take on Atlético Madrid at San Mamés – a greater attendance than any men’s game at the same stadium this season. A month later that record was broken as a whopping 60,739 people watched Atlético’s defeat to Barcelona at the Wanda Metropolitano. Real Sociedad’s Copa de la Reina win in May made the front pages of both Marca and AS, and Spain’s win over South Africa on Saturday was watched by two million people on TV channel GOL – more than any other game on the channel this season, including several La Liga games.
    No one is watching it!

  17. #67

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Every single one of these are posting in this thread !
    I read this earlier too, absolutely bang on

  18. #68

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    doesn’t mention breaking women’s legs at least !

  19. #69

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    Credit where credit is due. Impressed with the Japanese women. Man City esq albeit slower.

  20. #70
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    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    Nigeria V France was that just simple cheating by officials to get hosts through ?

  21. #71

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Nigeria V France was that just simple cheating by officials to get hosts through ?
    Thought the same too. Let's face it women's football are desperate for France to go far. Empty stadiums will not suit their agenda. Some strange decisions tonight

  22. #72

    Re: Ladies football Eng VScotland


    The France pelanty incident. Looks suspiciously like they did what they could to get the frogs through.

    The foul (already soft) was 72 mins and it must have been at least 80 mins before the game restarted

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