Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
For all the MAGA Trumpies out there (and on here) who have posted many, many (see what I did there?) photos of the Great Leader meeting the Great Leader - two megalomaniacs with weird hair - just what has been achieved? I understand it was a GREAT photo op. It was also a GREAT photo op in a place that doesn't usually do them. Symbolically it was either a triumph or a humiliation (according to taste), but what is the real difference in the real world?
Peace on the Korean peninsula will be a game changer for many, many people if and when it happens. It may even lead to a reunification of the two countries one day. The lefties only hate it because it was Trump who brought the peace process forward, which makes all the lefties look a little bit wierd in my book! If Obama did it we would be hearing about Nobel Peace Prizes for the next 50 years